localized or general loss of hair
Discoloration (yellow) of skin, most noticeable on palms & soles. From veggies (carrots & squash) & hypothyroidism
Bluish-gray or purple discoloration caused by presence of excessive amts of reduced hemoglobin in capillaries
Extravasation of blood of sufficient size to cause visible swelling from trauma or bleeding disorders. (Bruise)
Loss of pigmentation resulting in lighter patches than a normal skin color. Caused by chemical agents, nutritional factors, burns, inflammation, & infection
yellow or yellowish-brown discoloration of the skin, best observed in sclera, secondary to increased bilirubin in the blood. Caused by liver disease, RBC hemolysis, pancreatic cancer, common bile duct obstruction.
Failure of skin returning to normal position immediately after gently pinching. From aging, dehydration, or cachexia
ABCDE rule for Melanoma
Examine skin lesions for Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color change/ variation, Diameter of 6 mm or more, and Evolving in appearance
Wood's Lamp
Exam of skin w/ long-wave UV light causes specific substances to fluorescence.
Patch test
Used to determine whether pt is allergic to specific testing material. Small amt of potentially allergenic material applied, usually to skin on back
Hemolytic strept or staph associated with poor hygiene. CONTAGIOUS. Thick, honey-colored crust most common on face. TREAT WITH ABX
Deep infection around hair follicle associated w/ severe acne. Tender, pus-filled areas on face, back of neck, axillae, breasts, butt, thighs, & perineum. Extremely painful. TREAT W/ ABX
Multiple interconnecting furuncles. Most common on nape of neck. Pustules
inflammation of SQ tissues following break in skin. Can progress to gangrene. TREAT W/ ABX, pt on contact precautions
Herpes Simplex type 1 & 2
Oral and genital. Life-long viral infection that effects skin and mucus membranes when exacerbated by sunlight, trauma, menses, stress, & systemic infection. TRANSMITTED BY RESP DROPLETS.
Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
Increased with age. Potentially contagious. Resembles chickenpox. Activated from varicella-zoster virus.
Plantar Warts
Caused by HPV. Wart on bottom surface of foot, growing inward. Painful when pressure applied
Caused by candida albicans. Presents in warm, moist areas causing yeast to become pathogenic.
Tinea Corporis
Ringworm. Ringlike, scaly appearance w/ well-defined margins
Tinea Cruris
Jock itch. Well-defined scaly plaque in groin area. Does not effect mucus membranes.
Tinea Pedis
Athlete's foot. Interdigit scaling & maceration
Tinea Unguirum (Onychomycosis)
Increased w/ age. Effects finger & toe nails creating scaly, brittle, thickened, broken/ crumbling nails w/ yellow discoloration
Feeding, usually at night. Wheal transforming into persistent lesion. Severe itching. Teach about hygiene. Fumigate home.
Pediculosis (Lice)
Parasites that suck blood & leave eggs and waste on skin & hair. Leaves small red points & severe itching. Occurs around back to school time
Mites that penetrate stratum corneum, deposits eggs. Transmission by direct physical contact, presence of burrows.
Causes Lyme disease. Spreads ringlike rask 3-4 wks after bite. Looks like a bulls-eye causes flu-like symptoms
Drug Allergy
Any rash w/ abrupt onset. Treat w/ antihistamines & corticosteroids (Benadryl is most common)
Acne Vulgaris
Inflammatory disorder of sebaceous glands. More common in teens. Corticosteroids can cause flair
Nevi (moles)
Grouping of norm cells derived from melanocyte-like precursor cells. Hyperpigmented areas (flat, raised, or hair)
Autoimmune chronic dermatitis causing silvery scaling plaques
Acrochordons (skin tags)
common after midlife. Small, skin-colored, soft papules. Caused by high cholesterol
Used both topically & systemically. Common OTC= Neosporin, bacitracin, & polymyxin. Prescription= mupirocin, gentamicin, & erythromycin
Topical=inflammation & itching. Corticosteroids can alter manifestations so dx before admin.
Treats uticaria, angioedema, & pruritis. Warn about sedative effects. Claritin, Zyrtec
Skin scraping
Done with scalpel blade for microscopic inspection and dx
scooping and removal of tissue w/ instrument w/ a circular cutting edge. Tissue sent for biopsy
Punch biopsy
Obtains tissue sample for study or removal of small lesion. Punches deep into flesh & tissue and placed in preservation solution
- Main receptor HIV binds to. Pt can be asymptomatic for 10-12 years while HIV levels remain low in blood.
- Norm values: 800-1200
Contraction of myocardium, resulting in ejection of blood from ventricles
relaxation of myocardium, resulting in filling of ventricles
Cardiac Output (CO)
amt of blood pumped by each ventricle in 1 min
vol of blood in ventricles at end of diastole, before next contraction
Peripheral resistance against which the left ventricle must pump.
Can be increased by epi and norepi released by SNS. Increasing contractility raises the SV by increasing ventricular emptying
Located in aortic arch & carotid sinus. Sensitive to stretch or pressure in arteries. Stimulation inhibits SNS & influences PNS. Decreasing arterial pressure causes opposite
located in aortic & carotid bodies. Capable o initiating change in HR & arterial pressure in response to increased arterial CO2 pressure (hypercapnia) & decreased arterial O2 pressure (hypoxia) & decreased plasma pH (acidosis)
Pulse Pressure
Difference between SBP & DBP. Normally about 1/3nof SBP. Increased= exercise or atherosclerosis. Decreased= HF or hypovolemia
Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
Avg pressure in arterial system that is felt by organs of body. Map>60. MAP=(SBP+2DBP)/3
Normal VS. BP, HR, RR, Temp
BP: 120/80, HR: 60-80, RR: 12-20, Temp: 97-99
jugular vein distention. Can be caused by R sided HF
Pulse grades
0=absent, 1+=weak, 2+=normal, 3+=bounding
Turbulent flow sound in artery caused by obstruction or aneursym
Turbulent sounds occurring between normal heart sounds caused by valve disorder or abn blood flow patterns.
Valve replacement
Mechanical clicking noise caused by a mechanical valve
Pericardial friction rub
High-pitched, scratchy sound heard during S1 &/or S2 at the apex. Heard best w/ pt sitting & leaning forward & at end of expiration. Caused by pericarditis
Angle of Louis
Raised notch where 2nd rib meets sternum
Central cyanosis
Bluish/ purplish tinge along center such as tongue, conjunctiva, inner mucosa of lips. Caused by inadequate O2 sat of arterial blood from pul or cardiac disorders
Peripheral Cyanosis
Bluish/ purplish tinge in extremities or nose & ears. Caused by decrease in blood flow due to HF, vasoconstriction, cold environment
Cardiac Markers
released into circulation as byproduct of myocardial cell injury or death
myocardial muscle protein released into circulation after injury. Any rise is dx of myocardial injury. Troponin I=<0.5. Troponin T=<0.1
enzymes released by heart. 6 hrs after onset of symptoms, peak in 18 hrs, & return to norm 24-36 hrs after MI
records electrical cardiac activity from different views. Can detect: rhythm, abn condition, size of atria & ventricles, PM activity, heart position, Hx of MI, presence of injury
Stress Test
uses 3 min stages at set speeds & elevation of treadmill to get pt to target HR
Systolic Failure
Results from inability of heart to pump blood effectively. Caused by impaired contractile function, increased afterload, cardiomyopathy, & mechanical abnormalities. Decrease in EF
Diastolic Failure
Inability of ventricles to relax & fill during diastole. Decrease filling of ventricles results in decreased SV & CO. Characterized by high filling pressures & engorged veins in pulm & systemic vascular systems
enlargement of heart chambers due to long term elevated pressure in heart chambers. Decreased CO
Increase in muscle mass & cardiac wall thickness in response to overwork & strain. Occurs slowly b/c it takes time for increased muscle tissue to develop.
Left-sided HF
Results from L ventricular dysfunction causing blood to back up into pulm veins manifesting into pulm congestion & edema
Signs and symptoms of Left-sided HF
Increased HR, Decreased PaO2, slight increase in PaCO2, crackles, pleural effusion, change in mental status, confusion, restlessness, dyspnea
Right-sided HF
causes back up of blood into venous circulation. Venous congestion results in JVD, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, vascular congestion of GI & peripheral edema. Primary causes is L sided HF
Signs and symptoms of R-sided HF
Murmurs, JVD, Edema, weight gain, Increased HR, ascites, fatigue, anxiety, anorexia, N/V, RUQ pain
Drug therapy for HF
Diuretics to decrease venous return & amt of blood returned to LV during diastole. Vasodilators to decrease circulating vol by decreasing preload & increasing coronary artery circulation by vasodilation
decrease preload & afterload & frequently used to treat ADHF & pulm edema. Dilates both pulm & systemic blood vessels to decrease pulm pressure & improve gas exchange
Increased myocardial contractility. Digitalis improves LV dysfunction & increased contractility & myocardial O2 consumption
Normal BP
SBP <120 & DBP<80
SBP 120-139 or DBP 80-89
HTN stage 1
SBP 140-159 or DBP 90-99
HTN stage 2
SBP (> or = to) 160 or DBP (> or = to) 100
Modifiable risk factors of HTN
Alcohol, cigarette smoking, DM, elevated lipids, excess dietary sodium, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, stress
Non-modifiable risk factors of HTN
Age, gender, FmHx, ethnicity, socioeconomic status
HTN effects endothelium resulting in stiffened arterial wall & a narrowed internal lumen
L ventricular hypertrophy
Sustained high BP increases cardiac workload & produces LV hypertrophy. It is initially an adaptive or compensatory mechanism but over a long period of time, the heart can no longer meet the demand & HF develops
occurs when hearts compensatory adaptations are overwhelmed & the heart can no longer pump enough blood to meet body's needs
CV disease
Atherosclerosis is most common cause of cerebrovascular disease. Risk of stroke 4x higher
Peripheral vascular disease
Atherosclerosis in peripheral blood vessels caused by HTN that leads to PVD, aortic aneurysm, & aortic dissection
HTN causes end-stage renal disease, especially in African Americans. Narrowed lumen cuses ischemia. Intrarenal
Retinal damage
Indication of concurrent vessel damage in the heart, brain, & kidneys
DASH diet
diet that emphasizes fruits, veggies, fat-free or low-fat milk & milk products, whole grains, fish, poultry, beans, seeds, & nuts. Significantly lowers BP (AKA cardiac diet)
HTN meds 2 main actions
1. decrease vol of circulating blood. 2. decrease SVR (systemic vascular resistence)
Diuretic physiology
promote Na+, H2O excretion, decrease plasma vol, & vascular response to catecholamines
Adrenergic Inhibitors physiology
Diminishes SNS effects that increases BP
Direct Vasodilators physiology
Decreased BP by relaxing vascular smooth muscle & decreased SVR
Calcium Channel Blockers (CCB) physiology
Increased Na+ excretion & causes vasodilation by preventing the movement of extracellular Ca+ into cell. Causes decreased HR, contractility, & stroke volume
Angiotensin Inhibitors physiology
Reduce A-II mediated vasoconstriction & Na &H2o retention
soft deposits of fat that harden with age
Collateral Circulation
Arterial anastomoses that exist w/in the coronary circulation
CAD developmental stages
A. Damaged endothelium. B. Diagram of fatty streak & lipid core formation. C. Diagram of fibrous plaque. Raised plaque visible (yellow or white). D. Complicated lesion: thrombus is red, collagen is blue
Chronic Stable Angina
CP when demand for myocardial O2 exceeds the ability of the coronary arteries to supply the heart w/ O2, causing myocardial ischemia
Prinzmetal's Angina (unstable angina)
CP that occurs at rest, usually in response to spasm of a major coronary artery
Major treatment of angina
- A. antiplate (ASA)/ Anticoag, Antianginal (Nitro), ACE inhibitor/ ARB
- B. Beta-blocker
- C. Cigarette smoking, CCB
- D. Diet, DM
- E. Education, Exercise
- F. Flu shot
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Chronic condition resulting from rheumatic fever that is characterized by scarring & deformity of the heart valves
Constriction or narrowing of valve
incomplete closure of valve leaflets resulting in backward flow of blood
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Abnormality of mitral valve leaflets & the papillary muscles or chordae that allows leaflets to prolapse or buckle, back into the L atrium during systole
Aortic regurgitation
constituted as life-threatening emergency
Persistent but variable inflammation of the airways. Caused by exposure to allergens or irritants initiates the inflammatory cascade
not fully reversible airflow limitation during forced exhalation caused by loss of elastic recoil & airflow obstruction
Various disease processes that occur during COPD
- 1. airway limitation
- 2. gas exchange abnormalities
- 3. Air trapping
- 4. Mucus hypersecretion
- 5. Severe disease pulm HTN
- 6. Systemic features
Asthma manifestations
onset <40, presence of allergies, intermittent symptoms, dyspnea absent except in exacerbations, stable disease coarse.
COPD manifestations
onset 40-50, long history of smoking, infrequent allergies, symptoms are slowly progressive or persistent, dyspnea during exercise, disease coarse gets progressively worse.
Normal ABGs for COPD
Often normal-low pH & PaO2; normal-high PaCO2 w/ high HCO3 (comp resp acid)
Total lung capacity
Max vol of air lungs can contain. norm=6.0L
Tidal volume
vol of air inhaled & exhaled w/ each breath. Only a small portion of TLC. Norm=0.5L
Residual Volume
Amt of air remaining in lungs after forced expiration. Norm=1.5L
Well controlled asthma
- Symptoms </= 2 days a week
- Nighttime awakenings </= twice a month
- No interference/ norm activity
- SABA use </= 2 days a week
- FEV, or peak flow >80%
Not well controlled asthma
- Symptoms >2 days a week
- Nighttime awakenings 1-3/ wk
- Some limitations during norm activity
- SABA use > 2days/wk
- FEV, or peak flow 60-80%
Very poorly controlled asthma
- Symptoms throughout day
- Nighttime awakenings>/= 4/wk
- Extremely limited normal activity
- SABA use several times per day
- FEV, or peak flow <60%
Flutter valve
Airway clearance device that causes airway fluttering which loosens mucus
connected to pulse-generator thru hoses. Generator delivers air which vibrates the chest, dislodging mucus from airways
Manual percussion
vibrate hand on chest wall during slow expiration which facilitates movement of secretions to larger airways
short acting beta2 adrenergics. Inhaled is most effective for relieving acute bronchospasm
Metered dose inhaler. Small hand-held, pressurized device that delivers a metered dose of drug w/ each activation