
  1. RBBB
    • -Qrs greater than 0.12
    • -Incomplete rbbb has narrow qrs with rsr' patern
  2. Sanfrancisco syncope rules
    • CHF
    • Hct<30
    • EkG changes
    • Systolic bp<90 on presenting
    • Shortness of breath

    If none pf above dc
  3. U waves
    • -after t wave
    • Causes:
    • 1)Hypokalemia
    • 2)Hypercalcemia
  4. Prolonged qt
  5. Endocarditis
    • -#1 cause is bacteria
    • -Native valve: right sided
    • 1) Strep viridans
    • 2) other strep
    • 3) staph
    • -prosthetic valve: left side, commonly mitral
    • 1) staph epi
    • 2) staph auereus
    • 3) strep viridans
    • -IVDA/immunocompramized: R sided commonly tricuspid
    • 1) staph auerus
    • 2) strep sp
    • -Sx: #1 is fever
    • -Dx: blood cx x3, echo
    • -Tx: native valve: pcng + naf or gent or vanc and gent; prosthetic valve add rifampin to above
    • Admit
    • Call ct surg
    • Give proph for oral or gu surgery
  6. Acute otitis media
    • Dx: most reliable sign is decreased TM mobility
    • Cx:
    • 1) S. Pneumo
    • 2) h. Flu
    • 3) Moroxella
  7. Malignant (necrotizing) otitis externa
    • High mortality rate
    • Primarily in diabetics
    • Pseudomonas osteitis
    • Tx:
    • Iv antibiotics
    • Emergency ent consult
    • hospitalize
Card Set
see above