muscle arise from embryonic muscle cells called
functional unit of striated muscle
each sarcomere is bounded at either end by a
Z disk
contains only thick filaments and only myosin
middle of H zone is
m line. contains enzymes that are important in the energ metabolism of muscle fibers
portiion between 2 A bands and only thin filaments is and actin only
I bands
muscle contracts when
the cross-bridges on myosin molecules bind transiently to sites on actin molecules, causes myosin to change conformation
when myosin comlexes are treated with proteolutic enzme trypsin
separate into light meromyosin and heavy meromyosin
isometric contraction
length of muscle doesnt change
isotonic contraction
muscle is allowed to shorten
filamentous protein that runs parallel to actin filaments
around the perimeter of each myofibril at the level of the z disk is a hollow membranous tube called
traverse tubule T-Tubule. less 0.1 micrometer in diameter
four major groups of vertebrate skeletal muscle
tonic fibers and 3 types of twitch fibers(phasic)
tonic muscle fibers
contract slowly, no twitches, postural muscle no atp
slow twitch or type I
contract slowly fatigue slowly. contain large number of mitochondrai and have rich blood supply. dark meat
fast twitch oxidative type IIa
high v max, activate quickly, flight muscles,relativley resistant to fatigue
fst-twitch glycolytic type IIb
high v-max activate and relax quickly, few mitchondria rely on anaerobic glycolysis for atp, white breast
causes a joint to close
causes joint to open
collection of motor neurons that innervate a particular muscle is
motor pool
represents one alpha motor neuron and all the muscle cells it contacts synaptically
motor unit
heart contraction is
myogenic, initiated in te muscle fibers themselves
class of msucles that lack sarcomeres and do not appear striaed when viewed with a micro
smooth muscles
binds to thin filaments in smooth muscle, prevents binding between myosin and actin.calcium binding regulatory protein role in latch mechanism smooth muscle
troponin-c structurally like, calcium-binding protein regulatory protein found in all tissues
red muscles contain
myoglobin and are power muscles, slow
white muscles
less myoglobin fast but fatigue easy
striations are created by
myosin and actin overlap
groups of muscle cells, surrounded by perimysium