Social Welfare Midterm

  1. Issues of discrimination
    • Classism
    • Sexism
    • racism
    • poverty
    • institutional discrimination
  2. Conservatives
    • Republican Party
    • Right side/wing
  3. Liberals
    • Democratic party
    • left wing/side of political spectrum
  4. Reactionary
    • Far right
    • Extreme conservative perspective
    • I.E- Libertarians
  5. Radical
    • Far left
    • extreme liberal perspective
    • I.E- Socialists
  6. Common belief of Conservatives and Liberals
    Both want to maintain the current structure, but make it fit their view point
  7. Common view of reactionaries and radicals
    Both want to completely change the current system
  8. Conservative views of human nature
    • People are pessimistic
    • People are corrupt, lazy, self-centered
    • People need to be controlled
  9. Conservative views of individual behavior
    • People are autonomous (self-governing), free will
    • Result of motivation; choice; responsibility Poverty is due to irresponsibility, laziness, and lack of self-control
  10. Conservative Views of the Family
    • Gov’t welfare program weakened the family, contributed to poverty
    • Healthy Marriage Initiative (HMI) in 1996
    • Value traditional family image and family as a helping resource
  11. Liberal view of human nature
    • Optimistic
    • People are social, curious, and loving
    • Accept the “blank slate” view
    • People do not have to be controlled.
  12. Liberal attitude toward change
    • History is progress 
    • Better social welfare system
  13. Radical view of change
    Believe social welfare systems have not gone far enough
  14. Radical views of human nature
    • Optimistic
    • People are inherently hard-working and creative
    • Hard work as a virtue
  15. Liberal and Radical perspectives on individual behavior
    • Result of our environment
    • Result of immediate consequences of behavior Support prison programs (criminal behavior is learned)
  16. Liberal and Radical view of family
    • Liberals- family is evolving institution; flexible, pragmatic
    • Radicals- regard the conservatives’ family perspective as oppressive and a distortion of both male and female talents
  17. Reactionary view on change
    • Believe change has already gone too far
    • Social welfare programs should be eliminated
  18. Conservative views of social system
    • functional perspectives
    • what exists is useful and necessary
  19. Liberal view of social system
    • frequently unfair
    • changes will reduce inequality and increase social justice
  20. Radical view of social system
    • Conflict perspective; a class hierarchy
    • Changing society completely is the only way to prevent inequality
  21. Conservative government and economic view
    free-market process is legitimate; compassionate conservatism
  22. Liberal views of government and economy
    • Prefers governmental welfare programs to private ones
    • Gov’t regulation of economy
  23. Radical views of gov and economy
    • both public and private elements; complete restructuring is necessary
    • Socialism
  24. Reactionary views of gov and economy
    • abolishing the income tax
    • less government
    • ending the war on drugs
    • repealing all gun laws
  25. Conservative to moderate labels in the real world
    • Traditionalists, neo-traditionalists, conventionalists
    • Most people aren't strictly liberal or conservative, but a mix of both.
  26. Liberal to radical labels in the real world
    • Communitarians, pragmatists, and permissivists
    • Most people aren't strictly liberal, radical, reactionary, or conservative, but a mix of many.
  27. Social Work’s Core Values
    • Service
    • Social Justice
    • Importance of Human Relationships
    • Integrity
    • Competence
  28. Is social work primarily for Conservatives or Liberals?
    It is more liberal than is the general population but a large number of conservatives and moderates feel to comfortable within the professions ranks
  29. Migrant Worker Speakers
    • José Salinas- Was a child of former migrant farm workers; Center (OMEC) since June of 2000.
    • Kimo Kim- Arrived in Michigan to study in 1981. Serving the migrant program in Michigan since 1987
  30. Migrant worker statistics
    • 215 million migrants worldwide
    • 3% world‟s population (more than Brazil, almost 70% of USA populatoin
  31. Immigrant:
    A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another.
  32. Migrant:
    • Moves from place to place for seasonal or temporary work.
    • The move can be an interstate, intra-state, or international
  33. Grapes of Wrath
    Migrant farm worker story of John Steinbeck opened the eyes of Americans.
  34. Harvest of Shame
    • One of most famous documentaries of all time, 1960's
    • by Edward R. Murrow brought needed legislation to the plight of the migrant farm worker
  35. 1965, Mexican farm worker labor movement
    • Asking living wage, level, decent housing, children education to move out of the vicious cycle of poverty
    • Cesar Chavez- leader
  36. Title I – Part C, Migrant Education
    • Started in 1967.
    • President Lyndon B. Johnson‟s “War on Poverty”.
    • The U.S. Department of Education awarded each state money to provide supplemental educational services to migrant farm children and to keep children out of the fields.
  37. Children in the fields
    • 70% of working children in agriculture.
    • Almost ½ million children working in USA farm.
    • Extreme hazardous condition & long hours Pesticide, Sharp tool, enormous machines. More than 100,000 children are injured every year.
  38. Migrant issues in USA, Now
    • Double standards of USA legal system.
    • About 20% of the handpicked food we eat is picked by kids in USA.
    • Average farm worker family makes less than $17,500 a year, well below the poverty line.
  39. 2 purposes of social welfare
    • Social treatment (helping) 
    • Social control
  40. 9 American Social Values
    • Judaeo-Christian charity values
    • Egalitarianism and individualism
    • Protestant work ethic and capitalism
    • Social Darwinsim
    • New Puritanism
    • Patriarchy
    • White Privilege
    • Marriage/ nuclear family
    • American "ideal"
  41. Judaeo-Christian charity values
    • People must care for one another.
    • Social work ethics reflect Judaeo-Christian values, but social work practice owes more to individualistic values
  42. Democratic Egalitarianism and Individualism
    • All citizens are equal before the law (citizenship used to= male property holders)
    • Individual responsibility –Blame the victim –Failure on personal lack of effort
  43. Protestant Work Ethic & Capitalism
    • the moral basis for American capitalism 
    • –Work for economic gain is the way to success, a moral obligation 
    • –Poverty and public dependency demonstrate immorality
  44. Social Darwinism
    • Survival of the fittest applied to human society.
    • lives of people who were “economically unfit” should not be saved by public assistance
  45. New Puritanism
    • Honesty, abstinence from things defined by religion and custom as immoral.
    • the sanctity of marriage and family
    • patriarchal authority in the home
  46. Patriarchy
    • Male heads of families (power and authority)
    • Related to: sexism, classism, racism, neocolonialism or imperialism
  47. White Privilege
    • European American norms are universal and supreme to other cultures.
    • The power advantages that people of European descent collectively have over people of color
  48. Marriage and the Nuclear Family
    A social, sexual, and economic relationship in which a man and a woman are legally joined to found and maintain a family
  49. The “American Ideal”
    • Lookism
    • Otherism (ableism, ageism)
  50. Why the United States was a “welfare laggard”
    • Individualism (equality of opportunity) 
    • –Self-sufficiency 
    • –Voluntarism 
    • –Distrust of government 
    • –Market competition
    •  –“land of abundance”
    • No reason for people to be poor and therefore no reason for any but the most private charity
  51. Definitions of health and illness
    • Culturally determined.
    • Biological model
    • Ecological and Holistic approach
    • General Systems model
    • Navajo view vs. World Health Organization
  52. Biological definition of illness
    A deviation from a biological norm
  53. Biological definition of health
    Absence of disease
  54. Ecological and Holistic views of health
    Take into consideration environmental, socioeconomic, physiological factors which impact individual wellness.
  55. general system theory view of illness
    Disruption of the interaction of natural systems
  56. Navajo view of illness
    A disharmony with nature
  57. biological model view of treatments
    Technical, medical treatment
  58. World Health Organization view of health
    A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
  59. World Health Organization view of treatment
    Coping strategies
  60. Ecological and Holistic view of treatment
    A person’s ability to function in the fullest and most positive way (self-actualization).
  61. General systems theory view of treatment/recovery
    Spectrum of malfunctioning to functioning
  62. Health care costs in the U.S
    • Patient cost $680 vs $100 of actual cost
    • Latest technology
    • growth of managed care
  63. How are health costs being covered in the U.S?
    • Private health plans (employee related)
    • Fed. Gov't expenditures (reimbursement for patients who can't pay)
    • Out of pocket costs
  64. Americans with and without health care
    • 48 million Americans lack health insurance- Census Bureau 2013
    • 9% of children under 18 are uninsured
    • "medically poor"
  65. Medically poor
    People who do not qualify for assistance (Medicaid), but whose low wages prevent them from buying health insurance.
  66. Major indicators of health (in a society)
    • life expectancy
    • Infant mortality rate
    • AIDS
  67. Factors that shape health and disease
    • Cultural factors (diet and health practices)
    • Environmental factors (pollution)
    • Economic factors (poverty vs. wealth)
  68. Disease and race/ethnicity
    • Diabetes among many native people (Oglala Sioux)
    • High blood pressure among African Americans due to diet, smoking, and stress
  69. Impacts of low income on health
    • Lack of adequate health care
    • higher rates of:
    • Chronic disease
    • death rate (3x)
    • Obesity
    • Diabetes
    • Asthma
    • Tuberculosis
  70. Public health approach to health and illness
    • Focuses on prevention of illness
    • environmental causes of illness
  71. 3 aspects of public health approach
    • Primary- prevention
    • Secondary- early detection
    • Tertiary- rehabilitation
  72. Holistic Health Model
    • Interrelationship of psychological, biological, and environmental systems
    • Focuses on modifications in eating patterns, meditation, relaxation, exercise, and attitudes toward illness
  73. U.S Health care in the 1800's
    • Public Health Reform bill- 1848
    • The U.S. Public Health Service- 1912
    • New theories about the environmental and social causes of disease
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Social Welfare Midterm
BGSU Social Work, Social Policy class with Dr.Lee Fall 2013 Midterm