ochem ch 6 alkyl halides part 7 (halide halogenation SN2 SN1 nucleophile hydride shift saytzeff r

  1. Do rearrangements occur during the E2 reaction?
  2. do rearrangements occur during the E1 reaction?
  3. Is a strong or weak base required for an E1 reaction? How about E2?
    weak base for E1 and strong base for E2
  4. What type of solvent is neede dfor E1 and E2 reactions
    E1 requires a good ionizing solvent and for E2, solvent polarity is not important
  5. What is the rate law for E1 and E2?
    • E1 is rate = k[halide]
    • E2 is rate = k[halide][base]
  6. If a reaction involves a strong nucleophile, it will proceed under one of which two reactions?
    Sn2 or E2
  7. If an alkyl halide contains a primary halide and it is attacked by another molecule, what reaction will it proceed under?
    usually it will be an Sn2 reaction
  8. Tertiary halides undergo which reaction?
    undergo E2 reaction (if strong base present) or a mixture of Sn1 and E1 (weak base)
  9. High temperatures favor which type of reaction?
  10. bulky bases favor which type of reaction?
Card Set
ochem ch 6 alkyl halides part 7 (halide halogenation SN2 SN1 nucleophile hydride shift saytzeff r
6. ochem ch 6 alkyl halides part 7 (halide halogenation SN2 SN1 nucleophile hydride shift saytzeff rule e1 e2 substitution elimination)