administrative agency
- administrating and implementing legislation, members are appointed
- adopt regulations to fill in gap left by Congress, interpret or clarify the law
administrative law
law governing those agencies
public access to activity of agencies
- open records
- open meetings (sunshine act of 1976)
- public announcement of agency guidelines
Regulatory Flexibility act
- all proposed rules by published in the trade
- journals of those trades that will be affected
Register Act
- propose
- regulations that must be published and accessible to public
Aerial inspection
things in plain view
search warrant not required when subject matter
can be seen from a public place
what are the punishments of the agency?
- penalties
- cease and desist order: stop a practice that it decides is improper
no right or trial by jury before an agency.
- Agency may b authorized to make an initial determination without holding a
- hearing (versus hearing before making a decision in the judicial court). When
- administrative action involves only individuals rather than classes of persons,
- agency must have some sort of hearing before its decision.
crimes related to production, competition, and marketing
- improper use of interstate commerce
- securities crime: to protect investing public
misdemeanors and felonies
misdemeanors are less than one year in prison; more serious crimes are called felonies
criminal liability
- mental state
- act or omission: writing a check which you know has no funds in it
White Collar Crime Penalty Enhancement Act of
increases penalties substantially
person acquitted is not entitled to compensation
acquittal means
gov’t was not able to prove guilt beyond a reasonable guilt.
white collar crimes
business crimes without physical threats or acts
agreement between two or more parties to commit an unlawful act or use unlawful means to achievean otherwise lawful result
reforming penalties for crimes
federal sentencing guidelines: permit judge to put company on probation based on whether company had prevention programs in place
Money Laundering
Control act
Prohibits the
- knowing and willful participation in any type of financial transaction
- involving unlawful proceeds when the transaction is designed to conceal or
- disguise the source of the funds
officer makes an illegal demand
making demands that would be extortion if made by public official and includes matters that would damage the victim's personal or business reputation
Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act
- Antibribery and
- anticorruption statute covering these U.S companies’ international operations
grease payments
- legal payments to speed up or ensure performance
- of normal gov’t duties
- the crime of issuing or delivering a forged
- instrument to another person
- knowingly giving false testimony in a judicial
- proceeding after having been sworn or having affirmed to tell the truth
- offense consisting of the unlawful conversion of
- property entrusted to the wrongdoer
Corporate Fraud
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- If corporate
- officer fails to comply with all the requirements for financial statement certification
- or certifies financial statements that contain false info, the officer and
- company have committed corporate fraud
use of force or threat of force or cause
injury to persons or damage to property
- wrongful or fraudulent taking and carrying away
- of the personal property of another by any person with a fraudulent intent to
- deprive owner of such property
- taking of personal property from the presence of
- the victim by use of force or fear (when the person does not knw the property
- is being taken, the offence is larceny
breaking and entering during the night into the
dwelling house of another with intent to commit a felony
- willful and malicious burning of another’s
- dwelling
- arson is a felony, so if someone is killed in
- the resulting fire, the offense is murder under the felony-murder rule
assembling and engaging in civil disorders is
- generally form of crime in itself under common law concepts of disturbing the
- peace
computer crime
- refer to a crime that can be committed only by a
- person having some knowledge of the operation of a computer
- need to adopt statutes, only that conduct covered by the statue can be
- punished as the crime