peds 2.10

  1. separation anxiety with the child comes in 3 stages. what are they?
    • 1. protest
    • 2. depair
    • 3. detachment
  2. the infant is being left alone in the hospital. at what age do they begin to experience separation anxiety?
  3. you are caring for an infant in the PICU. you worry about the machines making noise all night. why is that?
    you want them to get sleep.
  4. can a toddler experience separation anxiety?
  5. can you ask what the illness is feeling like? can you ask the toddler?
    the preschooler knows that he's sick. the toddler doesn't really understand.
  6. you are taking care of a 6th grader. can you tell a white lie to make him feel better?
    no. they can sense that you're lying.
  7. you are taking care of an infant, a 4yo, and a 6yo. which one are you thinking about letting them play with your equipment?
    the preschooler.
  8. a child has withdrawal and quietness. which stage of anxiety is he experiencing?

    C. despair
  9. a child does not show protest when the parents leave the room. what stage of anxiety is the child experiencing?

    C. detachment
  10. the child is crying when the parents leave the room. what stage of anxiety is the child experiencing?

    C. protest
  11. what age would be appropriate to give large blocks to play with?
  12. what age would be right to give a soft rattle to play with?
  13. what age would be right to play peek-a-boo with to calm them down?
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peds 2.10