GCS - Eyes -1
- Does not open eyes
- No response
GCS - Eyes - 2
Opens eyes in response to painful stimuli
GCS - Eyes - 3
Opens eyes in response to voice
GCS - Eyes - 4
Opens eyes spontaneously
GCS - Verbal - 1
Makes no sounds
GCS - Verbal - 2
Incomprehensible sounds
GCS - Verbal - 3
Utters inappropriate words
GCS - Verbal - 4
Confused, disoriented
GCS - Verbal - 5
Oriented, converses normally
GCS - Motor - 1
Makes no movements
GCS - Motor - 2
- Extension to painful stimuli (decerebrate response)
- Abduction of arm, external rotation of shoulder, supination of forearm, extension of wrist.
GCS - Motor - 3
- Abnormal flexion to painful stimuli (decorticate response)
- Adduction of arm, internal rotation of shoulder, pronation of forarm, flexion of wrist
GCS - Motor - 4
Flexion/Withdrawal to painful stimuli
GCS - Motor - 5
Localizes painful stimuli
GCS - Motor - 6
Obeys commands
GCS range and classifications
- 3-15
- Severe: ≤8
- Moderate: ≤ 9-12
- Minor: ≥13
Cranial nerve II
- Optic nerve (eyes)
- Central and peripheral vision
Cranial nerve III
- Oculomotor (eyebrows)Movement and constriction of eyeball
Cranial nerve IV
- Trochlear (2 under nose)
- Move eyes down
Cranial nerve V
- Trigeminal (face)
- covers the face (forehead, cheek, jaw)
- Contraction of chewing muscles
Cranial nerve VI
- Abducens (One on each side of nose)
- Eye movement to the sides
Cranial nerve VII
- Facial (head)
- (Facial movements and expression)
- Sense of taste
- Contraction of facial muscles
- Secretion of saliva
Cranial nerve VIII
- Vestibulocochlear (Ears)
- Sense of hearing and equilibrium
Cranial nerve IX
- Glossopharyngeal (Base of tongue)
- Taste
- Secretion of saliva
- Sensory input for cardiac, respiratory, and blood pressure reflexes
- Contraction of pharynx
Cranial nerve X
- Vagus (base of tongue)
- Sensory input for cardiac, respiratory and blood pressure reflexes
- Sensory and motor input to larynx
- Decreased HR
- Peristalis
- ↑ digestive secretions
Cranial nerve XI
- Spinal accessory (shoulders)
- Contraction of neck and shoulder muscles
Cranial nerve XII
- Hypoglossal (tip of tongue)
- Movement of the tongue