ESP - Chapter 3

  1. What are 7 fundamental skills or competencies that supervisors must develop to do an effective job?
    Stopping problems before they get out of hand; Setting up goals and reching them; Building a team and keeping it going; Giving workers a say about their job; Being a leader; Making jobs more interesting and rewarding; Coaching workers to improve their skills
  2. Describe three ways to stop problems early
    Catch problems early through empathy and a sixth sense; Look for patterns or clues of trouble; Budget time to talk and plan to avoid problems
  3. Setting a goal means deciding ______, _____ and ______. It also means setting _____.
    What, when and by whom; priorities
  4. Before you and your work team formulate goals and objectives, it is helpful to determine what?
  5. Your unit's mission; Reason your unit exists; Future of the unit; The unit's principles or values
  6. T/F: Supervisors should set only short-term goals
    False. Supervisors should set both short-term and long-term goals
  7. T/F: It is said that goals determine progress.
  8. When attempting to reach goals, what can be done to make work more efficient?
    Grouping similar tasks together
  9. T/F: Supervisors should help employees build personal goals on the job, but refrain from getting involved in their goals off the job.
    False. Supervisors should help employees build personal goals both on AND off the job.
  10. Supervisors should bring work and personal goals together as __________.
  11. The most successful supervisors are leaders of _______.
    Closely knit work teams
  12. What two things happen when a team is formed?
    A sense of belonging; The whole becomes greater then the sum of the parts
  13. Who is the best source of job-related information and why?
    Workers, because they do the job
  14. When you give workers a say about their jobs, they develop a sense of ______.
  15. Managing through others is known as ________.
  16. When supervisors delegate authority to employees, what are three positive by-products?
    Employees feel valued; They feel their job is more interesting; They operate under self-control
  17. What is the most effective control a supervisor can have?
    Self-control on the part of the workers themselves
  18. T/F: Delegation results in a loss of authority.
  19. True delegation involves giving workers only authority related to _____. This is the authority to decide _____.
    work; how the work should be done
  20. If workers do not have the knowledge for delegation, what is to be done?
    Train the workers, then delegate accordingly
  21. In which five areas should supervisors involve their employees?
    Planning; Decision-making; Goal setting; Scheduling; Resource allocation
  22. With self-managed work units, the supervisor becomes a ______ and a _____, verses a _____.
    facilitator and coach; controller
  23. Authority assigned by the organization is known as what kind of authority?
    Formal authority
  24. Authority which is based on your knowledge of what is done in your work group is known as what kind of authority?
    Expert authority
  25. T/F: It is necessary to be an expert in every situation to have expert authority over your work group.
  26. Authority that is earned from workers through their acceptance of you as their leader is known as what?
    Leadership authority
  27. T/F: Workers will select their own leader, who may or may not be the supervisor.
  28. There is no way to build a true work team if you have not earned what?
    The position of a leader
  29. What is one of the most important skills a supervisor needs to work more interesting and challenging for workers?
    The ability to redesign jobs
  30. A study in the early 1970's found that workers rank _______ as the most important out of 25 factors associated with work.
    interesting work
  31. Studies have found that workers want more of what in relation to work?
    More control over their work
  32. What is considered an excellent way to make work more interesting for employees?
    Cross train them or have them cross train each other
  33. What are two requirements for good coaching?
    An agreed-upon work plan; Positive, continuous feedback from supervisors
  34. Effective supervisors watch for ____ of trouble in order to deal with them before they grow into serious problems.
    small signs
  35. T/F: A goal is a target.
  36. A group is a simple collection of individuals, but a ____ is a group of people who trust and count on one another to help with the work.
  37. Employees whose supervisors seek their ____ on jobs will generally perform them most effectively, efficiently and economically.
  38. In short, employees want more ____ to tackle their jobs on their own and more information to enable them to do their work better.
  39. Good ____ requires that workers have an agreed upon work plan and positive, continuous feedback from supervisors.
  40. Supervisors who are _____ have employees that confide in them and speak frankly. These employees will inform you of early warning signals.
  41. _____ are the values that your work team considers worthwhile. These principles should be reflected in the goals that you set, your "Mission Statement".
    Guiding principles
  42. A ____ is a target. It is an exact statement of what must be done and what must be completed.
  43. _____ must be set when establishing goals.
  44. When you bring personal goals of the worker together with the organizational goals, the result is _____.
  45. T/F: A supervisor does not delegate his or her authority as a supervisor.
  46. Delegation should only be given to employees or teams that are ____ at their jobs.
  47. T/F: It is not enough to have expert authority or the formal authority given by your organization. Effective supervisors must have Leadership Authority.
  48. It is difficult to get early warning signs of trouble from workers unless you have earned their ____ and ____.
    acceptance and respect
  49. Younger workers will rebel against work that is ____ and ____.
    monotonous and meaningless
  50. What (4) positive results come from cross-training your employees?
    Cross-training lets your employees learn each other's jobs; It provides back-up for your work team; It teaches them new skills; It keeps the job challenging and interesting
  51. Postive feedback requires that the supervisor praise both ____ and ____ in addition to helping correct mistakes.
    good work; improved work
  52. Instead of negative feedback, supervisors should show how to _____ and how to learn from these errors.
    avoid and correct mistakes
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ESP - Chapter 3
Effective Supervisory Practices - Chapter 3