Unit 2 Test Review

  1. Dalton 1st Theory
    All elements are composed of tiny indivisible particals called Atoms.
  2. Dalton 2nd Theory
    Atoms of the same elements are identical.
  3. Dalton 3rd Theory
    Atoms of different elements can physically mix together or can chemically combine with one another in simple whole-number ratios to form compounds.
  4. Dalton 4th Theory
    Chemical reactions occur when atoms are separated, joined, or rearranged.
  5. Thompson
    • -Cathrode Ray Tube.
    • -Charge to mass ratio of the electron.
  6. Rutherford
    • -Gold Foil Experiment.
    • -Positive charge localized in the atom.
  7. Millikan
    • -Oil drop experiment.
    • -Mass of the electron or the electron charge.
  8. Mendeleev
    First periodic table. Arranging by Increasing Atomic Mass.
  9. Mosely
    Perfected the periodic table. Arranging by Increasing Atomic Number.
  10. Isotopic Notation
    • Mass number 33    
    •                           P2-    Charge       
    •     Atomic #   15

    • -Neutrons= Mass - Atomic #
    • -Protons=Atomic#

  11. Metals
    • -High electricity and heat conductivity.
    • -Metals are ductile and malleable.
    • -Lose electrons in reactions.
    • -Shiny(lustrous).
    • -High melting point.
    • -Corrosion, React Vigoriously with acids not bases, lose valence electrons to form ions when bonding, like to react with nonmentals.
  12. Non-Metals
    • -Poor conductors of heat and electricity.
    • -Solid nonmetals are brittle.
    • -Little or no metallic luster(dull).
    • -Most are gases at room temperature.
    • -Low density.
    • -Low melting point.
    • -Not malleable or ductile.
    • -Likes to react with metals,Gain Valence electrons to ions when bonding.
  13. Metalloids
    • -Siny or dull
    • -Conductivity of heat and electricity better than nonmetals but not as good as metals.
    • -Solid at room temperature.
    • -Ductile and Malleable
    • -Elements gain or lose electrons when bonding.
  14. Halogens
    • Image Upload 2
    • Group 7A
  15. Noble Gases
    • Image Upload 4
    • Group 8A
  16. Transition Metals
    • Image Upload 6
    • Groups in the middle(3-12)
  17. Inner transition metals(Rare earth metals)
    • Image Upload 8
    • The last two bottom rows
  18. Alkali Metals
    • Image Upload 10
    • Group 1A-EXECPT Hydrogen
  19. Alkaline Earth Metals
    • Image Upload 12
    • Group 2A
  20. Average atomic mass
    • (NA)(AMU)+(NA)(AMU)+(NA)(AMU)    =AMU
    •                     100                            
    • Natural ambundance=NA
    • Atomic Mass Unit=AMU

    Natural Ambundance times Atomic Mass Unit divided by 100 equals the AMU
  21. Atomic Radius
    • Image Upload 14
    • Trend- Increasing down/Inceaising left
  22. Ionization Energy
    • Image Upload 16
    • Trend-Increasing up/Increasing right
    • -Decreses down a group because the valence electrons are farther from the nucleus and are held less tightly. Increases right because the atomic size decreses and valence electrons held more tightly.
    • -Noble gases are stable and they don't react/ they don't want to form bonds/ not wnating to gain or lose and electron.
    • 1stionization energy is the energy required to remove the first electron.
    • 2ndionization energy is the energy required to remove the second electron.
    • 3rdionization energy is the energy required to remove the third electron.
    • -You can tell what level of energy when looking on a table is the sudden spikes in number.
  23. Ionic Size
    • -Anions are bigger than the atom from which they were formed because they gain and electron and increasing in size.
    • -Cations are smaller then the atoms from which they were formed because they lose and elcetron becoming smaller in size.
  24. Electronegativity
    • Image Upload 18
    • -The tendancy of an atom to attract electrons to itself.
    • -FONCL(phone call)-trend stops here
    • -Noble gases have no elctronegativity do not want to gain electrons to form ions.
    • -Elements with high electronegativty(nonmetals) tend to gain electron to form anions.
    • -Elements with low electronegativty(metals)often lose electrons to form cations.
  25. Electron dot configuration
    • Image Upload 20-You can tell how many valence electrons by the group number.(the number with letter)EXECPT HELIUM.Each letter hold 2 electrons.
    • -Convention(silicon/carbon)

    Image Upload 22Image Upload 24
  26. Valence electron in electron configuration
    • Image Upload 26
    • _Match the number infront.Then count the expoents. then add it up.
  27. Aufbau Chart
    • Image Upload 28
    • S=2
    • D=10
    • P=6
    • F=14
  28. Simplified version of electron configuration
    When it is a noble gas then go back to the other noble gas. Kr=[Ar]4s23d104p6

    But when a reqgular element then just go back to the noble gas then start from there.
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Unit 2 Test Review
unit 2 test review