chapter 23.3 vocab

  1. "American First"
    Harding; Domestic; belief that foreign policy decisions be limited to what is best for America
  2. Fordney-McCumber Tariff Bill
    Harding; Domestic; raised tariffs 40% in order to protect American industry
  3. Immigration Act of 1912
    Harding; Domestic; immigration from a specific ration was limited to 3% of that nation's population living in the U.S. as reported in the 1910 Federal Census
  4. Revenue Act of 1912
    • Harding; Domestic; reversed the high tax rates enacted during WWI.
    • Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon argued that significant tax reduction was necessary in order to spur economies expansion and restore prosperity
  5. Harding and Civil Liberties
    Harding; Domestic; Harding orders the review of cases involving radicals prosecuted during World War 1 and Eugene Debs released from prison
  6. Secretary of Treasury, Andrew Mellon
    Harding; Domestic; served under Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover; believed the U.S. government should be run as a corporation; his policy's include both a reduction in government spending and taxes
  7. Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover
    Harding; Domestic; served under Harding and Coolidge; "associative state" refers to Hoover's belief that responsible cooperation between governments the American people (consumers/workers) and corporations will advance the economy and the standard of living in America; believed in the ability of all Americans - be self reliant and take personal responsibility for themselves when given the opportunity to do (rugged-individualism)
  8. Isolationism
    Harding; Foreign; concept of isolationism incorporates the following ideas, limited international involvement for the U.S., no permanent or entangling alliances, keep the U.S. at peace, enter international agreements based on laws not military force
  9. Secretary of State Charles Evans Hughes
    Harding; Foreign; served under Harding and Coolidge; created the policy of "Pax Americana" promoting the American economy with good will and friendship rather than military commitment; great in negotiating the Washington Conference and Dawes Plan
  10. Washington Conference 1921
    Harding; Foreign; international arms conference designed to limit the naval arms race and to work out security agreements in the Pacific; conference is considered the first successful disbarment treaty in modern history
  11. Peace with Germany
    Harding; Foreign; 1921 President Harding signs a separate peace treaty with Germant
  12. The Dawes Plan
    Coolidge; Foreign; negotiated to help Germany manage reparation payments. provisions of it included a reduction of German debt, an extension of debt repayment and investment loans; helped stabilize the German economy to pay back GB + F who repaid U.S.
  13. Relations with the Soviet Union
    Coolidge; Foreign; B + F formally recognize the legitimacy of the Soviet government in the former Russia; refused to recognize the Soviet government
  14. The Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
    Coolidge; Foreign; an agreement designed to outlaw war; specified no means of enforcement and was thus ineffective; a reflection of American commitment to isolationism
  15. Coolidge and Civil Rights
    Coolidge; Domestic; made an effort to improve civil rights in American by proposing anti-lynching laws and a commission to study civil rights; both rejected by Congress
  16. Veterans Benefits
    Coolidge; Domestic; 1924, Congress overrode a veto by President and passed a "bonus bill" that would have provided WWI veterans with a $1000 bonus in 1945
  17. "Trickle-down Economics"
    Coolidge; Domestic; policies that lowers taxes on the wealthy and corporations in order to promote investment and economic growth. money saved by not paying taxes to the government will be invested in companies on the stock market so they can hire more employees and grow their business and thus make more money. this tax reduction will "trickle down" and benefit everyone in the economy
  18. Tax Cuts
    Coolidge; Domestic; tax rates are further reduced under Coolidge and an increasing number of Americans invest in the stock market
  19. Immigration Act of 1924 (Johnson-Reed Immigration Act)
    Coolidge; Domestic; replaces the 1921 Immigration Act by establishing a quota for immigrants at 2% of that nation's residents living in the U.S. as reported by 1890 census
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chapter 23.3 vocab
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