Possible Pin Test Questions

  1. Products of the adrenal gland
    Epinephrine, Norepinephrine
  2. A Decrease in pressure causes the release of ______ from _______. (on kidney model)
    Renin / Juxtaglomerular aparatus
  3. Tube of Testicle
    Ductus Deferens / Vas deferens
  4. Muscle of the bladder
  5. Name of the pacemaker of the heart if the SA node failed.
    Atrioventricular node
  6. Name the branch of the left coronary artery. Is involved in most heart attacks.
    Anterior descending / Anterior interventricular
  7. What is the efferent limb of the pupillary light reflex?
    CN III, Oculomotor
  8. Superior oblique
  9. cervix
  10. Name the first menstrual cycle
  11. What are the bones of the ear called, as a whole?
    Auditory ossicles
  12. What muscle reduces movement at the oval window?
  13. What is the functional unit of compact bone?
  14. Caracoid process
  15. Manubrium
  16. Scaphoid
  17. What kind of cartilage covers the head of the femur?
    Hyaline Cartilage
  18. Ilium
  19. Osteoclasts to what to serum levels?
  20. What cranial bone articulates all others?
  21. Function of the elbow, besides flexion.
  22. insertion of the triceps brachii?
    olecrenon process
  23. internal Carotid Artery
  24. What part of the midbrain coordinates with the auditory reflex?
    inferior calliculi
  25. Internal Jugular Vein
  26. Axillary Lymph Nodes
  27. Fornix
  28. Name the muscle in the uterine wall.
  29. Name the parts of the brain stem.
    Midbrain, Pons, Medulla
  30. Central Sulcus
  31. lateral collateral ligament
  32. Medial Meniscus
  33. Brachiocephalic Artery
  34. Phrenic Nerve
  35. Muscular force that propels bolus through digestive tract.
  36. Serosa
  37. What disability would be seen if supraspinatus was at a loss of function?
  38. Infraspinatus
  39. Sciatic Nerve
  40. Gluteus Medius
  41. Semitendinosus
  42. Gastrocnemius
  43. Vastus medialis
  44. What ion is sequestered in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle?
  45. External oblique
  46. Insertion of Brachialis
    Ulnar tuberocity
  47. What innervates the Tibialis Anterior
  48. What innervates the rectus femoris
    Femoral Nerve
  49. Name the fixed macrophages in the liver
    Kupfer Cells
  50. Carina
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Possible Pin Test Questions
Possible questions for the pin test