
  1. Describe over nutrition and under nutrition
    • over nutrition - eating too much of something
    • under nutrition - eating too little of something
  2. List some diet related risk factors
    • high saturated fat intake
    • high cholesterol
    • insufficient water intake
    • diet high in processed foods
  3. List some lifestyle related risk factors
    • lack of exercise in relation to energy intake
    • smokingĀ 
    • stress
    • genetics
  4. Identify obesity
    Obesity arises when the intake of food is greater than physical output
  5. List some tools to determine if you are overweight or obese
    • body mass index
    • tape measure
    • skin fold measures
    • underweight weighing
  6. What is diabetes?
    Diabetes is a condition where your body can't properly control the amount of glucose in you blood -> insulin (hormone) is needed for transferring glucose from the blood stream to enter the blood cells and be converted to energy
  7. There are 2 types of Diabetes. Type I and Type II. Identify each level
    • Type I Diabetes: the body does not produce insulin hence insulin must be injected
    • Type II Diabetes: the body cannot use insulin properly (it is insulin resistant) and the pancreas may not make enough insulin -> treated by diet, exercise and or tablets, injections may be required
  8. Describe the Under Nutrition Disorder Anaemia
    Anaemia can be the result of Iron deficiency (iron forms haemoglobin in RBC to carry Oxygen) -> small RBC with too little colour, Folate deficiency or Vitamin B12 deficiency
  9. Describe the Under Nutrition Disorder Osteoperosis
    • Osteoperosis is the lack of calcium (and Vitamin D and C which assists calcium absorption). Vitamin A also influences growth of bones and teeth
    • Bones become porous (lots of holes) and fragile (easily broken) due to loss of minerals
    • if calcium balance is not maintained, calcium from the skeleton (bones) is reabsorbed and can cause bone loss -> decrease in bone density
  10. Describe Diverticular Disease
    Diverticular Disease is caused from constipation -> intestine walls thicken and muscle contractions are not able to easily propel from faeces therefore increase pressure in the bowel (large intesting) -> constant build up of pressure causes the bowl walls to burst which forms diverticula. Causes of constipation include lace of fibre, lack of water (fluid), and 'holding on' - not going to the toilet strait away -> when the pouches becom infected, Diverticular Disease occurs
  11. What does the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating encourage?
    • Encourages:
    • variety of foods within a food group (since foods differ in nutritional value)
    • variety of food between food groups to get all nutrient requirements (different groups provide different nutrients)
    • portion requirements are specified
    • Low-fat, low-salt, high fibre and moderate sugar intake
  12. List the 'Go for 2 and 5' Campaign
    • encourages eating reccommended intakes of fruit and vegetables
    • suggested ways to incorporate 2 fruits and 5 vegetables into the diet each day (teaching how) eg. adding more veges to the topping
    • encourages eating local produce
  13. List the 'Don't stop it, Swap it' Campaign (Balloon People)
    • encourages people to think of alternatives for healthy lifestyle. eg. swapping sitting on the couch playing x-box to going out and playing in the park
    • encourages swapping large portions to small ones
  14. Facts about Diagnostic tools
    waist circumference - used to indicate health risks
    -> for men: 94 cm = increased risk and 102 cm = greatly increased risk
    -> for women: 80 cm = increased risk and 88 cm = greatly increased risk

    Waist to hip ratio - indicator of body fat distribution in adults
    -> women: 0.8
    -> men: 0.9
    -> waist measurement divided by hip measurement
Card Set
Health: diet and lifestyle