· Time from arrest through the trial itself
· Consists of how brought to court, how charged, discovery, sum of motions filed
· On site- cop
· Arrest Warrant
· Indictment
How to be arrested
· On site and arrested or does soon after
· They can see the crime or what a witness sees
· Information has to lead them to probable
cause beyond reasonable doubt even though the person probably did it
On Site Cop
· Crime occurred and need to be developed and solved
· After figure out person did it, how to get them into court --> a warrant
Arrest Warrant
· Legal document prosecutor and judge have to sign
· layout facts that there is probable cause that this is the crime and this person did it
Legal document handed down by a grand jury (similar to an arrest warrant)
body of regular people who hear info from prosecutors and they determine if there is probable cause to arrest the person in secret (due process)