
  1. What 2 terms are used to describe a heart attack?
    Coronary Occlusion, Myocardial Infarction
  2. Which part of the eye is comparable to a cameral lens?
  3. What is the technical term for blind spot?
    Optic Disk
  4. This structure contains tiny limestones that aid in equalibrium
    Semicircular Canals
  5. Another term for Fainting
  6. This structure lines/covers the outer structure of the eye (mucosal lining)
  7. What 2 structures are connected by the eustachian tube?
    Throat and Middle Ear
  8. What is insulin shock
    Hypoglycemia; too much insulin; decrease in sugar
  9. What is the Rule of Nines?
    Measures % of body burned
  10. When giving mouth-to-mouth, you are placed at the patients?
    Head, on the side
  11. Describe primary steps to giving CRP to children
    Perform 5 cycles first, then summon help/active EMS
  12. Involuntary muscle contractions are a result of?
  13. Blockage of the coronary artery?
    Heart Attack
  14. Increase of blood sugar in a diabetic
    Diabetic Coma
  15. When do you start compressions on a patient?
    When there is no pulse
  16. Difficulty swallowing, slurred speech are a result of?
  17. Cervical spine injuries result from?
    Falls, Vehicle Accidents, Sports, Diving
  18. Overuse of a muscle?
  19. How is insulin shock treated?
    Give glucose/sugar immediately
  20. A sunburn is a chemical burn
    False, it is a thermal burn
  21. Most common cause of an obstructed airway?
  22. Can an individual die from shock?
  23. The type of burn that results from a live power line?
    Electrical burn
  24. Artificial respiration must be given to a drowning victim immediately?
  25. Who should be verse in CPR/Emergency care in the medical office?
    The entire staff
  26. Bee stings can result in?
    Allergic Reaction/Anaphylactic Shock
  27. Aspirin or Nitroglycerin can be given to a patient with suspected myocardial infarction?
  28. Immediate action given to a stroke patient can help restore function?
  29. Compound fracture
    A fracture that includes a break through the skin
  30. Injuries to ligaments
  31. Amblyopia
    Lazy/Slow eye
  32. Glaucoma
    Pressure on the optic nerve
  33. Myopia
  34. Conjunctivitis
    Pinkeye; Highly contagious
  35. Presbyopia
    Inability of the lens to accommodate for near vision; natural age related farsightedness
  36. Incision
    Clean cut
  37. Laceration
    Tearing/cutting of skin tissue
  38. Abrasion
    Scraping of the epidermis
  39. Puncture
    Wound with a pointed object; bite
  40. Life threatening
    May cause death
  41. Sudden
    Without warning
  42. Acute
    Rapid onset
  43. Urgent
    Requires immediate attention; stat
Card Set
mod 203 test 4