Most commonly used device. O2 concentrations of 24% (1L/min) to 44% (6L/min)
Simple Mask
Covers nose & mouth. Only for short periods of time. O2 concentration of 35%-50% w/ flows of 6-12L/min. Mask humidifies inspired air
Partial Rebreather
Short-term (24hr) for pts needing 60%-90% at 10-15L/ min. Flows into reservoir bag & mask during inhalation. Preferred over non-rebreather. Vents remain open
Non-rebreather mask
Short-term (24hr) for pts needing 60%-90% at 10-15 L/min. Flows into reservoir bag & mask during inhalation. Mk sure valves are open during expiration and closed during inhalation
Card Set
Med Surg part 2
Medical Surgical Part 2 Nursing 243, Faretta's class