Chapter 5 Infection Control

  1. AIDS
    Acquired immune defciency syndrome, a disease caused by HIV virus that breaks down the body's immune system
  2. Allergy
    reaction due to extreme sensitivity to certain foods, chemicals, or other normally harmless substances
  3. Antiseptics
    agents formulated for use on skin.
  4. Bacilli (singular: bacillus)
    Short. rod-shaped bacteria; the most comon bactera: they produce diseaseses such as tetanus (lockjaw), typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and diphtheria.
  5. Bacteria
    one- celled microorganisms. some are harmfull some are harmless
  6. Bactericidal
    cabpable of destroying bacteria.
  7. bloodborne pathogens
    disease-causing microorganismas carried in the body by blood or body fluids.
  8. Cilia
    Slender, hair-lake extentions that permit locomotion in certain bacteria; there whip like motion moves bactieria in liquid.
  9. Cocci
    round shaped bacteria that appear singly (alone) or in groups.
  10. contagious disease
    disease that can be easiloy spread to others by contact.
  11. diagnosis
    determining the nature of disease or infection.
  12. Diplocci
    spherical bacteria that grow in pairs and cause diseases such as pneumonia.
  13. disease
    abnormal condition of all or part of the body organ or mind that makes it incapable of carring out normal function.
  14. disinfectable
    and item that can be disinfected.
  15. disinfectants
    chemical agents that destroy most bacteria, fungi and viruses but ont spores and surfaces.
  16. Disinfection
    process that eliminates most microorganisms, but is not effective against bacterial spores
  17. efficacy
    effectiveness with which a disinfectoin solution kills germs when used accoreding to the label.
  18. exposure incident
    contact with non-intact skin,blood, body fluid or other potentially infectious material that results from performances of anemployees duties.
  19. flagella (singular: flagellum)
    slender, hair-like extensions that permit locomotion in certain bacteria; there whip-like motion moves bacteria in liquid.
  20. fungi (singular: flagellum)
    microscopic plant parasites, including molds, mildews. and yeasts.
  21. fungicidal
    capable of destroying fungi.
  22. hepatitis
    bloodborne virius that causes disese affecting the liver.
  23. HIV
    human immundeficiency virus: virus that can cause AIDS.
  24. immunity
    ability of the body to destroy and resist infection.
  25. infection
    invasion of body tissus by pathogenic bacteria.
  26. infectious
    infection that can be spread from one person to another person or from one infected body part to another.
  27. inflammation
    body's response to injury or infection with redness, head, pain, and swelling.
  28. microorganism
    any organism of microsopic to submicrosopic size.
  29. mildews
    • type of fungus that affects plants or grows on in animate objects but
    • does not cause human infections in the salon setting
  30. motility
  31. material data safety sheet (msds)
    Material safety data sheet; safety infromation about products compiled by manufactuer
  32. multi-use
    items that can be cleaned, disinfected and used on more than one perosn, even if the item is exposed to blood or body fluid.
  33. nonpathogenic
    not harmfull; organisms that may perform useful functions.
  34. occupational disease
    illness resultion from conditions associated with employment
  35. parasites
    plant or animal organisms that derive nutrion from another organism.
  36. pathogenic
    causing disease; may cause harmful conditons or illnesses in humans.
  37. pediculosis capitis
    skin disease caused by infestation of head lice.
  38. phenolics
    powerful tuberculocidal disinfectants
  39. porous
    absorbent, having pores or openings
  40. quaternary ammonium compounds
    type of disinfectan solution safe for all uses in the salon' commonly called quats
  41. sanitation or sanitizing
    cleaing to remove all visible residue and matter
  42. scabies
    contagious skin disease that is caoused by the itch mite which burrows under the skin
  43. single-use or disposable
    disposable items that cannot be used more than once. either bc they cannot be cleaned of all visible residue (such as pumice stones used for pedicures), or because cleaning and disinfction damages them.
  44. sodium hypochlorite
    common household bleach; disinfectant for salon use
  45. spirlla
    spiral or corkscrew- shaped bacteria that can cause diseases such as syphills and lyme disease.
  46. staphylococci
    pus-forming bacteria that grow in clusters like bunches of grapes, can cause abscesses, pustules and boils.
  47. sterilization
    process that completely destroys all microbial life, including spores.
  48. streptococci
    puss-forming bacteria arranged in curved lines resembling a string of beads; they can cause infections such as strep throat and blood poisoning.
  49. tuberculocidal
    disinfectants that kill the bacteria that cause tuberculosis
  50. universal precautions
    set of guidelines published by occupational saftey and health administration that requires the empolyer and emplyee to assume that all human blood and body fluids contain pathogens and they are thus infectious.
  51. virucidal
    capable of destroying viruses
  52. virus
    microorganism that can invade plants and animals, including bacteria.
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Chapter 5 Infection Control
chapter five study guide