Don't remeber Adv

  1. Target Segment
    Subgroup ( of a larger market) chosen as the focal point of  a campaign.
  2. Position
    Designing and representing the product/service so that it will occupy a distinct and valued place in the target consumer's mind
  3. Positioning Strategy
    Selection of Key themes/concepts that the organization will feature when communicating this distinctiveness to the target segment.
  4. STP marketing ( IMPORTANT)
    It represent a Sound basis for generating effective advertising, because a market with any diversity will need to be approached from multiple angles.
  5. 2 ads from seventeen magazine
    Different target segments
  6. Beyond STP Marketing 2 options to Maintain Vitality
    • 1. Reassess the segmentation strategy
    • 2. Pursue product differentiation strategy
  7. Psychographics( AIOS)
    emphasizes the understanding of consumers' Activities, Interests , and Opinions( AIO)
  8. 3 Motivations of VALS
    • ideal
    • Achievement
    • Self-expression
  9. Lifestyle segmentation under the psychographic segmentation
    • Vals ( Value and and lifestyle)
    • motivation ( ideal, achievement, self-expression)
  10. VAl
    • Values and LifeStyles.
    • Organized in terms of resources and primary motivation.
  11. Prioritizing Target Segments
    • 1. What segment wants Vs firm's ability to provide it
    • 2. Size and growth of potential segment
    • 3. Evaluate the competitive field.
    • Business compete for segment's business and decide whether it has a particular expertise, or just wast of money.
  12. The best way to engage niche markets it via?
    • Social market
    • ( GM=2% of the Celiac disease)
  13. 3 essential tips for effective positioning
    • 1. Deliver on the promise
    • 2 There's magic in consistency
    • 3. Make it different simply.
  14. State Farm ad is an example of what virtue in positioning?
    Consistency " Like a Good Neighbor: has been a hallmark of the brand for years.
  15. What positioning them does the AXE ad apply?
    It uses user positioning
  16. Repositioning
    Redeploying the STP Strategy to revive a failing brand and arrive at a new positioning strategy
  17. What type of positioning does the Tylenol ad apply
    It applyes competitive positioning
  18. Value Proposition
    Functional, emotional, and self-expressive benefits of the brand to target segment. It's critical to the ongoing success of a firm.
  19. Three Fundamental positioning theme
    • 1 Benefit ( Customers get from the brand)
    • 2. User (specific profile of the target)
    • 3. Competitive ( use competitor show what you can do)
  20. 4 Dimensions on which to evaluate research
    • RVTM
    • 1. reliability
    • 2. Validity
    • 3. Trustworthiness
    • 4. Meaningfulness
  21. Developmental Advertising
    Consumer insight. What bernbach demanded
  22. Developmental ad
    Method: Design Thinking
    Get marketers and advertisers to think like designers.  ( What consumers really need) instead of engineer
  23. Copy research
    • Evaluative research
    • It reserches on the actual ads themselves.
  24. Copy research : Communication Tests
    • determines whether or not customer" get" the message clearly.
    • Is there unintended double enterdre or image?
  25. 6 Evaluative Criteris of the Copy Method
    • 1. What do they remember
    • 2. knowledge
    • 3. attitude change
    • 4. Feelings and Emotions
    • 5. Physiological Change
    • 6. Behavioral intent
  26. Cognitive residue
    Pieces of the ad mixed with consumer's own thought and reactions that are left in the mind.
  27. Account planning Vs. Traditional research
    • 1. work with single client
    • 2. Research is more prominent
    • 3. planning Agencies use more qualitative and naturalistic research.
  28. advertising plan
    IBP components built in a seamless and synergistic way.
  29. Steve Jobs + agency=
    exceptional example of blending elements
  30. 7 Fundamental Objectives in Advertising Plan
    • 1. Brand awareness
    • 2. Creating, changing, reinforcing attitudes
    • 3. Influence purchase intentions
    • 4. Stimulate trial
    • 5. Repeat urchases
    • 6. Switch from another brand
    • 7. Increase Sales.
  31. Foxtrot Comic demonstrate what
    Vampire creativity
  32. Luke Sullican Quote
    Creatives controlled by noncreatives
  33. Ex 9.14 ; Assuring Poor Creative
    • 1. Treat your target audience like a statistic
    • 2. Make your strategy a hodgepodge( not having a single, dominant message)
    • 3. Have no philosophy( not having a consistent vision/way of doing things)
    • 4/ Give your client a candy store( having a bunch of half-baked ideas in stead of 1 or 2 strong ones)
  34. Executing IBP campaigns is like
    • Conducting an orchestra.
    • Advertising is a team sport and relies on synergy
  35. Cognitive Styles
    • Left brain +right Brain
    • You want a mix of both
  36. The hallmarks of effective teams are
    Trust, communication, group accountability
  37. What does the Creative Director do
    Typically in leadership role of maestro
  38. Persuade the consumer
    • Convince the consumer to buy through high-engagement arguments
    • Method: Reason-why, Hard sell, Comparison, demonstration, advertorials, infomercials.
  39. P-O-P
    • Point of purchase branding, A display at the point-of-purchase is a trigger to remind people of the brand. Part of promoting brand recall.
    • It's the implication of repetition and jingle.
  40. Feel good ads
    Instill brand preference
    Work through effective feelings/associations about ad linked to brand to instill brand preference
  41. What does Stan Richard said about feel good ad
    • One should always try to develop ads that consumers like.
    • If they like the ad they're more likely to buy the brand
  42. Sex Appeal
    feeling based ads that are attention getting and arousing. An important consideration to effectiveness is how appropriate it is for the product.
  43. What companies do a good job of defining a brand image?
    Nike, Apple, McDonald's and coke all rely heavily on visuals.
  44. Creative message strategy
    is where Culture, mind and brand merge
  45. Brand management and Creativity
    • Brand management is skeptical but recognizes that to be effective the ads must be creative.
    • The basic principles of creative communication, good writing, and effective visual haven't changed. The media has.
  46. Brandscapes
    the total environment in which the brand is presented and displayed.
  47. Effective copywriters are
    Well-informed, astute(clever) advertising decision makers with creative talent. Can comprehend and then incorporate marketing strategies, consumer behavior, and advertising strategies into power communication.
  48. Benefit of subheads
    • Communicated more complex selling points
    • Reinforce the headline and entices the reader to proceed to the body
    • Stimulate a more complete reading of the entire ad
  49. Purpose of Headline
    • Get attention
    • Select the audience
    • Identify the brand
  50. guideline for Writing for print copy
    • 1.Use present tense whenever possible
    • 2. Use familiar words and phrases
    • 3. involve the reader
    • 4.avoid cliches and superlatives
  51. Copywriting for digital/interactive media ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1. a hybrid of writing copy for print and broadcast media.
    • 2.involve form a very ge-X-meets-techo kind of voice.
    • 3. a web page is similar to a magazine ad with key difference being the smaller format of a computer screen to smartphone display.
    • 4. Principles of good print and broadcast copy-writing apply but the copy should assume a more active and engage audience.
  52. Ringrose's recommendations for making great web ads, these ads should be:
    • 1. Interactive
    • 2. Customizablee
    • 3. Entertaining
  53. Slogans/Taglines
    Short phrase that is in part used to help establish an image, identity, or positions for a brand.
  54. Common Mistake in Coopywriting
    • Vagueness
    • Wordines
    • Triteness
    • Creativity for creativity's aske
  55. 3 purpose of slogan
    • 1. integral part of brand image/personality
    • 2. can become a shorthand identification for the brand
    • 3. Communicates the benefits of a brand
  56. 3 Primary Vidual Elements
    • 1. Illustration
    • 2. Design
    • 3. Layout
  57. Purpose of illustration ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1. Attract attention of target audience
    • 2. Communicate brand features
    • 3. Stimulate reading the body copy
    • 4. Create desired social context for brand.
  58. Design
    The structure itself and the plan behind the structure.
  59. 5 Principle of design ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1.Balance
    • 2. Proportion
    • 3.Order
    • 4. unity( The most important)
    • 5. Enphasis
    • you can break the rules, but only once you know them
  60. Harley Ad illustrates
    informal balance
  61. Land Rover ad exhibits
    • Control over order
    • God headline+strong visuals
  62. Layout
    • A drawing or digital rendering of a proposed print ad
    • Refer to the arrangement of ad elements
  63. Element of typography
    font, serif, point( size)
  64. Art Direction/production in Digital ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1.Basic principles of print/TV art direction apply but the medium is fundamentally different from print/TV in he way the audience comes to it, navigates it, and responds to it. 
    • 2.It is an evolving medium undergoing development.
    • 3.Key difference is viewer interaction with ads by clicking on an ad or link in an Email.
    • 4.CGC( Consumer generated content) : using crowdsourcing produces hits on YouTube
    • People make their own ads for their favorite brand
  65. Art Direction and Production in radio
    • 1Production house selected ( bid)
    • 2.cast talent
    • 3.Secure permission for existing music
    • 4.Schedule sound studio
    • 5.Editing/mixing
    • 6.Average word count per second in radio ads (10 seconds 20-25 words)
    • 7.Duplicate copies send to stations for airing
    • 8.Two no production options:fact sheet and live script
  66. The creative team in Television advertising
    Due to complexity requires much collaboration between the creative team and specialist.
  67. Creative Guidelines for Television Advertising
    • 1. Attention-getting, relevant opening
    • 2.Emphasize the visual
  68. Six Events of TC preproduction
    • 1 Storyboard/Script
    • 2. Budget
    • 3. Assessment of directors, editors, music
    • 3. Review bids from production houses
    • 5. Creation of timetable
    • 6. Selection of location, sets, and cast.
  69. What does Eric Fromm say about advertising?
    "Advertising, PR, IBP, encourage to want more instead of wanting to be more"
  70. John DeGraff say about materialism in his book
    Happiness is not about stuff
  71. Subliminal advertising
    • 1/ a hoax
    • 2. the general public has been mislead by crackpots who are either crazy, put to make money, or both
    • Key is both
  72. James Vicary
    • 1. Popcon 8%
    • 2. Coke 18%
  73. Wilson Bryan Key
    Claim ads" sexually assualted" people on a subconscious level
  74.  Dr. Bernard Mcgrande
    • 1. Advertising conspiracy theorist.
    • 2. Advertising is as powerful as family, school, and church
    • 2. Subliminal advertising works by appealing to 2 repressed subjects: sex and death
    • 3. Graph sexual explanation of how images in ads work
    • 4. There's cover-up
  75.  Communication
    • 1.The sharing of meaning
    • 2.The process by which individual transmits stimuli to modify the attitudes and behavior of other individuals.
  76. Effective communication
    you must know your audience
  77. Communications Process: Encoding
    •  The development of a message by the source
    • Selecting the right set of symbols to use in the mesage. Can be words, images, sounds, etc
  78. Joe Girard
    Mr. Super salesperson. 
  79. The objectuve of the marketer is to get you to buy a product on a
    Contimuous basis
  80. Adoption Process Definition
    a Strong brand preference involving continued purchase over time.
  81. Why brand Penn State?
    • Unify: The messaging across the university with its member schools to speak with a singular vision and voice
    • Elevate: The university as a premier program in the nation
    • Engage member schools, students, faculty, alumni, community, legislators.
    • Retain and attract the best and the brightest students and faculty, and administrator form all over the world.
    • Direct the efforts of all key constituents
  82. A strong brand will evoke a set of positions that are
    • 1. Different
    • 2. Relevant
    • 3. Held in high regard.
  83. Brand Strategy Elements of Pulse-point
    • 1. Target Mindset
    • 2. Positioning
    • 3. Supporting Message
    • 4. Personality
    • 5. Creative Theme
  84. Final 4 positioning Statements of Penn State
    • 1. Multiple ways to success
    • 2.Student-engaged research
    • 3. Service Leadership
    • 4. Inspired doers.
  85. What advice does Ogilvy offer for developing big ideas?
    • Do your homework and creative brilliant campaigns
    • Test, test, and test
    • Know the product
    • Don't reject ideas from others
    • Make a simple, unique promise
    • Research- how consumer think about product( brand image)
    • If you have big idea, the wrong technique won't kill it.
    • If you dont' have big idea, the right technique won't help
  86. What advice does Ogilvy offer for headlines
    • -Be decisive
    • -Simple
    • 6-12 words
    • Include brand name and promise
    • Always pretend that you are editor ( conversation with the friend)
    • Put quto
  87. Four characteristics of a good ad
    • Personal
    • Interesting
    • Trustful
    • Factual
  88. Ogilvy's advice for TV commercials
    • use problem/solution, slice of life, characters, demonstrations, charm, nostalgia
    • Don't use celebrities, they distract from the message
    • If your product isn't demonstrably better than the competition use emotion
    • Don't sing the sales pitch
  89. Attitude to the clients
    • 1. First Class Service
    • 2. Know your client well
    • 3. Be honest with them, but don't tell them what to do. It's still their brand and money.
  90. Adoption Process
    •  1. Problem Perception
    • 2. Awareness
    • 3. Knowledge
    • 4. Attitude
    • 5. Conviction
    • 6. Trial
    • 7. Adoption
    • 8. Dissonance
  91. According to Jeff Hunt what is a brand
    A set of associations evoked by the name
  92. key Performance Indicators( KPIS) Metrics
    • 1 Increases in brand awarness, knowledge, attitudes
    • 2. # of page views, fans and likes on FB, Youtube views
    • 3. Guest0Count traffic, coupon redemptions.
    • 4.1-800 calls, visits to brand website
    • 5. Trial, penetaion, volume, erpeat purchase rate.
  93. Implication of adoption process
    • 1. IBP effectiveness can be best measure by movement in the adoption process
    • pre IBP conpare to the pro IBP
    • 2. Unrealistic to expect IBP alone to do the job or in a short period of time.
  94. David Ogilvy's Legacy
    • The king of Madison Avenue
    • Big idea:enduring legacy
    • Brand image
    • Direct response ( begin his career)
    • Fout the disease of entertainment
    • Se are selling: Let's buy the brand
    • Guides, note, inflexible rules
    • film" The view from Toufou"
    • Big ideas
    • Magic lanterns
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Don't remeber Adv
Adv test can't remember