
  1. Petal
    Attracts insects with color and scent
  2. Sepal
    Protects flower in bud and when closed
  3. Receptacle
    Supports all the other parts of the flower
  4. Nectary
    Produces nectar to attract and reward insects
  5. Ovary
    Contains one or more ovules
  6. Ovule
    Contains an ovum, contains female sex cell
  7. Style
    Supports the stigma
  8. Stigma
    Catches pollen on its sticky surface
  9. Carpel or Pistil
    Unit containing all the female parts of the flower
  10. Anther
    Pollen producing structure
  11. Filament
    Stalk supporting the anther
  12. Stamen
    Unit containing all the male parts of the flower
  13. Pollen
    contains the male sex cell
  14. Name the parts of the flower on the picture
  15. What is the life cycle of a flowering plant?
    Germination, growth and development, flower development, pollination, fertilization, fruit and seed development, and dispersal.
  16. What are the two types of pollination?
    Self-pollination and cross-pollination
  17. What is pollination?
    The transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma
  18. What is self-pollination?
    The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or another flower on the same plant.
  19. What is cross-pollination?
    The transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma of a different plant
  20. Name agents of pollination
    • insects - rose, daisy, sunflower, lily
    • wind - grasses, cereals - wheat, barley, maize
  21. What is fertilization?
    The male sex cell fuses with the female sex cell. A new individual arises - first cell of the new individual = zygote
  22. What is the first cell of a new individual in a plant called?
    A zygote
  23. In insect pollination, why does an insect come?
    To collect nectar or pollen for food
  24. What attracts an insect to a flower?
    The scent and colored petals advertise the presence of food.
  25. How does an insect get pollen on its body?
    By brushing past anthers to get to nectaries, this is purely accidental.
  26. When does pollination take place?
    When the insect brushes some of the pollen grains it collected before on to the stigma, purely accidental
  27. Pollen grains will only grow tubes if they land where?
    On a stigma of their own species
  28. What happens when a pollen grain arrives on a stigma?
    The pollen grain will germinate and begin to grow a pollen tube
  29. The pollen tube grows through the style towards what?
    An ovule inside the ovary
  30. What is a gamete?
    The male sex cell
  31. What is the small hole the male gamete enters the ovule through called?
    A micropyle
  32. Where do the male and female sex cell fuse?
    In the ovule
  33. The zygote divides to form what?
    The seed
  34. What does the ovary change to?
    A fruit
  35. What is Fruit and Seed Development?
    • zygote --> embryo --> inside the seed
    • ovule --> seed
    • ovary --> fruit
  36. What is dispersal?
    The spreading out of the seeds
  37. Why is dispersal necessary?
    Less competition for resources which are space, water, sunlight, and minerals
  38. What are agents of dispersal?
    • Wind - dandelion, sycamore, poppy
    • Water - coconut
    • Self Dispersal - explosive pods: peas, beans
    • Animal - attaches to the fur: burdock
    • edible fruits: blackberry, papaya, apple, tomato
  39. What is germination?
    When the seed starts to grow
  40. What conditions are needed for germination?
    water, warm temperature, and oxygen
  41. What conditions are not needed for germination?
    soil, minerals, and light
  42. Testa
    Seed coat
  43. Cotyledon
    food reserve
  44. starch
  45. Embryo
    baby pland
  46. Radicle
  47. Plumule
    Shoot or leaves
Card Set
Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant, Flower