tox 2 sedative/hypnotics

  1. zolpidem overdose Tx
    • activated charcoal
    • flumazenil - reverse CNS & respiratory depression
  2. clinical presentation of zolpidem overdose
    • drowsiness & dizziness
    • hypotonia
    • blurred vision
    • mydriasis
    • gait disturbances
    • memory impairment
    • hallucinations
  3. malonylurea derivative and allosteric modulator of GABAA
  4. ultra short acting barbs
    • thiopental
    • methohexital
    • thiamylal
  5. short acting barbs
    • pentobarbital
    • secobarbital
    • butalbital
    • hexobarbital
  6. intermediate acting barbs
    • amobarbital
    • aprobarbital
    • butabarbital
  7. long acting barbs
    • phenobarbital
    • mephobarbital
    • barbital
    • metharbital
    • primidone
  8. which brain areas are most susceptible to barbiturate overdose and CNS effects
    • reticular activating system
    • cerebellum
  9. what neurotransmitter do barbs affect
  10. 2 major consequences for barbiturate toxic manifestations
    decreased postsynaptic depolarization of Ach - resulting in smooth, skeletal, cardiac muscle depression

    higher doses depress medullary respiratory centers - all 3 drives
  11. 3 respiratory drives inhibited by  high dose barbs
    • neurogenic - resp rhythm during sleep
    • chemical - carotid & aortic receptors, pH
    • hypoxic drive - decreased baroreceptor response
  12. clinical presentation of barb overdose
    • CNS depression
    • respiratory depression
    • hypotension
    • hypothermia
    • bullous skin lesion
  13. dosing of AC for barb overdose
    • adult 50-100g
    • child 1g/kg
  14. most effective treatment for long acting barb overdose
  15. secondary insults of barb overdose
    • brain
    • lungs
    • kidneys
  16. benzo overdose doesn't cause what
    • significant acid-base or electrolyte abnormalities
    • hypoglycemia due to CNS depression should be ruled out
  17. how does tolerance to benzos result
    downregulation of receptors
  18. characteristics of S/H withdrawal
    sympathetic stimulation
  19. date rape drug and the 3 D's associated with
    • flunitrazepam (rohypnol)
    • drowsiness
    • disorientation
    • dizziness
  20. antianxiety agent with a high affinity for 5-HT11A and D2 receptors
    busprirone - buspar
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tox 2 sedative/hypnotics
tox 2 sedative/hypnotics