
  1. What is cardiac muscle tissue and where is it located?
    Straited branched fibers that r involuntarily controlled and are located in the heart wall.
  2. What is smooth muscle tissue and where is it located?
    Nonstraited ,spindle shaped fibers that r involuntarily controlled. located within blood vessels, uterus, and lines digestive tract.
  3. What is skeletal muscle tissue and where is it located?
    Straited long fibers that are voluntarily controlled . Located attacted to the bones.Only type of muscle tissue that is considered part of the muscular system.
  4. What is Excitability?
    The ability to recieve and respond to stimulus.
  5. What is contractilbility?
    ability to shorten when stimulated .(contract)
  6. What is Extensibility?
    The ability to be streched or extended.
  7. What is Elasticity?
    ability to recoil after being streched.
  8. What are the four muscle functions?
    Production of movement , Maintenance of posture and body position , Stabilizing joints, Generation of heat.
  9. What is the nerve and blood supply of a skeletal muscle?
    Each muscle is supplied by one nerve, one artery, and one or more veins . Skeletalmuscles have a very rich blood supply because they are so active , so they need a constant supply of energy and oxygen.
  10. What are connective tissue sheaths ?
    sheaths of connective tissue that support muscle fibers and reinforce muscles during powerful contractions.
  11. What is an Epimysium?
    Dense irregular connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle.
  12. What is a Perimysium?
    fibrous connective tissue that surrounds a group of muscle tissue called fascicles.
  13. What is Endomysium?
    thin layer of areolar connective tissue that surrounds individual muscle fibers.
  14. What is an insertion?
    movable bone to which a muscle is attached.
  15. What is an orgin?
    less movable bone to which a muscle is attached.
  16. What is direct attachment?
    epimysium of the muscle directly attached to the bone.
  17. What is indirect attachment?
    epimysium is attached to a tendon or aponeurosis which is then attached to a bone.
  18. What is a tendon?
    cord of fibrous tissue.
  19. What is Aponeurosis ?
    sheat of fibrous tissue.
  20. What is a sarcoplasm?
    cytoplasm inside a muscle fiber.(jelly like)
  21. What is glycogen?
    carbohydrate, large molecule made up of many glucose molecules used to store energy
  22. What is myoglobin?
    red pigment that stores oxygen
  23. What are myofibrils?
    thin threads that extend the length of a muscle fiber.
  24. What is sarcoplasm reticulum?
    fluid filled sacs that surround each myofibril . Store n release calcium.
  25. What are filaments?
    are directly involved in the contraction process and are arranged in sacromeres.
  26. What is a sacromere?
    basic unit of a myofibril
  27. What is a Z disc?
    lines that mark the ends of each sacromere
  28. What is actin?
    thin filament of contractile protein which is attached to the Z disc.
  29. What is myosin?
    thick filament of contractile protein that is directly attached to the z disc.
  30. What is an A band ?
    where the actin and myosin overlap and the area in between
  31. Where is the zone of overlap?
    at each end of the A band just where u have to overlap.
  32. What is the I band?
    where there is only actin
  33. What is the H zone?
    where you just have myosin.
  34. What is the M line ?
    A line that goes right down the centerof the sacromere formed by proteins.
  35. What is the structure and protein of myosin?
    each myosin is made up of a tail n two heads which stick out and r capable of movin
  36. What is the structure and function of actin?
    composed of a string of actin molecules twisted into a helix.Each actin molecule contains a myosin bindin site where a myosin head can attach.
  37. What are regulatory proteins?
    proteins that help switch the contraction process on and off.
  38. What is Tropomyosin?
    brown protein that covers the myosin bindin sites on actin when a muscle is relaxed.
  39. What is Troponin?
    yellow proteins that hold the tropomyosin in place
  40. What is neuromuscular junction?
    where a nerve impulse from a motor neuron is transmitted to a muscle fiber. region of contact between motor neuron and muscle fiber.
  41. What is at the end of a motor neuron?
    Axon terminal and synaptic end bulb
  42. what does the synaptic end bulb contain?
    synaptic vescicles filled with acetylcholine (ach)
  43. what is the synaptic clef?
    space between the synapic end bulb and the muscle fiber.
  44. what is the motor end plate?
    region on the muscle fiber thats directly opposite from the synaptic end bulb
  45. what is creatine phosphate?
    high energy molecule that is stored in muscles. creatine phosphate +ADP>creatine +ATP.provides energy for about 15 seconds of activity ex. running a 100 meter dash.
  46. anaerobic respiration (glycolysis)
    series of reactions that do not require oxygen .begins to break down glucose molecules. Used after creatine phosphate is used up, provides energy for about 30-40 seconds of activity . ex-runnin a 400 meter dash.
Card Set
Muscles & Muscle tissue