1. Dacrocystitis
    When the lacrimal sac becomes inflamed and tears, causing draining.
  2. dacryoadenitis
    A condition in which the lacrimal gland becomes inflamed.
  3. dacryocystectomy
    The process of removing the lacrimal sac by surgery
  4. dacryocystotomy
    The process of cutting into the lacrimal sac.
  5. dairy herd improvement association (dhia)
    A group that tests cows for milk and fat and keeps records of feeding.
  6. dairy type
    Any cow that is used for the production of milk products, not meat or reproduction.
  7. daisy cutter
    Any horse that barely touches the ground while trotting; prone to stumbling.
  8. dam
    Any female animal that has given birth.
  9. dapple
    A circular pattern of fur with an off color.
  10. data
    A collection of information that has been collected as pertaining to an experiment.
  11. daughter
    The female offspring of any living thing.
  12. daughter cell
    A cell that is formed when another cell divides
  13. deacon
    A calf marked for veal meat before it is a week old.
  14. dead mouth
    Term used to describe a horse who does not respond to directing by rein and bit as far as the mouth is concerned.
  15. dead weight
    The weight of meat after the animal has been slaughtered.
  16. deaf ear
    The folds of skin below the ear in a fowl bird.
  17. deafness
    Loss of hearing in whole or in part.
  18. death loss
    The number of animals lost as the result of death by accident, disease, or otherwise.
  19. debarking
    A procedure in which vocal cords are trimmed to make a dog’s bark less harsh.
  20. debeaker
    A tool used to cut the beak off of a chicken or turkey for the safety of other birds.
  21. debeaking
    The process of removing part of the beak to prevent damage to other chickens, cannibalism, and other undesirable behavior.
  22. debilitated
    Losing of strength; becoming weaker.
  23. debridement
    Removing foreign tissue or matter; taking out damaged or contaminated tissue.
  24. decalcification
    Removing calcium from an animal’s bones.
  25. decay
    Decomposing of matter with the help of fungus and bacteria; matter is completely oxidized.
  26. deciduous teeth
    Temporary teeth that go away as maturity approaches
  27. decubital ulcer
    A bedsore; loss of tissue or skin due to pressure being applied for too long.
  28. deep
    Below the surface of something, as in position.
  29. defecation
    The exiting of excrement from the body; bowel movements.
  30. defect
    a) Any blemish that impairs an animal’s value b) Any deviation from what is normally regarded as far as breed is concerned.
  31. deferred grazing
    The process of keeping livestock out of a pasture until there is enough flora to sustain grazing.
  32. defibrillation
    Using electrical shock to bring the heart beat back into normal limits.
  33. deficiency
    Less than what is normally required or needed of something
  34. deflea
    To remove the fleas off of an animal’s coat
  35. deformity
    Anything that looks different from what is considered to be normal and healthy for that species
  36. degrease
    The process of removing the oil from fiber
  37. degree of grazing
    Term refers to how closely grazed a pasture is; ungrazed, lightly grazed, etc.
  38. dehiscence
    Any opening in a wound from surgery
  39. dehorn
    To remove the horns or horn buds through heat, chemical, or other methods
  40. dehorning clippers
    Clippers used to remove the horns of certain animals; like large scissors
  41. dehydrate
    To take the moisture out of something
  42. dehydration
    A medical condition in which the body has lost fluid or water in excessive amounts
  43. delactation
    The condition of not being able to give milk
  44. deleterious
    Has the potential to cause harm to something
  45. delivery
    When the fetus leaves the body
  46. delousing
    The removal of lice from the skin with chemicals
  47. demiluster
    A type of wool that is somewhat lustrous but does not merit a classification of lustrous wool
  48. demyelination
    When myelin is lost or destroyed
  49. dendrites
    Small roots on neurons that receive impulses and send them the right way
  50. density
    a) Mass per volume b) The number of animals in a given area
  51. dental calculus
    A mineral deposit on the teeth; commonly referred to as tartar
  52. dental caries
    Cavities; decay of teeth
  53. dental cup
    A dip in the incisor teeth of horses; dark in color
  54. dental formula
    A guide to the number of teeth and kinds of teeth found in an animal’s mouth
  55. dental pad
    Term used in cattle terms; refers to the hard ridge in a cattle’s mouth that replaces upper teeth
  56. dental plaque
    A soft deposit from food left on the teeth; easily removed
  57. denticulate
    Small dentate teeth
  58. dentin
    The tissue that holds the tooth in place in the mouth
  59. dentition
    Refers to the pattern of teeth; the way teeth are arranged
  60. deoxyribonucleic acid (dna)
    Nucleic acid that carries genetic information
  61. depauperatum
    Stunted; limited in growth
  62. depot fat
    Fat that has collected in the body
  63. depraved appetite
    A type of appetite or craving not normal in an animal
  64. dermal
    Related to or of the skin
  65. dermatitis
    A condition in which the skin becomes inflamed
  66. dermatologist
    A professional who deals with studying the skin
  67. dermatology
    The study of skin
  68. dermatomycosis
    A growth on the skin due to a type of fungus
  69. dermatophyte
    A type of fungus that can be found on the skin
  70. dermatosis
    A condition of the skin
  71. dermis
    The skin; also referred to as the corium
  72. descending
    Moving downward or toward the end
  73. determinant growth
    Growth that will only reach a certain point once a certain age has been reached
  74. deutectomy
    Removal of the yolk sack from chicks that were just born
  75. dewclaw
    The first digit on dogs and cats; has no function
  76. dewlap
    The pendulum of skin hanging from an animal’s throat
  77. deworm
    To get rid of parasitic worms in an animal
  78. dialysis
    A procedure used to get waste out of the blood when the kidneys are unable to function
  79. diaphragm
    The muscle in the abdomen that aids in breathing
  80. diarrhea
    Fecal material that is wary in consistency
  81. diastole
    The dilation of the ventricles of the heart
  82. dickey
    A donkey or bird; slang word
  83. diecious
    Animals that possess both male and female traits
  84. diestrus
    The time between estrous cycles
  85. dietary fiber
    Material from plants that resists the action of enzymes in the digestive system
  86. differentiation
    The process of developing different organisms over evolution
  87. diffusion
    Movement of material from an area highly concentrated to an area where there is a lower concentration
  88. digestibility
    How easily a substance can be turned into an appropriate digestible form
  89. digestible energy
    The amount of energy that can be obtained from the digestible portion of any amount of food
  90. digestible nutrient
    The amount of a certain nutrient that can be digested into the body
  91. digestible protein
    The amount of protein that can be absorbed into an animal’s system
  92. digestive tract
    The whole system involved in digestion from mouth to anus
  93. digitigrade
    The act of walking on the toes
  94. dilate
    To make something wider
  95. dilation
    The widening of something
  96. diluent
    Any material that is designed to dilute another ingredient
  97. dilute
    To make something weaker or more liquid by mixing it with something else
  98. diluted color
    Term used to refer to the colors of feather in chickens; indicates a softer color, like tan
  99. diluted feed
    Feed with a great deal of fiber
  100. diluters
    A fluid that is used to make more semen and increase its volume
  101. diopter
    A measurement unit; refers to the refractivity in a lens
  102. diplopia
    Having double-sightedness
  103. dipping vat
    A tub filled with a chemical; animals are dipped into it to be disinfected or rid of parasites
  104. disbud
    To remove the horns of young animals by heat or chemicals
  105. disc fenestration
    Removing a disc in the spine by cutting it and scraping out the contents
  106. discharge
    Any substance that oozed from a wound or an opening in the body
  107. discriminate breeder
    An animal that is picky when it comes to breeding partners
  108. disease control
    A process that helps to control the effect of organisms that are known to cause disease or contribute to diseased conditions
  109. disease resistant
    Refers to animals or plants that can hold up against certain diseases
  110. disinfect
    To take the organisms that may cause disease out of an object
  111. disinfectant
    Anything that is designed to kill those organisms that are known to cause disease
  112. dismount
    To get down; to get off of
  113. disorientation
    A medical condition; has to do with confusion
  114. disposition
    An animal’s attitude or temperament
  115. disqualification
    In terms of animal husbandry, term refers to some defect that prevents an animal from registering with the breed or participating in a show
  116. dissect
    To cut something out in order to examine it
  117. distal
    The furthest distance from the middle or the top of a body
  118. distal convoluted tubules
    The tubes that can be found between the Hene and the tubules around it
  119. distal spots
    Spots or circles that are found on the coronet band
  120. distention
    The process of making something larger by dilating or stretching it
  121. distichia
    Two sets of eyelashes; often results in an injury to the lining of the eye
  122. distichiasis
    A condition in which there are two rows of lashes in place of one
  123. distributor
    A type of device that spreads milk out in order to let it cool
  124. diuresis
    The increase in the amount of urine produced
  125. diuretic
    Anything that causes excessive urination
  126. diverticulitis
    An inflammation of the diverticulum
  127. diverticulum
    The sac in the wall of a tube shaped organ
  128. dizygotic twins
    Term for twins that develop from two separately fertilized ovaries
  129. dobbin
    The term used to denote a gentle horse; a term of affection
  130. docile
    Indicates that an animal has a gentle nature
  131. dock
    To cut an animal’s tail short; also used to indicate the space where the tail was
  132. docking
    The removal of the tail or part of the tail; can also refer to a decrease in value
  133. doddie
    A cow that has been polled
  134. doe
    A female goat, rabbit, or deer that has not been spayed
  135. dogie
    A term used for a calf with no mother; slang term
  136. dogtrot
    A slow trot; gentle
  137. dolichocephalic
    A long head, usually very narrow like a greyhound
  138. domesticate
    To take a wild animal and put it under human control over an extended period of time; happens over generations
  139. dominance
    An animal’s tendency to overpower another, in character or in activity
  140. dominant gene
    The opposite of a recessive gene
  141. donation
    The act of creating or producing sound in something
  142. donkey
    An animal; also called an ass
  143. dorsal
    Refers to something being toward the back, as in a dorsal fin
  144. dorsal plane
    A line that divides the body in half, front to back (imaginary line)
  145. dorsal recumbence
    The act of an animal lying on its back
  146. dorsoventral projection
    A beam of ray that goes from the back to the stomach
  147. dosage
    The amount of medication to be administered
  148. dosage interval
    The length of time that should pass before a drug is administered again
  149. dose
    The amount of medicine to be given, measured in grams or units
  150. dose syringe
    A syringe that is used to forcefully give medicine to animals
  151. double cross
    To cross two hybrids of living thing
  152. double mating
    The process of mating livestock twice during estrous to ensure that they become pregnant; also called double cover
  153. double reins
    Two reins attached to two bits
  154. double rigged saddle
    A saddle with two cinches
  155. downer
    Term used to indicate an animal that is unable to stand due to illness
  156. downy
    Covered with weak, soft hairs or feathers
  157. draft animal
    An animal used to plow or pull loads; a working animal
  158. draining pen
    An enclosure with a sloped bottom in which animals are placed after they are dipped; fluids drip off of the animals and into the vat of chemicals
  159. drake
    An adult male duck
  160. drawing blood
    The removal of blood from the body for diagnostic purposes
  161. dress out
    The process of removing feathers, skin, or fur and trimming a carcass
  162. dress weight
    The weight of a dressed animal versus its weight while live
  163. dressage
    A type of horseback riding in which the rider guides the animal rather than using hands and feet to do so
  164. dressed weight
    The weight of the carcass of an animal or a slaughtered bird
  165. dressing comb
    A type of comb used to beautify an animal’s coat for show; also referred to as a currycomb
  166. dressing loss
    The amount of weight lost in an animal before and after it is slaughtered
  167. dressing percent
    The number that is calculated when the carcass weight is divided by the weight of the live animal and multiplied by one hundred.
  168. drinking cup
    A device used for watering an animal; the opening has a floater in it that releases water when moved so the animal can drink at will.
  169. drive-ins
    Term used for cattle that are herded into the market versus those who get there by cattle transport or other methods
  170. drop band
    A herd of female goats or sheep that are separated for the purpose of having young
  171. droppings
    The feces of an animal
  172. dropsy
    Swelling throughout an animal’s entire body
  173. drug residue
    Anything left over from a drug in the body of an animal
  174. dry band
    A band of sheep where there are no lambs
  175. dry cow
    A cow that no longer gives milk
  176. dry lot
    An enclosure used to keep livestock to prepare for slaughter, including fattening
  177. dry matter
    The amount of matter in a certain type of feed without the moisture
  178. dry period
    The period of time before giving birth that an animal stops lactating
  179. dry picked
    The dressing of a bird without scalding; bird may have been bled already
  180. dry rendered
    What is left of animal tissue after it has been steamed until the water evaporated; a method of removing fat
  181. drying off
    The process of causing an animal to stop lactating when they are not producing much milk
  182. dual purpose
    Animals that are used for meat and milk
  183. dual use range
    A range that has enough forage so that two or more kinds of livestock can use the area separately or together
  184. duckling
    A young duck with down feathers
  185. ductless glands
    Glands in the body that secrete directly into the blood or lymph, like the endocrine glands
  186. ducts
    A passage in the body with walls
  187. ductus deferens
    The duct found at the end of the vas deferens
  188. dummy
    a) Term used for a horse who is not bright, due to injury or otherwise b) A dummy built in the shape of a female, may be covered in a hide and used to cause excitement in male animals
  189. dumpy
    a) Refers to an animal that is not feeling up to par but not infected with anything serious b) A short, stumpy looking animal
  190. dun
    An animal’s color; term refers to animals who are black in color or have a stripe over the shoulders of a dark color
  191. dung
    The feces of an animal; excrement or manure
  192. dung locks
    Locks of wool on a sheep that have been crusted over with dung
  193. dunging pattern
    • Refers to an animal’s tendency to drop waste in
    • certain areas
  194. duodenum
    The first part of the small intestine; can be found between the pylorus and the jejunum
  195. dura mater
    The outermost part of the meninges
  196. dust
    A type of fungicide or insecticide that is applied dry, as in regular dust
  197. dusting
    The manner in which chinchillas bathe; rolling in dust
  198. dwarf
    An animal who has not grown to its full potential, due to disease, deficiency, or otherwise
  199. dyschezia
    A condition characterized by difficulty with normal defectation
  200. dyscrasia
    A condition of the blood in which blood cells are abnormal
  201. dysecdysis
    Shedding differently or abnormally
  202. dysentery
    A condition characterized by intestinal trouble and inflammation
  203. dysfunction
    Not working like usual
  204. dyspepsia
    Difficulty with normal digestion
  205. dysphagia
    Condition in which eating and/or swallowing is difficult
  206. dysplasia
    A condition in which growth and development are not up to normal standards
  207. dyspnea
    Having a hard time breathing; breathing takes great pains
  208. dysrhythmia
    A condition in which normal heart rhythms are not apparent; also referred to as arrhythmia
  209. dystocia
    Difficulty giving birth
  210. dystrophy
    A condition in which a muscle or body part grows defectively
  211. dysuria
    Having a hard time urinating; pain while urinating
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