Normal Biota and Benefits
Bacteria that already live in body, protect from colonization, provide nutrition and stimulate immune system
Pathogenic Bacteria
Virulent Bacteria that commonly cause disease
Opportunistic Pathogens
Bacteria that will cause disease w/ pre-existing conditions
Acute Disease
Rapid Onset, Rapid resolution (cholera)
Chronic Disease
Slow onset, slow resolution (tuberculosis)
Recurrent Disease
Multiple acute bouts (UT E. Coli)
Pyogenic Disease
Causes fever, white cell infiltration and pus (Staph/Strep wounds)
Immune-mediated Disease
Antibody/Cellular response to organism damaged tissues (rheumatic fever)
Species that enter through ingestion:
Salmonella,Shigella, Vibrio cholerae, Listeria, Bacillus anthracis
Species that enter through Inhalation
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Legionella pneumophila, Bordetella, B. anthracis, Staphylococcus
Species that enter through Trauma
- Clostridia tetani, B. anthracis,
- Staphylococcus
Species that enter through Arthropod Bites
Rickettsia,Yersinia pestis, Borrelia sp.
Sexually Transmitted species
Chlamydia trachomatis, Haemophilus ducreyi, Treponema pallidum, Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Species that are spread Transplacentaly
T.pallidum, Listeria monocytogenes
Species that spread through eyes
C.trachomatis, N. gonorrhoeae, Pseudomonas, Haemophilus influenzae
Bacterial Virulence Factors
- Adhesion
- Cellular Invasion
- Exotoxins
- Endotoxins
- Superantigens
- Capsules
- Evasion of Immune Defenses
- Iron Acquisition
- Disruption of cell signalling
- Motility
-Phenotype/property under investigation
- should be associated with pathogenic members of a genus
- -Specific mutagenesis of gene(s)
- associated with the suspected virulence factors should show a measurable loss
- of virulence in an appropriate model system. (In-frame/point mutation best)
- -Complementation of mutatation by
- recombinant plasmid or allelic replacement with wild type should lead to
- restoration of pathogenicity
Virulence: Sources of Adhesion
- -Pili/fimbriae:attach to host or other bacteria
- -Non-fimbrial surface proteins
- -Capsule
- -Lipoteichoic acids
- -Flagella
Process of Phagocytosis
- -Bacteria bind cell surface
- -Induce engulfment into a phagosome
- -Normally phagosome acidified and it fuses with lysozyme, kill bacteria
- -Uses destructive enzymes and oxide radicals
Virulence: Cellular Invasion Modes
- -Invasion with replication in cytoplasm (Rickettsiae/Shigella/Listeria)
- -Invasion with replication in late endosomes (Salmonella)
- -Invasion with replication in phagolysosomes (Coxiella/Mycobacteria)
- -Special parasite vesicle: inclusion bodies of Chlamydia sp.
Virulence: Spreading from cell to cell
- -Some intracellulars can do this without ever being in extracellular environment
- -Shigella/Listeria
- -Enter host cells
- -Rapidly lyse phagosome
- -Replicate and organize polymerization of actin filaments
- -Use actin to propel themselves into neighboring cells
- -Lyse double membrane surrounding them
- -Repeat
Virulence: Bacterial Exotoxins: AB subunit Model
- -Usually function as two discrete proteins subunits/two units of same protein
- -Ability to recognize/bind specific host cell receptors from one subunit
- -Toxic actions from other subunit
- -Discrete elements needed for secretion from bacterial cell
- -Also need parts for translocation across plasma membrane of host cells
- -This depends on mode of entry
Virulence Factors: Cytolytic Toxins (Hemolysins)
- -Creation of membrane pore
- -alpha toxin of Staph. Aureus
- -Enzymatic destruction of phospholipid bilyar
- -alpha phospholipase C of Clostridium perfringens
- -Surfactant
- -delta toxin of S. aureus
Virulence: Type 3 Secretion Systems
- -Some Gram –
- -Directly deliver bacterial proteins into host cell cytoplasm
- -Proteins can affect a variety of different host cell functions
- -Cytoskeletal structure
- -Structure of messenger pathways
- -Needle like structure, injects
- -Helps E. coli make actin pedestals
Sec-dependent vrs. Sec-independent
- Type V/II: Sec-dependent
- Typer I/III/IV: Sec-independent