Family Studies Unit Test

  1. What's the definition of Active Listening?
    Involves concentrating on what is being said so that you understand and remember the message.
  2. What's the definition of Assertive?
    When you communicate your ideas and feelings firmly and positively.
  3. What's the definition of Bias?
    Looking at things with a narrow perspective, often based on opinion, not fact.
  4. What's the definition of Body Language?
    A form of nonverbal communication.
  5. What's the definition of Communication?
    The exchange of information between two or more people.
  6. What's the definition of Communication filters?
    Roadblocks when trying to communicate.
  7. What's the definition of Feedback?
    Giving a response to someone communication to you by nodding, talking, etc.
  8. What's the definition of I-Message?
    Communication that allows you to take responsibility for how you feel.
  9. What's the definition of Non-verbal Communication?
    A type of communication that uses elements other than words to convey a message. Includes gestures, eye contact, body movement and facial expression.
  10. What's the definition of Adolescence?
    The stage of life that begins around puberty.
  11. What's the definition of Adolescents?
    Individuals in the stage of adolescence.
  12. What's the definition of Development?
    Occurs when you coordinate skills into complex behaviours.
  13. What's the definition of Development Tasks?
    Each stage of life that presents challenges for growth and development.
  14. What's the definition of Environment?
    Things around you that influence your personality.
  15. What's the definition of Growth?
    Physical changes that occur in your body.
  16. What's the definition of Heredity?
    Inherited traits that are from your parents.
  17. What's the definition of Lifespan?
    • The length of time something is alive. The stages are: 
    • Infancy
    • Toddler
    • Preschool
    • School-age
    • Adolescence
    • Adulthood
  18. What's the definition of Alternative?
    Choices from among more than 2 possibilities.
  19. What's the definition of Choices?
    Options where there are many alternatives available.
  20. What's the definition of Consequences?
    What will happen after you make a decision.
  21. What's the definition of Decision Making?
    Choosing between options.
  22. What's the definition of Goal?
    Something you want to achieve at a certain time in your life.
  23. What's the definition of Needs?
    Things that are necessary for your growth and development.
  24. What's the definition of Resources?
    Any means of reaching a goal.
  25. What's the definition of Standards?
    Anything taken as a basis of comparison; model.
  26. What's the definition of Wants?
    Things that will make your life more pleasant.
  27. What are some of the ways we communicate?
    • We communicate verbally with words and these words are interpreted depending on the person's tone of voice, sound-level, speed of mouth-movement, vocabulary, etc.
    • We also communicate non-verbally, using body language, gestures, facial expressions, etc.
    • We can also communicate using electronics such as cell phones, computers, etc. Though this might not be preferable, because you can't see the person face-to-face.
  28. Why is it important to have good communication skills?
    It's important because you should be able to convey your feelings and thoughts properly to people and also understand other people as well. It helps you fit in with society.
  29. What are some reasons for poor communication? (There are 9)
    • Being distracted, not listening
    • Selective listening
    • Planning what you are going to say rather than listening
    • Not facing the speaker
    • Mumbling, not properly pronouncing words
    • Inappropriate volume
    • Body language doesn't math words
    • Contradictory statements
    • Inappropriate facial expressions
  30. What is the 'Process of Communication' word equation?
    speaker (sender) → filters (interference) → receiver (listener)
  31. What are the 7 filters of communication and how do they make communication difficult?
    • Bias - An opinion or tendency to be strongly against a person or thing. 
    • Prejudice - An unfair opinion about someone or something that is not based on reason or experience.
    • Stereotype - A belief that an entire group of people fit a fixed common pattern that they are alike in a certain way.
    • Economic Status - A person's position or relation to other's concerning how much wealth they have.
    • Social Status - A person's position in relation to others concerning their popularity with others.
    • Gender - The social and cultural differences between males and females.
    • Age - The length of time that a person or thing as existed.

    They make communication difficult because it gives people reasons to act a certain way before even knowing the person they are talking to.
  32. Describe the communication pie graph.
    • 53% is body language
    • 40% is tone/feeling
    • 7% are words.
  33. What are some examples of having good listening skills?
    • Looking at the speaker
    • Encourage the speaker to continue
    • Paying attention to what is said
    • Asking questions for clarification
    • Making eye contact
    • Using facial expressions
    • Rephrasing or summarizing
    • Leaning forward and nodding
    • Making comments to indicate understanding
  34. What are some examples of having bad listening skills?
    • Being distracted
    • Selective listening
    • Planning what you are going to say rather than listening
    • Not facing the speaker
    • Inappropriate body language
  35. Why are facial expressions important?
    Because it expresses your feelings.
  36. How many facial expressions can we make, and what are some examples?
    • 7000
    • Sadness
    • Contempt
    • Astonishment
    • Happiness
  37. Why can the human face make so many expressions?
    Because it's constructed that way. There are 64 muscles that move freely.
  38. How would life differ if you could not make facial expressions?
    People wouldn't know what your feeling, they might think that your stupid/retarded.
  39. How would life differ if you could not decode facial expressions?
    You might not know how to behave around others.
  40. What four types of smiles are there?
    • Enjoyment
    • Listener
    • Polite
    • Miserable
  41. What relationship has been found between smiles in school yearbooks and happiness in later life?
    If you have a true smile when you're 21 years old, then there's a good chance that you will have a happy life when you're 52 years old.
  42. Can you tell if someone is lying by looking at their facial expressions?
    Yes, because of micro-expressions.
  43. Why do some societies discourage facial expressions?
    In kendo (a Japanese martial art), the one who budges has the least amount of confidence.
  44. What is the reason for "laughter clubs"?
    It's to make people feel fresh, gets more oxygen into yours longs, unwinds negative effects of stress and boosts your immune system.
  45. Do we risk losing our ability to make certain facial gestures because of technology?
    Yes, because we now use it for communication instead of being face-to-face. So instead of making expressions in front of people, you're behind a screen and people might not understand you.
  46. What is a mixed message?
    When your non-verbal actions don't match your verbal words.
  47. Describe the difference between I-messages and You-messages.
    • I-messages usually start with "I feel" or "I felt". It's when you describe your own personal thoughts or feelings.
    • You-messages usually start with "You are" or "You did". It's when you describe a person that's not yourself based on what you think yourself.
  48. How can cultural distinctions in communication lead to misunderstandings? Provide an example.
    • A person might be stereo-typical, be prejudice, etc. and not understand the other person as a communication partner, but rather as a person with a different culture as them.
    • A gesture might have different meanings in different countries. For example, a thumbs-up means "everything's okay" where we live, but in other countries it's something offensive.
  49. How has technology changed the way we communicate?
    People can now send messages and communicate to others using the internet, text-messing, phone calls, etc. Communication no longer has to be face-to-face. This is sometimes good, for example, if someone moves away and you wish to keep in contact. Or it could be bad, because you can't see the other person's facial expressions nor hear their tone of voice and end up misunderstanding.
  50. In what areas does growth occur?
    Growth occurs in your body. They're the physical changes.
  51. Why does the rate at which you grow and develop not limit your development?
    Because you can physically grow taller than everyone and look older (growth) but be very childish and immature (development) or vice versa.
  52. What are the Big 8 Emotions?
    • Fear
    • Sadness
    • Anger
    • Joy
    • Acceptance
    • Anticipation
    • Disgust
    • Surprise
  53. What is the name of the gland responsible for the physical growth of our sex organs in adolescence?
    The pituitary gland.
  54. Why is it important to discover that there are multiple intelligences?
    Because you have to know that different people have different intelligence levels, different opinions and thoughts, etc.
  55. What does socialization teach us?
    It teaches us acceptable behavior so you can fit into society.
  56. What is 'potential'?
    The development of your abilities to become something successful in the future.
  57. What are four rules that people play in groups?
    • Commander in Chief - wants to be in charge, orders people around, shows irritation if they fail to do as told. Wants the lead role, regardless of whose idea is used.
    • Wet Blanket - Insists that nothing will work, rejects everyone's ideas, states that the activity is stupid.
    • The Right Person - insists that his/her way is the only way, dominates and interrupts others.
    • Peacemaker - tries to maintain harmony within the group, seeks to please everyone
    • Sunshine - Tries to help others relax by adding humour, keeping the atmosphere light.
  58. What are some positive and negative characters traits?
    • Positives:
    • Energetic
    • Intelligent
    • Responsible
    • Patient
    • Optimistic
    • Perserverant
    • Helpful
    • Kind
    • Negatives:
    • Greedy
    • Lazy
    • Rude
    • Vain
    • Cruel
    • Argumentative
    • Impatient
    • Sadistic
    • Selfish
  59. How are positive traits related to being a leader?
    Because being a leader means you have to be a well-liked and respectable person, so you'd have to have good personality traits in order to reach that status.
  60. How can you improve your maturity development?
    • You can try to have more control over your emotions.
    • Be independent
    • Be dependable
    • Help others
    • Willing to work hard
    • Being responsible
  61. What's the difference between a need and a want? Provide an example.
    • A need is something that is necessary for your growth and development. A want is something that you desire and it used to make your life more pleasurable. 
    • A need is water.
    • A want is a new laptop.
  62. What are three ways to build up your self-confidence and self-esteem?
    • Recognize and accept your faults
    • Accept motivation from others and motivate yourself
    • Being optimistic
  63. What are three ways to reach your goals?
    • Perseverance
    • Knowing your potential
    • Find something to inspire you in order to keep going.
  64. What are three ways you can make a difference in the world around you?
    • Helping people, even if it's just something little
    • Helping the community
    • Being involved in things happening around you
  65. What are three things you can do to improve your character?
    • Be more social and involved
    • Be respectful to everyone
    • Expressing your feelings and communicating properly.
  66. What's the difference between a short term goal and a long term goal? How are they related?
    • A short-term goal is something you're planing to achieve soon. A long-term goal is something you want to achieve later on in the future.
    • They're related because you usually have to achieve several short-term goals in order to achieve your long-term one.
  67. What are SMART goals?
    • Specfic
    • Measurable
    • Attainable
    • Realistic
    • Timely

    A practical goal that you can achieve and isn't impossible. It's important to have them because you shouldn't waste your time on unrealistic goals you can never achieve.
  68. What are the steps in the Decision Making Process?
    • Identify the problem
    • Consider what the standards need to be for a successful result
    • Identify all of the possible alternatives
    • Predict the consequences of each alternative
    • Estimate the probability of each alternative and the related consequences
    • Choose the best alternative and take responsibility for your decision
    • Carry out the decision with a plan of action
    • After you have implemented your decision, you need to evaluate the results of your actions.
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Family Studies Unit Test