Equine Management - Week 6-9

  1. what are the four areas for IM injection?
    • neck
    • gluteal
    • pectoral
    • semtendonosis
  2. what is borborygmus?
    gut sounds
  3. how do you listen to gut sounds?
    • auscultate in each of four quadrants (1,2,3,4)
    • 1 is dorsal and cranial and continue clockwise on right side & counter-clockwise on left side
  4. what are four dewormers?
    • ivermectin
    • fenbendazole
    • pyrantel pamoate
    • pyrantel tartrate
  5. which dewormer contains ivermectin?
    Eqvalan (liquid and paste)
  6. which dewormer contains fenbendazole?
    Panacur (granules, paste, & suspension)
  7. which dewormer contains pyrantel pamoate?
    Strongid paste and Strongid-T
  8. which dewormer contains pyrantel tartrate?
    Strongid-C (daily additive to feed)
  9. what is a parasite of the mouth?
    gasterophilus (bot larvae)
  10. what are two parasites of the stomach?
    • Drashia megastoma
    • Habronema spp.
  11. what are two parasites of the small intestine?
    • Parascaris equorum (ascards)
    • Strongyloides westeri (intestinal threadworm)
  12. what are two parasites of the large intestine?
    • Strongyles spp.
    • Oxyuris equi (pinworm)
  13. what is a parasite of the liver?
    Stongylus edentatus
  14. what are two parasites of the lungs?
    • Parascaris equorum
    • Dictyocaulus arnfieldi
  15. What are two parasites of the skin?
    • Drashia spp.
    • Habronema larvae
  16. What are two parasites of the eye?
    • Thelazia lacrymalis
    • Onchocerca cervicalis
  17. what are the eight items for a colic exam?
    • 1. heart rate
    • 2. respiratory rate
    • 3. temperature
    • 4. mucous membranes
    • 5. capillary refill time
    • 6. gut sounds
    • 7. passing feces/gas
    • 8. pain level
  18. what is the normal equine heart rate?
    22-48 bpm
  19. what is the normal equine respiration rate?
    10-20 rpm
  20. what is the normal equine temperature?
  21. what is colic?
    stomach/digestive upset
  22. what are the three levels of colic?
    • mild
    • moderate
    • severe
  23. what are the parameters for mild colic?
    • 40-60 bpm
    • 20-30 rpm
    • 99-100.5
    • pale pink
    • 1-2 sec
    • present/normal or increased
    • normal/yes
    • mild
  24. what are the parameters for moderate colic?
    • 60-80 bpm
    • 30-40 rpm
    • 99-100.5
    • pale pink/dark red
    • 2-4 sec
    • present/decreased
    • small hard fecal balls/no
    • moderate
  25. what are the parameters for severe colic?
    • 80+ bpm
    • 40+ rpm
    • <99 or >103
    • reddish/purplish
    • 5+ sec
    • absent
    • none/no
    • severe
  26. what are some common causes for colic?
    • change in diet
    • stress
    • intussusception
    • impaction
    • enteroliths
    • parasites
    • surgery/anesthesia
  27. what are the four core equine vaccines?
    • EEE/WEE
    • Tetanus
    • Rabies
    • WNV
  28. what are five risk-based equine vaccines?
    • Influenza
    • EHV
    • Stangles
    • Potomac Horse Fever
    • Anthrax
  29. what is EEE/WEE
    • Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis
    • Western Equine Encephalomyelitis
  30. what is WNV?
    West Nile Virus
  31. what is the iteology of Strangles?
    Steptococcus equi
  32. what is EHV?
    Equine Herpes virus
  33. what causes abortion in horses?
  34. what is EPM?
    Equine Protozoan Myelitis
  35. what are the effects of EPM?
    neurological disease
  36. which animal carries EPM?
  37. what is tested with the Coggins test?
  38. what is EIA?
    Equine Infectious Anemia
  39. how is EIA spread?
    blood to blood contact (direct, mosquito, biting fly, transfusions, contaminated equipment (needles))
  40. what does EIA do?
    destroys erythrocytes
  41. what are the three forms of EIA?
    • acute
    • chronic
    • inapparent
  42. what are the signs of acute EIA?
    possible fever, off feed, sudden death
  43. how long after exposure may acute EIA show signs?
    7-30 days
  44. what are the signs of chronic EIA?
    positive Coggins, weight loss, weakness, anemia, swelling - symptoms may come and go
  45. what are the signs of inapparent EIA?
    none except positive Coggins
  46. what is the Texas law on EIA?
    • annual Coggins testing & certificate
    • blood must be drawn by vet and tested by state/federal lab
  47. how do you treat EIA?
    don't - untreatable
  48. what is the four options for course of action for positive EIA?
    • euthanize
    • donate to research
    • donate to EIA sanctuary
    • life long isolation
  49. beginning with the mouth, what is the anatomy of the GI tract?
    • mouth
    • esophagus
    • stomach
    • duodenum
    • jejunum
    • ileum
    • cecum
    • right ventral colon
    • sternal flexure
    • left ventral colon
    • pelvic flexure
    • left dorsal colon
    • diaphragmatic flexure
    • right dorsal colon
    • transverse colon
    • small colon
    • rectume
Card Set
Equine Management - Week 6-9
Equine Management - Joyce Brod