Acronym - Cranial Nerves

  1. Old
    Olfactory (I) - Smell
  2. Opie
    Optic - (II) - Sight
  3. Occasionally
    Oculomotor - (III) - eye mover
  4. Tries
    Trochlear - (IV) - eye movements
  5. Trigonometry
    Trigeminal - (V) - touch, temp, pain on face, and mastication)

    (Tri = 3 - the trigeminal nerve has 3 divisions)
  6. And
    Abducens - (VI) - lateral eye movements

    (to remember- abduct = away = lateral)
  7. Feels
    Facial - (VII) - taste, facial expression
  8. Very
    Vestibulocochlear - (VIII) - hearing, equilibrium

    (cochlear = cochlea (in the ear))
  9. Gloomy
    Glossopharyngeal - (IX) - taste, touch, pain, pressure, salivation, swallowing, gagging

    (glossal = tongue; pharyngeal = pharynx)
  10. Vague
    Vagus - (X) - 90% of parasympathetic motor efferents to viscera, taste, hunger, fullness, swallowing, speech, deceleration of heart, bronchoconstriction

    (to remember - vagus = viscera)
  11. And
    Accessory - (XI) - swallowing, head/neck/shoulder movements

    (to rmember - a purse is an accessory and it hangs on your shoulder!)
  12. Hypoactive
    Hypoglossal - (XII) - tongue movements of speech, manipulation, & swallowing

    glossal = tongue
Card Set
Acronym - Cranial Nerves
An acronym to remember the 12 cranial nerves