Ch. 15 Psychological Disorders

  1. Statistical Rarity
    uncommon disorder
  2. Societal Disapproval
    Violates cultural rules
  3. Impairment
    interferes with life
  4. Subjective Distress
    personal suffering
  5. Biological Dysfunction
    failure of psychological system
  6. Demonic Model
    illness due to evil spirits
  7. Medical Model
    illness due to physical disorder (asylums)
  8. Stigma
    labeling someone with a condition; stereotyping people with that condition. Creating a division with a superior us group and a devalued tem group resulting in loss of status in community. Discriminating against someone because of their condition
  9. Panic Disorder
    frequent, unexpected panic attacks with persistent concerns
  10. Panic Attacks
    episodes of extreme fear and physical symptoms
  11. Anxiety
    apprehension, dread or uneasiness
  12. Specific Phobias
    intense fears of objects, places or situations
  13. Agoraphobia
    strong frear of situation difficult to escape
  14. Social Phobia
    fear of pubic embarrassment
  15. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    continuous, unfocused anxiety and worry. worry all the time. not specific.
  16. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    • Obsessions: unwanted repetitive, irrational, and disurbing thoughts
    • Compulsions: repetitive actions performed to alleviate obsessions
  17. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
    • Emotional disturbance after experiencing a stressful event, life threatening or physically dangerous situations
    • Experiences intense fear, hoplessness, horror
  18. Major Depressive Disorder
    persistent feelings of sadness, being overwhelmed loss of interest and motivation

    Symptoms: sad, overwhelmed, loss of interest, lastsat least 2 weeks (often months or years), feeliings of worthlessness, hopelessness, guilt, suicidal thoughts or actions, weight loss, sleep disturbances, trouble concentrating and making decisions, severe impaiment, occupational functioning
  19. Dysthymic Disorder
    long term (at least 2 years) low grade depression. Symptoms less intense than major depressive disorder
  20. Postpartum Depression
    depression after having a baby
  21. Seasonal Affective Disorder
    get sad during winter area.
  22. Bipolar Disorder I
    • extreme mood swings over extended periods of time
    • Mania- extreme euphoria, physical energy, rapid thoughts and speech
    • Depression
    • There are periods of normalcy
  23. Bipolar Disorder II
    • alternating depression and hypomania (not full mania)
    • lesser degree of Bipolar I
  24. Schizophrenia
    • thought disorder charactorized by distorted beliefs, perceptions, thought processes
    • Psychotic Symptoms- serious, profound distortions of reality. Delusions: falsely held beliefs
    • Hallucinations: false or distorted perceptions that seem real

    • Disorganized speech and behavior
    • Catatonic Symptoms: movement problems and immobility

    Echolalia: repeating words over and over
  25. Paranoid Schizophrenia
    delusions, hallucinations, or both
  26. Catatonic Schizophrenia
    extremely disturbed movements or actions
  27. Disorganized Schizophrenia
    disorganized speech/behavior; inappropriate/flat affect
  28. Diathesis Stress Model
    mental disorders joint product of genetic vulnerability and stressors that trigger it
  29. Personality Disorders
    personality traits are inflexible, stable, expressed in a variety of situation and lead to distress
  30. Cluster A. Personality Disorders
    odd, eccentric

    • Paraniod-distrust, suspcious
    • Schizotypal- intense discomfort in social situations; odd thinking
    • Schizoid- detachment from social relationships, limited expression
  31. Cluster B Personality Disorder
    dramatic, erratic

    • Histronic- attention sseeking, overdramatic, shallow, seductive
    • Narcissistic- grandiose sense of self importance, need constant attention
    • Antisocial- violate rights of others, lying, stealing, lack of remorse
    • Borderline- unstable relationships, recurrent suicide attempts, avoid abandonment, identity disturbance
  32. Cluster C Personality Disorders
    anxious, fearful

    • Avoidant- fear of social rejection, no risks because fear embarrassment
    • Dependent- excessive reliance on others
    • Obsessive Compulsive- preoccupied with organization, rules, stubborn
  33. Psychopathic Personaltiy
    superficial charm, dishonesty, manipulativeness, self-centerdness, risk taking.

    generally in males
  34. Depressants
    increase CNS activity; sedative/hypnotic = calming/sleep inducing
  35. Stimulants
    increase CNS activity

    tobacco, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines
  36. Opiates
    reduce pain, sense of euphoria
  37. Psychedelic
    dramatically altered perception, mood and thoughts; hallucinations

    marijuana, LSD, ecstasy
Card Set
Ch. 15 Psychological Disorders
Ch. 15 Psychological Disorders for the Final Exam