Computer Science vocab quiz 3

  1. the ability to scroll a window without affecting the display in other open windows
    independent scrolling
  2. the format in which a file is stored. Usually, the file type corresponds to the program used to create the file
    file type
  3. categories of info about a doc
    document properties
  4. the document in which the insertion point is currently located. Commands and actions occur in this
    active document
  5. a feature that links the scroll bars in two windows so that when you scroll in one window the other window scrolls as well
    synchronous scrolling
  6. the method of operation used for inserting new text within existing text in a document, insert mode is the default
    insertion mode
  7. the pane in which the insertion point is currently located. Commands and actions occur in this
    active pane
  8. arrange windows so they do not overlap on-screen
  9. the command for reversing a previous action
  10. to create a duplicate of a selection
  11. a mode of operation in which revisions cannot be saved in the original document
  12. symbols written on a printed document by a copyeditor or proofreader to indicate where revisions are required
    proofreader's mark
  13. to produce a screen view of what a printed page will look like
  14. the ability to scroll a window without affecting the display in other open windows
    independent scrolling
  15. data about data, such as file properties
  16. to insert a selection from the clipboard into a doc
  17. important words found in a doc. can be used to classify a doc
  18. the icon used to represent a file in a file list
    file icon
  19. a file type that an application such as word or excel can open even though it was created and saved using a diff program
    compatible file type
  20. the method of operation used to replace existing text in a document with a net text
    overtype mode
  21. a dot followed by 3 or 4 characters at the end of a file name, used to indicate the file tipe
    file extension
  22. to delete a selection from its original location and move it to the clipboard
  23. to create a duplicate of a selection
  24. a feature of Windows that holds data or graphics that u have cut or copied and are ready to be pasted into any document
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Computer Science vocab quiz 3
Computer Science