Three types of Muscular Tissue
- Skeletal
- Carsiac
- Visceral (smooth)
What are the Location, Function, Appearance, and Control of Skeletal muscle
- Location :Skeleton
- Function: Movement, Heat, Posture
- Appearance: Striated, Multi-nucleated, fibers parallel
- Control: Voluntary
What are the Location, Function, Appearance, and Control of Cardiac muscle
- Location :heart
- Function: pump blood continuously
- Appearance: Striated,branching 1 cental nucleus, intercalated discs
- Control: involuntary
What are the Location, Function, Appearance, and Control of Vinsceral muscle
- Location :G.I. track, uterus, eye, blood vessels
- Function: Peristalsis, blood pressure, pupil size, erects hairs
- Appearance: no striations,one central nucleus, spindle shaped cell
- Control: involuntary
Functions of muscle tissue
- Movement
- Stabilized the body
- Control shape and size of internal organs
- Generate heat
- Aid in moving blood and lymph
Sarcoplasmic recticulum-
store clalcium
Acetylcholine is the
Contractile protein
- Actin–thin filament
- Myosin-thick filament
Regulatory protein
- Troponin
- Tropomyosin > both Cover actin
Structural protein
- Dystrophin–protein that attaches myofibril to wall of cell
- Titin
How do you get Myofibril
a bunch of sacomere put together
A bunch of myofibril put together are called
muscle cell
When calcium binds to troponin that is what starts
muscle movement
Molecules do not shorten, but the sarcomere and therefore,
the muscle does shorten
Isotonic contraction –
tension is constant but muscle length changes
Concentric isotonic –
muscle shortens
Eccentric isotonic –
muscle lengthens (force makes muscle keep moving b/c it is too heavy)
Isometris contration-
tension changes but muscles length remains constant
4 sources of ATP
- StoresATP (3sec)
- Storedcreatine phosphate (12sec)
- Anaerobicrespiration (30-40sec)
- Aerobicrespiration (min-hr)
the more forceful contraction a muscle needs,the more additional, motor units in that muscle are stimulated to contract
Fast twitch-
- whitefibers
- is anaerobic
- has explosive power fatigues easily
Slow twitch-
- Redfibers
- is aerobic
- has steady power
- Has endurance
Cell membrane is in muscle is called
Cytoplasm in muscle is called
Contraction in muscle is:
regulated by cellular calcium
Levels of muscle organization
- Action & myosin
- Myofiberils (strands of sarcomeres arranged end on end)
- Muscle cells or fiber ( bundle of myofibrils)
- fascicles (bundle of muscle cells)
- Muscle ( bundle of fascicles)
Surrounds entire musle
- surrounds a fascicle
- CT covering each fascicle
- thin layer that surrounds each individual muscle cell
- CT covering each cell
beneath the connective tissue endomysium of each muscle fiber is the:
Cell membrane sarcolemma
full of contractile proteins arranged in myofibrils
- 1: Sarcoplasmic reticulum
- 2: Sarcolemma
- 3: Myofibril
- 4: Sarcomere
- 5: Transverse tubule
- From "Z" disc to "Z" disc
- the basic unit
- Made of thick and thin filaments
attaches myofibers to the sarcolemma
Thin filaments
comprised mostly of the structural protein ACTIN, but also regulatory TROPONIN and TROPMYSIN
Thick filaments
comprised mostly of structural protein MYOSIN
Carbon binds to _____ which changes the shape of the _________-________ complex and uncovers the myosin binding site on actin, thus beginning the ______ cycle
- Troponin
- Troponin-tropomyosin
- Contraction cycle
Neuromuscular junction
junction of a motor neuron axon with skeletal muscle cell
Communication between a neuron and an adjacent cell occurs by:
Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter in the
skeletal muscle
junction between a neuron and another cell
Synaptic cleft
- gap between two cells
- neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the gap
Action potential
moves down nerve of muscle in a wave like pattern
Sliding filament concept of contraction
- Step 1: ATP hydrolysis
- Calcium binds to troponin
- Step 2: Attachment
- Myosin binds Actin
- Step 3: Power stroke
- Myosin crossbridges rotate toward cent of the sarcomer
- Step 4: Detachment
- ATP binds Myosin> detaches
4 sources of ATP for muscle contraction
- Limited amounts of ATP are Stored in muscle fibers
- Creatine phosphate pathway (fasted way to get ATP)
- Fermentation (no oxygen)
- Cellular respiration (best long term source)
Smooth muscle
- No striation
- Limited storage of calcium
- Contraction regulated by calmodulin
- Contract and relam slowly