"Results of bullying are compounded due to the increasing use of the internet and mobile phones (Perren, Dooler, Shaw, and Cross, 2010; Smith et al,. 2008). This yields what is often referred to as cyberbullying." "It is an act of aggression that is intentional, repetitive, and towards an individual of lower power (cf. Olweus, 1993), but they extend it to electronic forms of contact (Perren at al., 2010; Smith et al., 2008). Cyberbullying can take various forms such as sending unwanted, derogatory, or threatening comments, spreading rumors, spreading pictures or videos that are offensive or embarrassing by text, email, chat or posting on websites including social networking sites (e.g. Ybarra & Mitchell, 2004a).
I didn't even consider cell phones when I thought of ways that people can cyberbully one another. The fact that wireless, internet-friendly devices can be carried on the go make it much easier for people to harass others at almost any time of day, wherever they may be.
Furthermore, adolescents' access to both internet and mobile phones is expected to rise (Lee, 2005). The relationship between age and cyberbullying via mobile devices has not yet been investigated directly. A study by Ortega et al., (2009) showed victim rates in cyberbullying via mobile phones to be higher for older students while this was not the case for cyberbullying via the internet; however, this study does not consider cyberbullying via the internet through mobile devies. In addition, it has been shown that communication modes widely used via mobile devices such as instant and text messaging are increasingly used for cyberbullying as children get older (Kowalski & Limber, 2007). Given the above it is expected that during adolescence cyberbullying via mobile as opposed to other devices will increase with age."
It is interesting that as children get older that they use technology more, for not only games and social networking, but to torment others. It is also striking that cyberbullying will become more mobile than just from a home computer.
"Our findings indicate that cyberbullying on-the-go causes more distress than cyberbullying does already. It appears that this is due to bullying experiences on SNS and IM. However, it cannot be a solution to ban adolescents from the use and some of the opportunities that they can gain through such applications such as increased life satisfaction, perceived social support and positive self-views (e.g., Gentile, Twenge, Freeman, and Campbell, 2012; Manago, Taylor, and Greenfield, 2012).
Adolescents use the internet for good and evil. The fact that cyberbullying can now be more than instantaneous is beyond shocking. It is up to the adolescent themselves how they use the web.
"In addition, modern smartphone technologies, combining cameras and internet access with instant availability, yield themselves to some specific types of cyberbullying where pictures and videos of embarrassing, derogatory or a sexual nature can be instantly and anonymously uploaded and distributed."
The internet took bullying to an entirely new level. Since phones have cameras and are connected to the internet everything can be uploaded instantaneously.