Profligate (PRAH-flih-gut) adjective
- 1. wildly extravagant; very wasteful
- 2. abandoned to vice and corruption; shamelessly immoral
ex: He earned quite a bit of money as a professional athlete, but squandered much of it on his profligate lifestyle.
sere (SEER) adjective
being dried and withered
ex: The sere winter garden gave no hint of the profusion of flowers that would bloom in the spring.
insuperable (in-SOO-puh-ruh-bul) adjective
incapable of being surmounted, overcome, passed over, or solved.
ex: Though it had appeared that the visiting team had an insuperable lead, the home team rallied to win in the end.
forfend (for-FEND) verb
- 1. a) archaic: forbid
- b) to ward off: prevent
- 2. protect, preserve
ex: The fort functioned as a place of refuge where settlers could forfend themselves from attack.
proclamation (pra-kle-ma-shen) noun
The act of saying something in a public, official, or definite way
ex: The President issued a proclamation which freed the slaves.
sacrilegious (sac-re-le-gious) adjective
to be treating a holy place or object in a way that does not show proper respect
ex: The accused him of being sacrilegious.
tenet (ten-it)
a principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true especially one held as true by members of a profession, group, or movement
ex: One basic tenet is that the people who live and work near the ocean should play a role in conservation planning and managment.
revelatory (re-vel-uh-tawr-ee) noun
- 1. a revealing, or disclosing, of something
- 2. making something known; revealing something in usually a surprising way
ex: an invigorating and revelatory performance
defray (dih-frey) verb
1. to bear or pay all or part of (the costs, expenses, etc...)
ex: The grant helped defray the expenses of the trip.