psychology ch. 7 thinking, language and intelligence part 2 (thinking, IQ, intelligence, language,

  1. what does psycholinguistics study?
    language acquisition, language production, and how your brain processes and understands speech
  2. What was Chomsky's theory on language acquisition?
    he believed that we all have an inborn propensity to learn language. This propensity he called the language acquisition device.
  3. What was Lenneberg's theory on language acquisition?
    Lenneberg agreed with Chomsky but believed that everyone has a critical period in which they must learn language or else they won't be able to learn it later on
  4. what are symptoms of an expressive language disorder?
    markedly limited vocabulary, errors in tense, and difficulty recalling words or producing sentences
  5. who pioneered intelligence tests?
    binet and simon
  6. who developed the intelligence quotient?
    william stern
  7. what is the criteria for comparing an individuals intelligence scores with those of the general population called?
  8. who was the first to establish intelligence norms?
  9. what is deviation iq?
    the difference of a person's intelligence test score from the norms for the person's age group.
  10. What is Spearman's "g" and what is Spearman's theory behind intelligence?
    Spearman observed that people who scored well on one test of mental ability tended to score well on other tests. He reasoned tht there must be an underlying general factor of intelligence that allows people to do well on mental tests, a factor he labeled "g" for general intelligence. However, he also believed that intelligence includes specific abilities that, along with "g", contribute to performance on individual tests.
  11. What was thurstones theory of intelligence
    Thurstone believed that a single, dominating factor like "g" could not account for intelligence. Rather, he believed that there were 7 primary mental abilities.
  12. what is phonological disorder
    Failure to use developmentally expected speech sounds that areappropriate for age
  13. What was sternberg's theory on intelligence?
    sternberg had a triarchic theory of intelligence. His triarchic theory holds that intelligence has three aspects: analytic, creative, and practical.
Card Set
psychology ch. 7 thinking, language and intelligence part 2 (thinking, IQ, intelligence, language,
7. psychology ch 7 thinking, language and intelligence part 2 (thinking, IQ, intelligence, language, heuristic, problem solving, validity, development)