Adv TEST lecture 2

  1. What is Folger's point of entry marketing for marketers?
    We must be clear on who we are trying to reach and then on what we can say that will resonate with them.
  2. Target segment (IMPORTANT)
    the subgroup( of the larger market) chosen as the focal point for the marketing program and advertising campaign
  3. STP Foundation( IMPORTANT)
    EX 6.3
    1. Segmenting: Break down diverse markets into manageable segments

    2. Targeting: Choosing specific segments as the focal point for marketing efforts

    3. Positioning: Aligning the marketing mix to yield distinctive appeal for the target segment.

    Critical for all ad/PR life
  4. Position( IMPORTANT)
    the process of designing and representing one's product or service so that it will occupy a distinct and valued place in the target consumer's mind
  5. Position strategy( IMPORTANT)
    Involves the selection of Key themes or concepts that the organization will feature when communicating this distinctiveness to the target segment
    • It represents a sound basis for generating effective advertising
    • Recommended for markets characterized by diversity in consumers' needs and preference
    • It a market with a significant amount of diversity, it is impossible to design one product that will appeal everyone
  7. One girl wear Army cloth
    One girl-hard candy
    • Ex 6.4 and 6.5
    • The two ads from the same issue of Seventeen magazine illustrate that in each case the advertisers was try to reach out to adolescent females, but the ad target segment ( Ex6.4 for marine girl) (Ex 6.5 ad of hard candy makeup model)
  8. Beyond STP marketing
    Two options to maintain vitality
    • 1.Reassessment of the segmentation strategy
    • 2.Pursue a product differentiation strategy(allow the customers to distinguish the brand with other's brand)
  9. Market Segmentation
    Involves breaking down large, heterogeneous markets into more homogeneous, manageable sub market.
  10. Five Broad segmentation criteria
    • 1.usage/commitment
    • 2.demographics
    • 3.geographic
    • 4. psychographic
    • 5. Benefit
  11. Heavy users
    in a category account for the majority of product's sales and thus become the preferred or primary target segment
  12. Emergent Consumers
    In most product categories there is a gradual but constant influx of first-time buyers( divorce, graduate, marriage, new baby)
  13. Point of entry marketing
    • Developing advertising campaign to win with first time users. Targeting emergent with message that fit their age of social circumstances products modest effect and leads to brand loyalty.
    • Folgers targeting just graduated 20-something
  14. Psychographics
    a form of research that emphasizes the understanding of consumer's (activities, interests, and opinions(AIOS))--motivation which demographic variables did not provide
  15. Psychographic Segmentation
    Lifestyle Segmentation
    Focus on consumers' activities, interest, and opinions (AIOS) that often produces insights into differences in the lifestyles of various segments.
  16. VALS
    values and lifestyles system that explains roles of consumers based on resource( age, income, education and primary motivation)
  17. VALS
    3 group of motivation
    • 1.ideals
    • 2.Achievement
    • 3. Self-Expression
  18. Benefit Segmentation
    various benefit package that different consumers want ( some want efficient reliable, some want luxury and speed)
  19. Business-to-Business
    • Business to business marketing is a major but almost unknown employment area
    • Business Markets-are the institutional buyers who purchase items to be used in other products and services or to be resold to other businesses or households.
  20. Prioritizing Target Segments
    There are three most fundamental criterion in segment selection
    • 1. What members of the segment wants v. firms' ability to provide it
    • 2. Size and growth potential of segment
    • 3. an evaluation of the competitive field
  21. Market Niche
    • Market niche: a relatively small group of consumers who have a unique set of needs and who typically are willing to pay a premium price to the firm that specializes in meeting those needs. 
    • The smaller segment is better principal has become so popular in choosing target segments that it is now referred to as niche marketing.
  22. How media fit into the market niche?
    Specialized cable programming-- such as the Health& Fitness Channel, the History Channel, attracts a small and very distinct group of consumers, providing advertisers with an efficient way to communicate with market niches.
  23. Social Media Box
    Don Schiltz advocates the 4% rules
    • It is just 4% of a brand's consumers who are critical to that brand's vitality in the marketplace( no need to chase a mass market with big budget ad campaigns, find your 4% and engage deeply with them)
    • General Mills: Best way to engage niche markets is via social media
    • E.g. celia disease=2% of population and they are a great niche. General Mill product gluten free food specially for those 2% population.
  24. Essentials for effective positioning strategies( IMPORANT)
    • 1. Deliver on the Promise
    • 2. There's Magic in Consistency
    • 3. Make it Different Simply (simplicity ( single promise)  and distinctiveness are essential to the advertising task
  25. EX 6.15 Good Neighbour ads of State Farm insurance
    This ad theme is an example of CONSISTENCY in positioning.
  26. 3 Fundamental Positioning Themes
    • 1. Benefit
    • 2. User
    • 3. Competitive
  27. Ex 6.20 AXE REcoverty Shower GEl
    AXE applying User Position theme
  28. EX 6.21 Tylenol( Medicine for headache)ad
    Tylenol specifically identifies their competitor Excedrin in the ad. Making claims back and forth in an effort to steal market shares from one another.
  29. Value Proposition ( IMPORTANT)
    1. Statement of functional, emotional and self-expressive benefits delivered by a brand that provide value to customers in the targeted segment.
  30. Example of Value Proposition
    • 1.Functional benefit: High technology shoes that improve performance and provide comfort.
    • 2. Emotional Benefits:Exhilaration of athletic performance excellence, active, healthy.
    • 3. Self-expressive benefits: Using the brand endorsed by high profile athletes let your peers know your desire to compete and excel.
    • The job of advertising is to carry the message to the target segment about the VALUE that is offered by the brand.
  31. Ethics BOX
    What is Disney trying to do?
    • 1.Disney try to use their licensed character to promote healthy snack for children.
    • 2. ???
  32. Ex 6.23
    • Thorson and Moore's Strategic planning triangle
    • Identify and profile target segments-> Consolidate the value proposition for the brand -> Select a mix of persuasion tools.
    • 1. Paramount apex=identification and specification of the target segment
    • 2. how 3 fit together: Advertising and IBP always entail finding the right mix to do the job: knowing the target segment and the value proposition are essential to doing the job right
    • 2.
  33. Introduction of New Coke (IMPORTANT)
    • 1. Relying on research alone can lead to marketing disaster
    • 2. Never, ever, ever, confuse a product with a brand
    • 3. Coke possessed cultural meaning way beyond the simple sweet taste of a brand liquid.
    • Meaning makes brand out of products advertising helps create brand meaning.
  34. Ex 7.1 Ad for Volkswagen
    • Bill Bernbach is on the record as being misunderstood by O' Guinn and others
    • Mr. B believe
    • 1. One needs solid research to form the basis developing effective advertising but
    • 2.Research never comes up with a creative idea, it is what one does with the research insights that really matters, and
    • 3. Research alone should NOT dictate which as to use.
  35. Ex 7.4
    • Four Dimensions on which to evaluate research
    • 1. Reliability: the method generates generally consistent finds over time.
    • 2. Validity
    • 3 Trustworthiness
    • 4. Meaningfulness
  36. Three types of research
    • 1. Development
    • 2. Copy
    • 3. Results oriented research
  37. Developmental=Consumer insight
    • 1. It is considered the MOST valuable research: because it is conducted early in the process so that there is still an opportunity to influence the way the ads, branded entertainment, or other integrated brand promotions turn out.
    • 2. Developmental advertising is the type of research Bill Bernbach demanded.
  38. Developmental advertising and IBP research
    Method : Audience profiling
    • 1.Provides insights into members of target audience
    • 2. Life style research is used for deeper understanding of how brands fit into consumers' lives
  39. Developmental research
    Method : Focus groups
    • 1. How it works: A focus group is a discussion session with( typically) 6 to 12 target customers who have been brought to come up with new ingishts about the goods or service.
    • With a professional moderator guiding the discussion, the consumers are first asked some general question, then as the session progresses, the questioning becomes more focused and moves to detailed issues about the brand in question
    • 2. Limitation:Even multiple groups represents a very small sample of the target audience are prone to all sorts of errors caused by group dynamics and pleasing the research.
    • 3. Goal: To get or test a new idea and gain depth of understanding and insight.
  40. Developmental research
    Method: Field Work
    Direst observation of consumers in their homes or place of consumption, in their social context.
  41. Developmental Research
    5 Secondary Sources
    • 1. Web
    • 2. Internal company sources
    • 3. Government Sources
    • 4. Commercial SOurces
    • 5. Professional publications
  42. 5 Second resources
    Mining the WEB ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1. Powerful tool
    • 2.Web-based interest group+online communities offere important source
    • 3. Spyware and tracking software provide insights
    • 4. Online surveys
    • 5. Analysis of brand talk
  43. Social Media BOX: FACEBOOK Creates a Research Tool: YOU
    Facebook's like button and its consequence to turning their users into research tools for marketers.
  44. 5 Second Sources
    Government Sources
    U.S. Census Bureau provides wealth of information useful in understanding and defining targets.
  45. Copy research =Evaluate research
    Done right after the ad is being finished
    Method: Communication test
    • 1. Simply seeks to discover whether a message is communicating something close to what advertiser desired
    • 2. Does the audience get the message?
    • 3. Is there an unintended double entendre or unexpected imagery?
  46. Copy research
    6 Evaluative Criteria and Methods
    • 1, What do they remember
    • 2. Knowledge
    • 3. Attitude change
    • 4. Feeling and emotions
    • 5. Physiological changes
    • 6. Behavioral intent
  47. Copy research
    What do they remember
    -Cognitive residue
    Pieces of the ad mixed with the consumer's own thoughts and react.
  48. Copy research
    What do they remember
    Humorous ads
    Humorous ads is a great example of this: Consumer remember what is funny but not the brand's name or the competitor's brand name
  49. What do they remember
    Method: Recall tests for Cognitive Residue
    • 1. Day-after-recall: measure for TV ad evaluation.
    • 2.Unaided recall
    • 3. Aid recall (Mention ad's name)
    • 4. Claim-recall (percentage)
    • 5. Related-recall (specific elements of the ad)
    • 6.IPSOS: Told to evaluate the TV, true is to Evaluate the Ads.
  50. What do you remeber
    Method: Recognition test
    1. recognition test is for print ads.
  51. What do they remeber
    Method: recognition
    Ex 7.22
    Novel imagery as represented in the Altoids ad can be danger because novel image can distract readers, enticing them to overlook( ignore) brand names.
  52. The biggest problems with recall tests?
    "yea-saying bias"= many people say they've seen an ad that in fact they've never seen
  53. The Rub
    The rub is that plenty of research shows that there is little correlation between recall/recognition scores and actual sales.
  54. Ex7.26 -7.28
    fail to do 3 things
    • 1. Differentiate the product
    • 2.Make it memorable to consumer
    • 3. Promote the brand
  55. Copy research
    Criteria: Knowledge
    • Big step up and more meaning ful than recall and recognition
    • e.g. Brand X is cleaner than Brand Y
    • Method: Survey
  56. Copy research
    criteria: Attitude change
    • Many(include Stan Richard) Suggest that liking or favorable attitude toward the ad is the single most important factor in developing effective( sale stimulating) ad.
    • But one cannot say a favorable attitude toward the ad will always lead to a favorable and meaningful attitude toward the brand.
  57. Copy research
    criteria: Feeling and emotions
    Feeling are more important than thought in terms of consumers' reaction to advertising. Adv that effectively use feelings produce stronger and more lasting effects than those that try to persuade by thought alone.
  58. Ex 7.30
    How consumer feel about the imagery of the ad is more important than what consumers say they think about the ads.
  59. Copy research
    Criteria: feeling and emotions
    Method: Frame -by-Frame TEST
    • Frame-by-frame tests are usually used for ads where the emotional component is seen as key
    • TV commercials in a theater setting, consumers turn dial( like/dislike) to indicate interest in spot while watching the commercial.
    • Specially useful for emotional spot
  60. Frame-by-Frame test
    two downside
    • 1. Involve somewhat higher costs than other methods
    • 2.There are some validity concerns in that you are asking consumers to do somethings they do not normally do while watching television.
  61. Copy research
    Criteria: Physiology changes
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging( MRI) hold some promise of enhancing basic understanding of how humans process stimuli
    • Common use seems distant
    • Wide spread use unlikely
  62. Copy research
    Criteria: Behavioral Intent
    • Measures what consumers say they intend to do
    • Do not bank on results
  63. Research: RESULT
    After the ads are actually out there, running
    Method: tracking studies
    Survey monitor changes in attitude etc, over time
  64. Result research
    Method: Direct response ( IMPORTANT)
    Uses website hits, telephone calls, reply card response to gauge response.
  65. Result research
    Method: All-in-one Single-source Data
    • Single-source data provide information from individual households about brand purchases,
    • coupon use, and TV advertising exposure by combining grocery store scanner data
    • with TV-viewing data form monitoring devices attached to the households’ TVs.
  66. Ethics BOX: You Are a Really Rotten Mon (IMPORTANT)
    • Ads that leverage social anxiety tend to work( important)
    • Ad make you feel anxious about others see you
    • it makes women feel fat, and inadequate in every role that they try to purchase.
  67. Account Planning V. Advertising Research( IMPORTANT)
    • 1. Rather than depending on separate research department's occasional involvement, they agency assigned the planner to a single client to stay with the projects on a continuous basis.
    • 2.Researchers seem to be more actively involved throughout the entire advertising process and seem to have a bigger impact on it as well. 
    • Agencies that practice" account planning" tend to do more developmental and less evaluative research. 
    • 3. Planning agencies" tend to do more qualitative and naturalistic research than their more traditional counterparts
  68. One last thought on Message Testing
    Need more naturalistic setting to increase validity of research
  69. What we need (for Research)
    • 1. Account planning way of thinking merges the research and the brand management business
    • 2.Account planning=substitute for the traditional research effort of an agency
    • 3.Any research method has certain reliability, validity, trustworthiness, and meaningfulness issue.
    • 4. Research can be a wonderful tool when applied correctly, but is routinely poorly matched to the real-work situation.
    • 5.Good research can play an important role or an enormous hindrance(障碍).
  70. Steven JObs introduces Ipad
    • 1. Introduce Ipad in Jan
    • 2. One March 7 teaser ad "Meet Ipad" runs during the Oscar( What can you do with Ipad?), then nothing ti build speculation and buzz
    • 4. April launch with branded entertainment of "Modern Family" episode around desire for New Ipad
    • 5. April 3 2010 Ipad went on sale
  71. Steven Jobs introduced the ipad
    • He acknowledge the key role of Apple's ad agency in IBP success" it's a team effort"
    • JHM sez fact that Jobs is on Disney/ABC board helps with placement on ABC program" Modern family"--the guy is super savvy and plays all the angles( Marketing savvy)
  72. Ex 8.4 seven major heading and sub sequence of steps ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Situation Analysis
    • 3. Objectives
    • 4. Budgeting
    • 5. Stragegy
    • 6. Execution
    • 7. Evaluation
  73. Ad plan
    Ad plan: is a written document that is an extension of marketing plan
  74. Ad plan
    • IBP component must be built into the plan in s seamless and synergistic way.
    • Everything have to work together
  75. Planning Adv+IBP
    • 1. JHM think the executive summary is the most important component of the plan-The take-away (It offered to state the most important aspects of the plan)
    • 2. Overview: sets out what is to be covered, and it structures the context.
  76. panning Adv+IBP
    Situation analysis
    • Situation analysis: is where the client and agency pay out the most important factors that define the situation, and then explain the importance of each factor
    • Factor=demographics, technology, social and culture, economic and political/regulatory
  77. Situation Analysis
    5 Components
    • 1. cultural context
    • 2. Historical Context
    • 3. Industry Analysis
    • 4. Market Analysis
    • 5. Competitor Analysis
  78. Globalization box: Challenging China
    ( Important)
    • China represent an incredible challenge to U.S. marketers because its size+ geography diversity+ no one language+ huge income+ lifestyle different from western culture
    • Unique aspect of culture( Confucian society)
    • Toyota's misadventures in marketing a new brand in China=EXcellent example of situation analysis
  79. Planning of Adv+IBP
    Fundamental ad objectives (Important)
    • 1. Creating or maintaining brand awareness( In class JHM adds convey knowledge about brand)
    • 2Creating, changing, or reinforcing attitudes
    • 3. Influence purchase intentions
    • 4. Stimulate trial
    • 5. Repeat purchases
    • 6. Switch from competing brand
    • 7. Increase sales.
  80. Planning Adv+IBP
    Communication Vers Sales Objectives (IMPORTANT)
    • Some analysts argue that as a single variable in a firm's overall marketing mix, it is not reasonable to set sales expectations for advertising when other variables in the mix might undermine the advertising effort or be responsible for sales in the first place.
    • In fact, some advertising analysts argue that communications objective are the only legitimate objective for advertising
    • Advertising should not held solely responsible for sales
    • Rather advertising should be held responsible for creating 1.awareness of a brand, 2.communication information about product features or 3.availability, or 4.developing a favorable attitude that can lead to consumer preference for a brand. 
  81. Communications Vs Sales Objectives
    3 must-dos of well stated objectives
    • 1. Establish a quantitative benchmark
    • 2.Specify measurement methods and criteria for success
    • 3. Specify a time frame.
  82. Planning Adv+IBP
    Two method of budgeting
    1. Percentage of sales

    2. Share of market/Share of voice
  83. Method of budget
    Percentage of Sales
    Calculated the advertising budget based on a percentage of the prior year's sales or the projected year's sales.
  84. Method Of Budget
    Share of market/Share of voice
    The amount spent by various significant competitors on advertising and allocated an amount euqal to the amount of money spent by competitor or an amount proportional to to he form's market share relative to the competition.
  85. Ex 8.12
    Ford had the most favorable ratio of share of market VS. share of voice.
  86. Social Media: Feel the Love ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1. Sucess and dilemma: The facebook page is for communication, can Honda put advertisement on the page?
    • 2. Great quote" In the evolving digital media space, experimentation and learning are absolutely essential"
  87. Planning of adv+ IBP
    • Strategy represent the mechanism by which something is to be done.
    • Account planner: synthesize all relevant customer research and draw inference from it that will help define a coherent advertising strategy.
  88. Ex 8.16 Danskin (women)
    This ad is an example of repositioning( beyond dance accessories to fitness-wear market)
  89. Planning of Adv+IBP
    Three elements of execution of an advertising plan
    • 1. Copy strategy
    • 2. Media plan
    • 3. IBP
  90. Planning of Adv+IBP
    • Criteria
    • Methods to evaluation the agency
    • Consequnces and contingencies
  91. The role of the Agency in Planning Advertising and IBP
    Clients know they need help in 2 area
    • 1. Integration
    • 2.News and Fresh Ideas(Client want new and fresh ideas to break through clutter)
    • Client want to be treated as a Partner, not a vendor.
  92. 1o message objective( IMPORTANT)
    From simplest to most sophisticated
    • 1.Promote brand recall
    • 2. Persuade the consumer
    • 3.Instill brand preference
    • 4. Transform consumption experience
    • 5. Define the brand image
    • 6. P-O-P branding
  93. Message objective
    Promote brand recall
    • 1.To get consumers to recall its brand names first, before any of the competitor's brand names
    • 2.This is the simplest type of advertising
    • 3. Evoked set: a small list of brand names( typically five or less) that come to mind when a product or service category is mentioned.
  94. Message objective: Promote brand recall
    3 Method
    • Method A: Repetition
    • Method B:Memory aids, slogans, jingles and
    • Jingles is they are resistant to forgetting
    • Method C: Point-of-point branding
    • POP display serve as memory triggers. By far the most important implication of repetition and slogan
  95. Message Objective: Link key attribute(s) to the Brand Name
    Method: Unique selling proposition(USP)
    Provides a reason to buy associating the brand with one and only one attribute that consumers feel is important
  96. Ex 10.3
    Lexus ad e.g. of clear USP ( The headlight is the big idea about this car and ad)
  97. MESSAGE: Persuade the Consumer
    • Style is about arguments and high engagement
    • Style is become less popular
  98. Message objective: persuade the consumer
    Method A: Reason-why Ads
    Point of compelling evidence why purchase of brand makes sense
  99. Message objective: persuade the consumer
    Method B: hard-Sell Ads
    • Reason-Why ad or High pressure and urgent
    • Example: "Act now" " One time only sale"
  100. Message objective: persuade the consumer
    Method C: Comparison Ads
    • Try to demonstrate brand's ability to satisfy by comparing v. competitive brands
    • "Traditionally used by marketers of convenience goods( e.g. laundry detergents)
    • Category share leaders almost do NOT comparison ads
    • Exception: Mac V PC comparison ad Ex 10.6
  101. Exception: Mac V PC comparison ad Ex 10.6
    Exception of comparison and efficient ad
  102. Message objective: persuade the consumer
    Method D: Testimonials
    3 version of testimonials
    • 1. Celebrity testimonial
    • 2. Expert Spokespeople
    • 3. Average-user testimonial
  103. Message objective: persuade the consumer Method D: Testimonials Celebrity Testimonial
    • Run the risk of the celebrity will fall from grace, as several in recent years, and potentially damage the reputation of the brand for which he or she was once the champion. 
    • Tiger Woods
    • Martha Stewart
  104. Sketchers ad illustrate the Average-user testimonial method to achieve objective of persuade the consumers.
  105. Message objective: persuade the consumer
    Method: E Demonstration
    • Can be used to illustrate and document ad claim
    • "Seeing is believing"
  106. Message objective: persuade the consumer
    Method F: Infomercials
    5 to 60 minutes of TV time for a "program: presentation often with a host and guests
  107. Message objective: Affective Association: Instill brand preference=Get consumer to feel good about the brand
    Method A: Feel-Good Ads
    • Work through affective feelings associations about ad linked to brand.
    • Advertisers want consumer to like their brand( as pointed out in class, Stan Richards, Founder of The Richards Group in Dallas, believes one should always try to develop ads that consumers like, if they like the ad there is an improved chance they will buy the brand.
  108. Globalization Box: The yogurt Rumor War in Argentina: I'm Dating a Supermodel Who Loves yogurt
    3 actions Danone take to fight negative brand rumors
    • Statements to the media and posting on their website
    • Produced a TV spot in which Daniel Mainatti,( a journalist) walks through the park talking about the yogurt brand" you can trust Actiemel, It's always good to have an Actimel
    • Hired Sinus a digital agency that created a campaign to get consumers to go a website where they can generate their own rumors and spread them to selected email addresses.

    The point of their most radical action is that they are trying to show people how easy it is to lie and deceive on the web, and how careful we as consumers must be to get truths about brands.
  109. Message Objective: Instill brand preference
    Method B: Humor ads( IMPORTANT)
    • Create a pleasant and memorable association with the brand.
    • A funny as that is not memorable is bad( you remember the gag but not the brand)
    • Need to link the joke to the brand to avoid consumers remembering the joke but NOT the sponsor( Vampire creativity)
  110. Message Objective: Instill brand preference
    Method: C Sex Appeal Ads
    Feeling-based ads that are attention getting and occasionally arousing match/appropriateness of the category, hence sex appeal fits for lingerie and perfume, but not for file cabinet, garden tools, etc. ( without appropriate link, the impact of sex can be negative)
  111. Ex 10.13
    Four ads illustrate a wide variety of sexually explicit ads that may be offensive to one person ad not to the next person.
  112. Message Objective:Change Behavior by inducing Anxiety
    Method A: Anxiety Ads
    The message covered in these ads is that there is a clear and present problem and the way to avoid this problem is to buy the advertised brand
  113. Message Objective:Change Behavior by inducing Anxiety
    Method B: Social Anxiety Ads
    • The P&G approach
    • Consistently used to sell personal care and household brands
    • e.g. Hand and shoulders can spare the embarrassment of dandruff
  114. Message Objective: Define the brand image
    • Image ads attempt to project the essential meaning of the brand to consumers
    • With heavy reliance on visual;
    • e.g. Apple, Nike, McD, Coke
  115. Message Objective: Define the brand image
    Method : Image Ad
    Example of Image Ad :The idea of image ad is to define brand meaning in an efficient visual manner.
  116. Message Objective: Situate the Brand Socially
    Method A: Slice-Of-Life Ads
    A brand placed in a social contact gains social meaning by association.
  117. Ex 10.23
    Example of slice of life ads are about social context that rubs off on the brand.
  118. Message Objective: Situate the Brand Socially
    Method B: Brand entertainment: Product Placement, internet film
    • Madison& Vine- Began as a conference to bring together Hollywood( the famous intersection of" Hollywood & Vine") and the advertising industry ( traditionally based along New York's Madison Avenue)
    • Recording, gaming, and cell phone industries are involved as medi
    • BMW Films started a trend by illustrating the value of sponsored films in attracting the target audience and demonstrating the brand in a carefully created social world.
  119. Message Objective: Transform Consumption Experience( IMPORTANT)
    • The most sophisticated strategy
    • The idea here is that ads for a brand can actually make the consumption experience better based on what you know and feel about the brand.
    • This being formed by ads that shape the brand experience.
    • Example is McDonalds --Heartsell
    • Over time commercial content(ads) and actual experience merge in memory,
    • E.g. trip to Disney's Magic kingdom blends with ads for Kingdom. 
  120. In the End for the message objectives
    Message development is where advertisers merge culture, mind, and brand.

    Great message are developed by people who can put themselves into the minds  (ands culture) of their audience members and anticipate their response, leading to the best outcome: selling the advertised brand.
  121. Executing the Creative: Perspective Summary:(IMPORTANT)
    • Brand management is skeptical about creative function but all recognize that to be effective , the ad must be creative;
    • further, the basic principles of creative communication, good writing and effective visuals have not changed although media ( the vehicles through which we get our news, information and entertainment) have changed
  122. Magic
    Creative is the magic in adv and IBP
  123. Four people Creative team
    • Art director
    • Copy writer
    • Media planner
    • Account planner
  124. Copy writers and Art Directors
    Effective copywriters are well-informed, astute advertising decision makers with creative talent.
  125. Three purposes of headline
    • 1. Get attention
    • 2. Select the audience
    • 3. Identify the brand
  126. Ethics Box: Is This Good Copy writing? or Bad Ethics?
    Coke's creative use of humor backfires when a label encourage employee to take sick day when they are not sick( no one thought through the label clearly to forecast problem)
  127. Subhead
    • A subhead: consists of a few words or a short sentence and usually appears above or below the headline
    • Benefit of subheads
    • 1. Communicated more complex selling points
    • 2.reinforces the headline and entices(诱惑) the reader to proceed to the body
    • 3. Stimulate a more complete reading of the entire ad.
  128. Ex 11.12 Clorox ad
    Illustrate how a subhead is used to convey very important brand information not communicate in the headline.
  129. Four guideline for print copy
    • 1. Use the present tense whenever possible
    • 2.use familiar words and phrases
    • 3.Involve the reader
    • 4.Avoid cliches and superlatives
  130. Writing copy for Radio
    • Some writers consider radio the ultimate creative medium as the theater of the mind.
    • Obvious limitations Audio Wallpaper charge
  131. Four basic formats for radio ad
    • 1. Music format
    • 2. Dialogue
    • 3. Announcement
    • 4. Celebrity Announcer
  132. Writing Copy for Television( Video)
    Social media (Youtube and interactive website) the addition of online video transmission offers the same opportunities as television

    Storyboard: An important shot-by-important-shot sketch depicting in sequence the visual scenes and copy that will be used in the advertisement. 
  133. Copywriting for Digital/interactive Media           ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1.The change of copywriting for new digital/interactive media is really a hybrid (MIX)of writing copy for print and broadcast media. 
    • 2. Copy in digital/interactive media involve from a very techno-speak gen-X-meets-techno kind of voice.
    • 3. However, a web page is similar to a magazine ad with key difference being the smaller format of a computer screen to smartphone display. 
    • 4.Principles of good print and broadcast copywriting apply but the copy should assume a more active and engaged audience.
  134. Social Media: Can I have your Attention
    Ringrose's recommendations for making great web ads, these ads should be:
    • 1. Interactive
    • 2. Customizable
    • 3. Entertaining
  135. Slogans/Taglines
    A slogan or tagline: is a short phrase that is in part used to help establish an image, identity, or position for a brand or an organization, but it is most often used to increase memorability of the key benefit of a bran.
  136. Slogan/Taglines
    Three purpose
    • 1. Can be integral part of a brand's image and personality ( BMW-the ultimate driving machine)
    • 2. Can act as shorthand identification for the brand and provide information on important brand benefit if carefully and consistently developed over time.
    • 3 Provides continuity across different media and between advertising campaigns
  137. Common Mistakes in Copywriting ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1. Vagueness( 模糊的)( Avoide generalization
    • 2. Wordiness
    • 3. Triteness( normal)
    • 4. Creativity for creativity's sake
  138. The copy's primary responsibility
    Communicating the selling message
  139. Copy Approval Process
    • A critical stage in process of developing ads
    • Legal clearance and research are often involved which are always potential roadblocks and dreaded by creatives.
  140. Executing the Creative: Art Direction
    • 12.Long-term trend toward importance of visual in ads
    • Now Advertising has become mostly visual.
  141. Three primary vidual elements of print or digital ads
    • 1. Illustration
    • 2.Design
    • 3. Layout
  142. Adobe Indesign
    • Adobe Indesign can produce traditional print ads or digital ads for tablet  devices like Apple's iPad
    • Steve Jobs changed everything across the business and social landscape
  143. Six purpose of illustration (IMPORTANT)
    • 1. to attract the attention of the target audience
    • 2.To communicate brand features or benefits
    • 3.To stimulate reading of the body copy
    • 4.To create the desired social context for the brand
  144. Illustration Components
    • 1.Size
    • 2.Color
    • 3. Medium ( Drawing, photography, computer graphics)
    • 4. Illustration Formats
  145. Five principle of Design ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1.A Design should be in balance
    • 2.Proportion
    • 3.Order
    • 4.Unity (Unity is the most important design principle)
    • 5.Emphasis ( one item is the primary)
  146. Ex 11.29
    The ad illustrate the informal balance for creative effect
  147. Ex 11.31
    • The design of this ad control order
    • ad that takes advantage of many of these tendencies. Great headlines ( white headline against the bark background)+ two strong visuals
  148. Layout
    • is a drawing to digital rendering of a proposed print advertisement(digital interactive ads are digitized from the start, of course) showing where all the element in the ad are positioned. 
    • Layout also is used to refer to the arrangement of ad elements
  149. Typography in Print Production
    Typography is concerned with choosing a typeface( e.g. Times or Arial) as ell as a size to use in a headline or body copy( same type or font issues face a website designer).
  150. Categories of Type
    • Type Font: a basic set of typeface letters.
    • Sans Serif : Do not have serifs. Typically used for headlines and not for body copy
  151. Type Measurement
    Two elements of type size
    Point: refers to the size of type in height.
  152. Readability tips of Typography
    • 1. Use capitals and lowercase, NOT ALL Capitals
    • 2. Indent paragraphys
    • 3. Add space between paragraphs
    • 4. Use short sentences
    • 5. Be Concise (This is the most important one)
  153. Art Direction and Production in Digital/Interactive Media ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1.Basic principles of print/TV art direction apply but the medium is fundamentally different from print/TV in he way the audience comes to it, navigates it, and responds to it.
    • 2. It is an evolving medium undergoing development.
    • 3. Key Different is interaction with ads by clicking on an ad or link in an Email.
    • 4. CGC( Consumer generated content): using crowdsourcing produces hits on YouTube.
    • People make their own ads for their favorite brand
  154. Art Direction and Production in Radio
    • 1. Production house selected( bid)
    • 2.Cast talent
    • 3. Secure permission for existing music
    • 4.Schedule sound studio
    • 5. Editing/Mixing
    • 6. Average word count per second in radio ads
    • 10 seconds 20-25 words
    • 7. Duplicate copies send to stations for airing
    • Two no production options: fact sheet and live script.
  155. Art Direction and Production in Television advertising
    1 Creative team in Television advertising:Due to complexity requires much collaboration between the creative team and specialist.
  156. Art Direction and Production in Television advertising
    TWO Creative Guideline for Television Advertising
    • 1. Use an attention-getting and relevant opening
    • 2.Emphasize the visual
  157. Three Major steps in T production process:
    • 1. Pre-Poduction
    • 2. Production
    • 3. Post-production
  158. Ex 11.47
    • Six event in preposition
    • Storyboard and script approving->Budget approval->Assessment of directors, editoral house--> Review of bids from production houses --> Creation of a production timetable--> Selection of locations set and cast.
  159. Total time of a reasonable estimate for production of a 30 second location shooting of a national TV spot
    10 to 12 weeks
  160. a creative erector told clients that they could pick any two selections from the following list for their television commercials
    • 1.Fast
    • 2. Good
    • 3. Reasonable priced
    • Quote by Petr Sheldon=Super JHM TA in Adv 318H in the distant past.
  161. Production
    • The cost of Television production
    • These costs are high and this is a constant issue
  162. Burger King
    • Crispin Porter+Bogusky( Cp+B) signed on with BK
    • Give BK a new ook
    • Mazed out the buzz factor adn target the segment customers(1-35)
    • Unleashed a series of offbeat characters to engage the segment
    • "Subservient Chicken"
    • "Blingo" over the top rapper who mocked diet-crazed consumers and pushed Angus steak burger as the antidote to politically correct fast food
    • "Th kind revive the breakfast menu: No one does  creepy better than the KING.
  163. Burger King with XBOX
    • Proved to be a selling machines XBOX ( Smart) because
    • Holiday promo with Xbox for advergames set sale records
    • people( young adult who do not watch TV, spend 20 hours on video games per week) not only but the video but also advertisement for Burger King.
    • Sublet plug for BK
  164. Ex 9.1
    The kind dominant characteristic is his " Creepy Charm"
  165. Creative people and creative organizations have to be risk takers. They shake thing up. They step on some people's toes.
  166. Ethical BOX: CP+B's not-so-secret recipe for " Hoopla
    Two Principles KEY
    • Invention( The heart of Hoopla): Do the opposite of what everybody else do
    • Mischief: Peple love playfull naughty behavior. Troublemake. Whopper Freakout Campaign
  167. people hate ad clutter, Therefore, need creative ads to breakthrough the clutter and get remembered
  168. For the starters we need to get the consumer's attention and be memorable
    Be Memorable
  169. Ex 9.2
    • Illustrate that creativity with No recall of the brand fails
    • It is not creative unless it sells
    • It's the example of " Vampire creativity" that distract form the message
  170. Ex 9.3
    Example of a simple relevant concept mobile app that works
  171. Social Media BOX: Creativity, Going Mobile....beep, beep!
    • Charmin's innovative example of building brand buzz in a dull category; 
    • Sit or App=Clever relevant to brand using GPS;
    • 12 months=500K download of app;
    • WSJ: Sit or Squat among the best marketing programs of the year.
  172. Creativity
    • Creativity: is the ability to consider and hold together seemingly inconsistent elements and forces, making a new connection.
    • Creativity, in its essence, is the same no matter what the domain(领域).
  173. 7 of the great creative minds of the 20th century( IMPORTANT)
    • 1. Sigmund frud (Neurologist)
    • 2.Albert Einstein
    • 3. Pablo Picasso
    • 4.lgor Stravinsky ( Pianist+composer)
    • 5. T.S. Eliot (one of the twentieth century's major poets)
    • 6. Martha Graham(American modern dancer)
    • 7. Mahatma Grandhi.
  174. Five Characteristics they share in Common ( IMPORTANT)
    • 1. Self Condident
    • 2. Alert
    • 3. Unconventional
    • 4.Hardworking
    • 5. Committed obsessively to their work
  175. Other Characteristics of great creative mind
    • Troubled personal lives( Not good to those around them)
    • Were childlike ( able to see thing as child does)
    • Liked being outsiders.
  176. Lew Clow
    • The Genius behind the "Dog Rule" campaign for pedigree and the most famous TV commercial of all time
    • The "1984" spot that launched App's Mac
    • His profil fits with Gardner's sever great creative minds profile.
  177. Luke Sullican Quote
    Spent past 20 years working in an creative agency and how he spend 1/4 of his whole career staring at the bottom of his partner's dirty tennis shoes.
  178. Oil and Water: COnflict and tension in the Creative/Management interface
    There are inherent tensions and conflicts that arise between Creativity Vs Account executives and Clients.
  179. Ex 9.14 assuring poor creative( reduce bad creative work in your agency) IMPORTANT
    • 1. Treat your target audience like a statistic
    • 2. Make your strategy a hodgepodge
    • 3. Have no philosophy
    • 4. Give your client a candy store
  180. Making Beautoful Music Together
    • Executive and IBP campaign is like the performance of a symphony orchestra
    • Adv/IBP is a team spot: Synergy leverage individuals to accomplish more as a team
  181. What we know about Teams( Creativity)
    3 Insights ( IMPORTANT)
    • Synergy through teams
    • Leadership in teams
    • Fostering collaboration through the creative brief.
  182. 3 insight of Team
    Synergy through teams
    The blending expertise from diverse disciplines produces the most innovative solutions to many different types of business problems
  183. 3 insight of Team
    Leadership in teams
    • 1.The leader's first job is to help the team build consensus about the goals they hope achieve and the approach they will take to reach the goal.
    • 2.When one goals and purpose are agree, the leader then ensure that the work of team is consistent with the stately or plan
    • 3. The leader must careful to contribute ideas without dominating the team
  184. 3 insight of Team
    Fostering collaboration through the creative brief
    • The Creative brief is a little document with a huge role in promoting good teamwork and fostering the creative process
    • It provides basic guideline with plenty of room for the creatives to be creative.
  185. When Sparks Fly:Igniting Creativity through Teams
    When managed in a proactive way, teams come up with better ideas.
  186. Cognitive Style
    • Right Brian= Intuitive and nonlinear thinking creative people
    • Left Brain=logical and analytical(分析的) thinking account management people
    • Homogenous creative problem solving team=bad
    • Diversity of through nourishes creativity.
  187. Creative Abrasion
    • (+) Creative Abrasion: Which is the clash of ideas, and from which new ideas and breakthrough solution can evolve.
    • (-)interpersonal abrasion: The clash of people,from which communication shuts down and new ideas get slaughtered
    • There will be friction
  188. Brainstorming
    Brainstorming: is an organized approach to generate ideas in groups
  189. The way to foster creative abrasion?
    Adding more diversity to the group
  190. Final Through on Teams and Creativity
    • Hallmarks of effective teams are trust and open communication
    • The creative director is typically in leadership role of maestro
    • Group Accountability(responsibility) is important
  191. The factors that foster creativity is vis the 3P's Creativity framework
    • 1. pepople: Creative mind: Lee Clow
    • 2. Process" Developing creative work
    • 4. Place:Environment where the work done.
  192. Business Activity and Culture phenomenon
    Advertising are both Business activity and cutulre phenomeno
  193. Mirrior and influence
    • Reflection of mirror of the contemporary value
    • Influence of very value and attitude( Powerful influence)
    • Young, Naive,  and impressionable= Pre teen girls
    It's not really nice to misrepresent something to potential buyer.
  195. 550$billion
    • 550Billion spend in media on advertising
    • Most of the brand have to do with Brand image
  196. 550$billion Spend in the media on advertising
    • This really said about our culture.
    •  The ads are really explosive and influence,reflective to shape our brain
  197. Brand Image
    Band image: A mental image that reflects the way a brand perceive, including all the identification elements, the product personality, and the emotions and associations evoked in the mind of the consumer.
  198. Transformational advertising
    The functional of transformational advertising is to make the experience richer and warmer and more enjoyable.
  199. Nike Shoes
    • Example of transforming advertising
    • Transform of the experience of wearing a pari of Nike shoes.
    • Can you run faster and Jump higher by wearing a pair of shoe?
    • You wanna believe( Ad make people believe)
    • Advertising make people to like it.
  200. Example of classical image advertising
    • Vaughan films
    • Vaughan wanted viewers to see a DIRECTOR'S vision, not just some guy hired for a paycheck
  201. Never Hide Campaign( Bran Image Campaign)
    • The core concept all about you as individual consumer to express true-self and the value of uniqueness
    • 1.Dominating Time Square to kick off
    • 2. Web-base viral marketing ( Heart of the campaign)
    • 3.Website designed to generate Buzz
    • 4. Four web components
  202. Never Hide campaign ( Detail)
    • 1.Web-base viral marketing ( Heart of the campaign) Let consumer spread the words=Consumers do heavy lifting.
    • 2. Website designed to generate Buzz( Upload the picture, Download screenshot, Commen made on the website)
    • 3. 4 web components
    • Ben Kweller( band) play" Make it up" for the Ray Ban commercial
    • 5 Directors Produce film express" Never Hide" theme
    • Photo Gallary ( Wall paper, poster and e-card)
    • 3 mins talk about the revolution of campaign    ( The most fashionable thing you can be is you ")
  203. What conclusions about the role and status of the car in our culture can be drawn from ad
    • the car become part of family.
    • The car can be use unite family( together)
    • car tells people who they are.
    • The right is important that you want to protect your family while in adventure
  204. What conclusion about the role and status of the women in our culture can be drawn from ad
    • Objectification of women.
    • Sex object
    • Women have to be sexy in order to be successful.
    • Man take control over women
  205. Portrayal of women in ADV
    • Image of female beauty( Idealism):Encourage women to feel low self-conscious when they look at the model in the magazine
    • Stereotype of women as sex object( Vodka ad):have great influence on Young, Naive and impressionable girl, 13, 14 )
  206. Is there a direct link between the portrayal of women in advertising and eating disorder? 
    • YES
    • Culture dominated by media which portray the model body of women therefore
    • 1/5 high school girls have eating disorder suffer because low self-esteem
    • 150,000 Women die each year from anorexia
  207. Jean Kilbourne "Killing us softly 4-advertising image of women 
    What does advertising tell us is most important about women?
    • Who women should look like base advertising
    • Ideal female beauty is flawless...
  208. Jean Kilbourne "Killing us softly 4-advertising image of women
    How does kilbourne characterize the problem?
    These are public health problems, They affect us all. Can only be fixed by changing the environment.
  209. Jean Kilbourne "Killing us softly 4-advertising image of women
    What does turning women's bodies into things encourage?
    Create Violence and racism to women. women become part of thing.
  210. Think about what you buy and what you buy into.
    • You define your self base on what you purchased. If you think the marketer is using unhealthy image for marketing their brand, don't buy the brand. complain about that.
    • Marketer assume that for every Email, FB message, Tweet or call, there are 1000 consumers feel the same way but do NOT show the issue and sent the message to the marketers. 
  211. Materialism
    • Advertiser try to avoid talking about materialism
    • "Adverting, PR, IBP encourages people to want more instead of wanting to be more"  by Eric Fromm
    • Unclue who everyone hate
  212. "AFFLUENZA" by John De Graaf
    Affluenza: "A painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more stuff"
  213. American culture
    encourage people to buy more stuff(This stuff distract us from what really makes us happy
  214. Wanting stuff creates encourage by advertising/ IBP
    • 1. Anxiety
    • 2.Disappointment( Does not match the what they deliver)
    • 3.Feeling of inadequacy
    • 4.Envey
    • 5. Plus more bad junk.
  215. "AFFLUENZA" by John De Graaf
    The message of the book is to buy carefully with full awareness that best things in life aren't things.
  216. DR. M' Law of consumer dynamics
    "There is an inverse relationship between material possessions and real happiness"
  217. The story of Tammy and Logan
    Living simply 400 sq. ft studio, no car ,100 items. 
  218. research that you are  happier if
    • 1.Experience, not stuff ( Evolve with other people, e.g. sushi rolling class) 
    • 2. plan to buy( plan purchase, you will enjoy your purchase much more)
    • 3. No keeping up the Jones( no compare with other people)
    • tips for simple living
    • "go small, think big, and be happy"
  220. Myth: Subliminal advertising
    James Vicary
    • 1.Began 1957-James Vicary( The one who invent subliminal advertising)
    • 2. 1958- Vicary said have experience in the theater. Flash eat popcorn and drink coca-cola. Turn out Coked +18% Popcorn +58%
    • 3.
  221. wilson Bryan Key
    • 1.1973 publish" subliminal seduction(诱惑)
    • 2.RITE demonstration:Mr key claims Nabisco baked the word "sex" into Ritz crackers
  222. Key's Points
    • 1.Advertising is most potent force
    • 2.Advertisers manipulate using hidden images and words
    • 3.Hidden images and words appeal to repressed sexual taboos and work on an unconscious level.
    • 4.Massive cover-up of all by ad industry.
  223. Dr. Bernard McGrane (Sociology Professor)
    Explanation on the 28min film
    • 1.Advertising is as powerful as family, school, church in our culture.
    • 2.Subliminal advertising works by appealing to two repressed subjects:  sex and death
    • 3.Graphic sexual explanation of how images in ads works.
    • 4.Cover-up of all this( All ads company try to cover)
  224. public perception of Subliminal Advertising
    Austin, Texas sample
    • 1.88% Aware of subliminal advertising
    • 2.69% believe advertisers use subliminal advertising
    • 3.Spring 2012 Class sample
    • 82% thought advertisers use it
    • 62% thought subliminal advertising worked.
    • Large majority of public that subliminal advertising is broadly use.
  225. Ad industry's position on Subliminal Advertising
    1."People have been trying to find the breasts in these ice cubes since 1957
  226. Dr Murphy's Conclusion: ( Subliminal advertising is not exist)
    • 1.Subliminal advertising is an urban myth, a hoax (Majority public believe the subliminal advertising)
    • 2.The general public has been mislead by crackpots( 狂想家)who are either crazy; or out to make money; to both.
    • 3.He think Key's point to wrote those book is that he is crazy and want to make money.
  227. Ice-cube sex"---Dr. Jack Haberstroh 
    Claim that" subliminal advertising does not work It's not exist
  228. The Communication Process Model
    • 1.Source, Message and audience (One  of those miss, there will be no communication)
    • 2.
  229. The source is most interested in ?
    • Resoponse
    • The success or failure of communication depends on the response
  230. How to be an effective communicator
    It is important to know your audience
  231. Target audience
    Know as much as you can about the audience
  232. The most effective communicators
    are putting themselves in to customer' mind and culture which lead to persuade
  233. Encode
    the development of the message
  234. The purpose of encoding
    To use symbol to persuade audience
  235. Symbols
    Words, objects, pictures and figures that hold and can be used to convey some kind of meaning.
  236. Good Communication
    • Selected the correct symbol
    • understanding of consumers. whether can they understand or not.
  237. Decoding
    The audience assign the meaning to the symbol or resource conveyed in the message.
  238. Communication breakdown
    when the audience interprets the symbols differently than the source intended. 
  239. Feedback
    • The communicated revise(amend)
    • The way to determine whether the resource deliver the right message is from feedback
  240. What do marketers want to use to get feedback?
    Sale ( People invest in IBP to generate sale)
  241. Two major problem with using Sale
    • 1. Adv is only one factor in the IBP
    • 2. Carryover effect(Promotional tools don't operate on a quarterly system like most business. The effects of advertising can carry over into other quarters.s) e.g. Cruise tickets( item you purchase infrequently)
    • Product you don't need based on your physical condition( Preparation H)
    • High-price items( Ferrari)
  242. What should marketers use to get feedback?
    Communication variable: IBP can in fluent whether or not a sale occurs
  243. Communication variables
    • 1. Awareness
    • 2. Knowledge
    • 3. Attitude
  244. The Red Roof inns
    • "Hit the roof campaign"
    • Martin Mull=Spokesperson
    • Whether the Campaign effect
    • -Direct response( 1-800)
    • -Awarness( Telephone interview), knowledge, attitude.
  245. " Halo effect"
    Positive transfer to attitudes not directly related to an effective ad's message.
  246. Source, Channel and Message affect
    Source effect (significant influence)
    The audience's attitude toward source is affect how they gonna respond to the message that they receive. The significant influence.
  247. Source, Channel and Message affect
    Source Credibility=brand image
    • The believability prescribe to the source
    • Trustworthinese
    • Expertise
    • Source Credibility=reputation=brand image
  248. The purpose of PR
    to enhance a brand's credibility ( Brand image)
  249. Ronald McDonald
    Ronald McDonald is used to enhance the image of McDonald's
  250. Source, Channel and Message affect
    Channel effect( Media)
    the audience's response toward to channel has huge impact on how audience response to the message
  251. Joe Girard ( Channel effect)
    • World record. Most individual car sale(1425 car sold per year)
    • Secret to success" Get them to like you"
    • Send 13000 per year card to customers.
    • The audeince's attitude toward media( website) have impoact on the people's respond to the message.
  252. National Enquierer
    The audience's attitude towards the medium impacts how people respond to messages.
  253. Channel Effect
    Situation Specific Impact
    CNN" CNN Story: 5 Die in Car Accident in Texas. Humorous Geico ad pops up on page"
  254. Message effect ( communication model)
    Most immediate effect
    • Message=context of  communication (Everyone is unique, therefore they respond differently)
    • how does our interpretation of the content effect our reaction?
  255. Rule of Thumb 19:1
    Affective messages (content communication) will outperform ineffective message by  factor 19:1
  256. How can you tell the difference between a good and a poor and in advance?
    • No, You can't.
    • In the messge area, that AD and IBP is more Art than science.
  257. Intersection between shopping and IBP
    This course is about the intersection between shopping and IBP and how to use IBP to influence people to shopping process

    Object= sales response
  258. Understand purchase process clarify two things
    • 1 Role IBP can play in facilitating sales.
    • 2. Why immediate sales are NOT a valid objective for IBP
  259. IBP's job is to help consumers         a purchase decision"
  260. In objective of marketer is to get you buys products             purchasing.
    in continuous exchanging
  261. Adoption
    Adoption=" a strong brand preference involving continued purchase over time"
  262. Adoption Process Model
    • Problem Perception
    • Awareness
    • Knowledge
    • Attitude
    • Conviction
    • Brand Trial
    • Brand adoption
    • Dissonance
  263. Adoption process Model
    Problem perception
    • =information research
    • The different from present( I am hungry) and desire ( Go to the Texas union for salsa) state.
  264. Adoption process Model
    This is extremely important. Go through perception defense( resistance)
  265. Adoption process Model
    Attitude (-/+)
    An interrelated system of beliefs, feeling and action tendencies toward an object
  266. Adoption process Model
    Brand Adoption
  267. Adoption process Model
    Dissonance=Buyer's remorse
    Dissonance function of two thing
    • 1. Magnitude of purchase
    • The higher price, the higher dissonance
    • Social thing, the more visual it is , the more you will experience dissonance
    • 2. Attractive of un-chosen alternative
  268. If you just purchase a jeep car, the research shows that it is        likely the jeep fan read ads for the brand they just brought.
  269. Customer Retention
    Keep customers happy is really important for the long term of the brand.
  270. Clarify Model ( Adoption precess Model)1.
    • 1.rejection can occur any point in the process
    • 2.No guarantee ( Although everything IBP is successful, no guarantee)
    • 3. Behavioral change first, skip stages
    • Shawwhite gum   Awareness--> brand trial---> knowledge
    • 4. Stage are NOT equal distance apart
  271. John Hunt
    Communications is the focal point of liberal arts because of its importance and widespread use.
  272. A strong brand will evoke a set of positioning that are:
    • 1. Differentiating
    • 2. Relevant
    • 3. Held in high regard.
  273. Chick-fil-a
    Became #1 Chicken Chin, passing KFC
  274. Motel 6
    • That campaign made TRG a national agency
    • One of the 100 best campaign in the history of advertising.
  275. Chrysler
    • Did Super Bowl spot for RAM
    • This spot was non of those things BASICALLY a slideshow
    • Most buzz worthy spot in history of the Super Bowl
  276. Q&A
    Spherical Branding Process
    • Positioning: target audience, competitive set,
    • Personality: personality/character of writing, look/feel
    • Affiliation: what club do you join when you use a particular brand? More important with some brands than others. 
    • Brand Vision( Image): Highest calling of brand.
  277. Ethical/moral dilemmas
    Stan Richard.
    Would rather quit than do something unethical or immoral
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Adv TEST lecture 2
ADV test 2 book