
  1. Name ten reasons for food choices.
    • 1.flavors
    • 2.habits
    • 3.ethnic heritage/traditions
    • interaction
    • availability, convenience, and the economy
    • 6.positive and negative associations
    • 7.emotional comfort
    • 8.values, such as religous beliefs,political views, etc.
    • 9.body weight and image
    • benefits
  2. what is a nutrient?
    composition fo foods
  3. name the six classes of nutrients found in food.
    water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals
  4. what is an essential nutrient?
    are those the body cannot make in sufficient quantities to meet needs, also called indispensable nutrients
  5. which nutrients are inorganic, and which are organic? discuss the significance of that distinction.
    • vitamins are organic, essential nutrients that allow the body to obtain energy from carbohydrate, fat, and protein.
    • minerals are inorganic, essential nutrients that are found in the bones, teeth, and body fluids.
  6. which nutrient yield energy,and how much energy do they yield per gram? how is energy measured?
    • carbohydrate, fat and protein. carbohydrate yields 4kcal per gram, protein yield 4 kcal per gram, and fat yield 9 kcal per gram.
    • energy is measured in calories.
  7. what is the science of nutrition?
    conducting research; nutrition research tests hypotheses and develops theories.
  8. describe the types of reserach studies and methods used in acquiring nutriton information.
    • 1.epidemiological studies include cross-sectional, case-control, adn cohort designs.
    • 2.laboratory-based studies include animal studies and laboratory based in vitro studies.
    • 3.human interventions and clinical trials
  9. what are the DRI?
    dietary reference intake; establishing nutrient recomendations
  10. identify the categories of DRI and indicate how they are related.
    • 1.estimated average requirement (EAR))defines the requirement of a nutrient that supports a specific function in the body for half of the healthy population.
    • 2.recomended dietary allowances (RDA) use the EAR as a base adn includes sufficient daily amounts of nutrients to meet the known nutrient needs of practically healthy populations. this recommendations considers deficiencies.
    • 3. adequate intakes (AI) reflect the average daily amount of a nutrient without an established RDA that appears to be sufficient.
    • 4.tolerable upper intake level (UL) is a maximum daily amount of a nutrient that appears safe for most healthy people and beyond which there is an increased risk of adverse health effects.
  11. when people eat foods typical of their families or geographic region thier choices are influenced by:

    D. ethnic heritage or tradition
  12. both the human body and many foods are composed mostly of:

    B. water
  13. the inorganic nutrients are:

    C. minerals and water
  14. the energy-yielding nutrients are:

    C. carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  15. studies of populations that reveal correlations between dietary habits and disease incidence are:

    D. epidemiological studies
  16. an experiment in which neither the researchers nor the subjects konw who is receiving the treatment is known as:

    A. double blind.
  17. an RDA represents the:

    B. average amount of a nutrient considered adequate to meet the kwown nutrient needs of practicaly all healthy people.
  18. historical information, physical examinations, laboratory tests, and anthropometric measures are:

    D. methods used in a nutrition assessment.
  19. a deficiency caused by an inadequate dietary intake is a(n):

    B. primary deficiency.
  20. behaviors such as smoking, dietary habits, physical activity, and alcohol consumption that influence the development of disease are known as:

    B. risk factors.
Card Set
Chapter 1