Science 7 SP Living and Nonliving Things: Finals Review

  1. 2 things plant cells have that animals cells don't have
    chloroplasts and cell walls
  2. type of organisms that break down dead matter and absorb useful elements from it
  3. nonvascular plants don't have
    transportation tubes
  4. An organ that is not part of the digestive system is the

    B) kidney
  5. chemical from a gland that affects other body parts
  6. Hereditary information is passed from one generation to the next by
  7. A section of DNA containing the blueprint for a single trait is
    a gene
  8. Humans have 46 chromosomes. How many of a child's chromosomes come from its mother?
  9. What are 2 processes that produce variations in living things?
    sexual reproduction and mutation
  10. A species becomes extinct when
    everybody from that species has died.
  11. an example of variation and natural selection taking place would be
    bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics
  12. from sexual reproduction, each new living thing develops from
    a fertilized egg
  13. In the pupa stage of a moth's life cycle, the organism

    B) lives inside a cocoon changing its shape
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Science 7 SP Living and Nonliving Things: Finals Review
Science 7 SP Living and Nonliving Things: Finals Review