acu quiz new 1

  1. What do small white vesicles, usually found either in the front or center of the tongue indicate?
    A) Dampness with yin deficiency fire
    B) The presence of dampness.
    C) Stomach and/or Kidney yin deficiency.
    D) Heat and blood stasis, commonly in the Liver and/or Heart
    The presence of dampness.
  2. Sores direct in the center of the verte of the head are ascribed to which one of the following channels?
    A) Foot Jueyin
    B) Ren
    C) Du channel
    D) Foot Taiyang
    Du channel
  3. All of the following points have furuncle as an indication except:
    A) P 4
    B) Du 12
    C) Du 10
    D) G 24
    G 24
  4. LI 13, LI 14, and LI 15 all treat which one of the following conditions?
    A) Urticaria
    B) Eczema
    C) Scrofula
    D) Rubella
  5. A patient presents with genital papular skin rashes and itching along with swelling and heat of thescrotum. They also have hypochondrial pain, fullness and distension, nausea, vomiting, inability to digestfats, yellow complexion, scanty and dark yellow urine, fever, thirst without a desire to drink, bitter taste,dizziness, yellow sclera, tinnitus, irritability, and a feeling of heaviness of the body. They also havenumbness of the limbs, swelling of the feet, burning on urination, and difficulty in urinating. They alsohave excessive yellow vaginal discharge, which is interesting because they have a scrotum, but you gowith it. They also have alternation of hot and cold feelings, and a feeling of heat. Their tongue has a thicksticky yellow coating, either bilateral or on one side only. Their pulse is rolling, string-taut, and rapid.Which one of the following formulas would be best for this patient?
    A) Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
    B) Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan
    C) Xiao Yao San
    D) Wen Dan Tang
    Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
  6. A patient presents with a red face. They also have palpitations, thirst, mouth and tongue ulcers, mentalrestlessness, feeling agitated, feeling of heat, insomnia, dream-disturbed sleep, dark urine or blood in theurine, and a bitter taste in the mouth after a bad night's sleep. Their tongue is red and has a redder tip andis also swollen. The tongue also has a yellow coating. There may be a midline crack reaching the tip. Thepulse is surging, rapid, and forceful especially on the left front position. What is this patient's diagnosis?
    A) Ren 12, P 6, S 36, SP 4, and Liv 3
    B) P 5, H 7, H 8, H 9, P 7, Ren 15, B 15, Ren 12, S 40, SP 6, B 20, Du 20, Liv 2, G 13, Du 24, and G17
    C) P 8, H 8, B 14, Ren 15, Ren 14, Ren 17, LI 11, Du 24, Du 19, SP 6, and Liv 2
    D) H 9, H 8, H 7, Ren 15, SP 6, K 6, LI 11, Du 24, and Du 19
    H 9, H 8, H 7, Ren 15, SP 6, K 6, LI 11, Du 24, and Du 19
  7. What is the needle depth for the point that treats sudden loss of voice, sore throat, scrofula, and goiter?
    A) Puncture perpendicularly .5 - 1 inch.
    B) Puncture perpendicularly .3 - .5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
    C) Puncture perpendicularly .5 - .7 inch.
    D) Puncture perpendicularly 1.0 - 1.5 inches. Moxibustion is applicable.
    Puncture perpendicularly .3 - .5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
  8. A patient started breaking out with a skin ulcer with boils about an hour ago. Which one of the followingmethods would be best for this patient?
    A) Cupping with Ginger Juice
    B) Fire Throwing Method
    C) Moxa with Aconite
    D) Moxa with Garlic
    Moxa with Garlic
  9. All of the following formulas are biomedically indicated for treating eczema except:
    A) Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
    B) Gui Zhi Tang
    C) Gui Pi Tang
    D) Xiao Feng San
    Gui Pi Tang
  10. A patient presents with blood spots under the skin. They have a poor appetite, sight abdominal distensionafter eating. They also have tiredness, lassitude, pale-sallow complexion, weakness of the limbs, loosestools, depression, a tendency to obesity, and blood in the urine. The patient also has excessive uterinebleeding. Their tongue is pale and their pulse is thready or weak. Which one of the following formulaswould be best for this patient?
    A) Xiao Yao San
    B) Gui Pi Tang
    C) Si Wu Tang
    D) Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
    Gui Pi Tang
  11. A patient presents with swollen, painful red ulcers underneath the tongue body. Which one of thefollowingis the cause of this?
    A) Heat toxin in the heart channel
    B) Extreme heat in the Spleen and Kidneys that is exhausting the body fluids
    C) Heart heat from Kidney yin deficiency
    D) Heart fire blazing upwards
    Extreme heat in the Spleen and Kidneys that is exhausting the body fluids
  12. A patient presents with withered and brittle nails, dry hair and skin. They also have poor appetite, slightabdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, dull-pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loosestools, thin body, scanty periods or amenorrhea, insomnia, dizziness, numbness of limbs, blurred vision,'floaters' in eyes, diminished night vision, pale lips, muscular weakness, cramps, slight depression, and afeeling of aimlessness. Their pulse has a pale body especially on the sides, which, in extreme cases, canassume an orange color, and dry. Their pulse is hesitant or thready. What is this patient's diagnosis?
    A) Heart Blood and Spleen Qi Deficiency
    B) Spleen and Liver Blood Deficiency
    C) Spleen Not Controlling the Blood
    D) Liver Blood Deficiency
    Spleen and Liver Blood Deficiency
  13. A flat abscess toxin sinking inward or clove sores becoming yellow may indicate which one of thefollowing?
    A) Vacuity desertion due to an insufficiency of right qi
    B) Toxic evil turning toward the lung
    Toxic evil turning toward the lung
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