everything is greek
carolingian renaissance
- Carolingian Empire
- Charlemagne
- educational reform: train people to read/write
- urban schools
liberal arts (trivium)(quadrivium)
- trivium: grammar, rhetoric, logic
- quadrivium: arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy
urban schools
- liberal arts
- Martianus Capella
- village size increased
cathedral schools
- church run schools
- Charlemagne?
- communities of people
- learning
- logical argument for the existence of god
- is god one being?
- no approval
Peter Abelard
applies logic (logical questions) to god/faith
Bernard of Clairvaux
- anti-abelard
- can't apply logic to faith
- world is orderly
- divine craftsman gives atoms shape
- focus on the natural order
the translation movement
- averroes/avecinna (arabic)
- bible/works more accessible to nobles
- protestant reformation
Averroes (Ibn Rushd)
- "commentator" (on aristotle)
- radical aristotelianism / latin averroism
Avicenna (Ibn Sina)
- argued with aristotle natural philosophy
- reconcile with religion
- arabic (translation movement)
University of Paris
- received translations from arabic guys
- about aristotle
- theology > philosophy
- special permission to teach aristotle
- backlash = radical aristotelianism
- world is eternal
- creation ex nihilo (from nothing)
handmaiden thesis
- thomas aquinas
- philosophy is the handmaiden of theology
- medieval
- (medieval philosophers didn't call themselves that)
university faculties (arts; law–medicine–theology)
- evolved from cathedral schools
- approved by vatican?
radical Aristotelianism/Latin Averroism
- reconcile aristotle and islam
- arabic translations of aristotle works
- unity of truth (one truth) reached through philosophy or religion
doctrine of the double truth
- contradictions: one true, one false
- unity of truth
- theology must determine the truth
- logic vs belief
- philosophy = theology
Etienne Tempier, condemnation of 1277
- no aristotle @ paris uni
- control what people learn/think
- protect religion
- everything pre-determined
- natural order to how things follow
- only natural causes
- hard version of naturalism
divine omnipotence
is god all powerful?
unity of truth
- only one truth
- book of scripture, book of nature (must agree)
Thomas Aquinas
- reconcile faith and reason
- boo averroism
- handmaiden?
Middle Ages
yay religion, boo science
Renaissance humanism
- greeks were awesome
- move forward using their shit
- yay education
- yay humanities (trivium)
Lorenzo Valla
- humanist
- yay grammar! among other things
- forgery:
- conservative: back to ancient sources/tradition
- radical consequences: claiming it's a forgery undermines catholic authority
Donation of Constantine
constantine gives money to science!
sector – demonstrator – lector
- sector- does actual dissection, not an academic, does not speak latin
- lector- read the lesson, teach
- demonstrator- points at what sector is dissecting/lector is talking about
- medieval
- lectures on anatomy
- printing
Vesalius, On the Fabric of the Human Body (1543)
realism – instrumentalism
- realism = natural physics
- instrumentalism = use that shit
Sacrobosco, On the Sphere
- earth = sphere
- universe = clockwork
Theory of the Planets literature
- explained almagest?
- explained shit (instrumentalist? realist?)
Ptolemy, Planetary Hypotheses
- nested spheres, physical reality
- computed dimensions of the universe based on epicycles
Peurbach, New Theories of the Planets (1454)
- presents ptolemy's epicycles
- crystalline spheres
- motions controlled by sun
Regiomontanus, Epitome of the Almagest (1496)
- restore astronomy
- put back together database???
- translation of ancient works = bad
- gaps between theory + observation
Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres (1543)
- heliocentric
- explains: retrograde motion, changes in brightness/size, bounded elongation
- one UNIFIED system
only one center which is earth
bounded elongation
mercury and venus
the Wittenberg Interpretaton
- Copernicus theory studied at university
- took bits and pieces they liked?
Protestant Reformation
- purity of the church
- no idols
Andreas Osiander
- preface for Copernicus
- instrumentalist over realist because calm your tits church
stellar parallax
shift of position of stars based on perspective
Tycho Brahe, Instruments for Astronomy Restored (1598)
- tycho's idea
- earth center, sun around earth, planets around sun
- because couldn't see stellar parallax
Keler, Secret of the Cosmos (1596)
Kepler, A New Astronomy Based on Causes, or Celestial Physics (1609)
Kepler, Epitome of Copernican Astronomy (1618-1622)
Kepler, Rudolphine Tables (1627)
- progress of astronomy
- instruments
- tycho
- etc
Galileo, Sidereal (Starry) Messenger (1610)
Medicean planets
jupiter's four moons