Origin: Maxilla and mandible.
Insertion: lips
Action: Compress (purse) lips
Name: Orbicularis oris
Origin: Medial orbit
Insertion: Skin around eyelids
Action: Close eye, -blink, wink, squint
Name: Orbicularis Oculi
Origin: Temporal fossa
Insertion: Coronoid process of mandible
Action: Elevate mandible
Name: Temporalis
Origin: zygomatic arch
Insertion: Lateral ramus of mandible
Action: elevate mandible
Name: masseter
Origin: Sternal head: manubrium
clavicular Head: Medial clavicle
Insertion: Mastoid process and superior nuchal line
Action: unilateral: Turn head
Bilatera: flex neck and Head
Name: Sternocliedomastoid
Origin: xiphoid process, costal cartilages 7- 12, lumbar vertebrae (anterior)
Insertion: central tendon
Action : expands thoracic cavity/ inhale
Name: Diaphragm
Origin: inferior border of superior rib
Insertion: superior border of inferior rib
action: Interchondral: elevate ribs/ active inspiration
Name: external intercostals
origin: spuperior border of inferior rib
Insertion: inferior border of superior rib
Action: interosseous: depress ribs/ active expiration
Name: internal intercostals
Origin: ribs 5-12
insertion: linea alba, iliac crest
action: compress abdominal wall, flex vertebral column and rotate trunk. (opposite side)
Name: External abdominal oblique
Origin: thoracolumbar fascia, inguinal ligament, iliac crest
insertion: linea alba, pubic crest, ribs/ costal cartilages 8-12
Action: compress abdominal wall flex vertebral column and rotate trunk. (same side)
Internal abdominal oblique
origin: thoracolumbar fascia, inguinal ligament, iliac crest, ribs/costal cartilages 6-12
insertion: linea alba, pubic crest
action: compress abdominal wall - tense thoracolumbar fascia.
Trnasversus abdominis
Origin: superior pubis
insertion: xiphoid process, costal cartilages 5-7
action: flex vertebral column, - compress abdominal wall
name: rectus abdominis
what is the name of the fibrous sleeve (arising from the aponeuroses of the external oblique, internal oblique, and transvesus abdominis) that enclosesthe rectus abdominis muscle?
rectus sheath
what is the name of the longitudinal collagenous line between the left and right rectus abdominis muscles where the above fibrous sleeve connects along the midline?
Linea alba
Origin: iliac crest, iliolumbar ligament
insertion: 12th rib, transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
action: unilateral: laterally flex spine
bilateral: extend vertebaral column - fix floating ribs during forced exhalation
name: quadratus lumborum
origin: anterior part of ribs 1- 8/9
insertion: anterior vertebral border of scapula
Action: protraction of scapula
name: serratus anterior
origin: anteror part of ribs 2/3-5
insertion: coracoid process of scapula
action: protracts and depress scapula
name: pectoralis minor
Origin: external occipital protuberance to T 12 (nuchal ligament and all spinous processes from C7-T12)
insertion: acromion, acromial end of clavicle, spine of scapula.
action: superior fibers: elevate scapula
middle fibers: retract scapula
inferior fibers: depress scapula
Name: trapezius
Origin: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae (C1-C4)
Insertion: superior vertebral border of scapula
action: elevates scapula
Levator Scapulae
Origin: Spinous processes of C7- T1
Insertion: vertebral border of scapula
Action: adducts scapula -rotates glenoid inferiorly.
Name: Rhomboid minor
Origin: spinous processes of T2- T5
Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula
Action: adducts scapula rotates glenoid inferiorly
Rhomboid Major
Origin: Clavicular head: medial clavicle
Sternocostal head: Body of sternum, costal cartilages 2-6, aponeurosis of external oblique.
insertion: crest of greater tubercle
Action: Flex, adduct, and medially rotate humerus
-Draw shoulder anteriorly and inferiorly (protract and depress)
Name: Pectoralis Major
Origin: coracoid process of scapula
insertion: medial humerus (middle 1/3)
Action: Flex and adduct humerus
Name Coraco brachialis
Origin: Thoracolumbar fascia (spinous processes of lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae, iliac crest, ribs 8-12)
insertion: intertubercular groove of humerus
action: extend, adduct and medially rotate humerus.
-retracts shoulder
Name: latissimus dorsi
origin: inferior angle of scapula
insertion: crest of lesser tubercle
action: extend and medially rotate humerus. -adduct humerus
name: teres major
origin: subscapular fossa of scapula
insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus
action: medially rotate humerus
Name: Subscapularis
Origin: infraspinous fossa of scapula
insertion: greater tubercle of humerus
action: laterally rotate humerus
Name: infraspinatus
origin: lateral border of scapula
insertion: greater tubercle of humerus
action: laterally rotate humerus - adduct humerus
Teres Minor
Origin: supraspinous fossa of scapula
insertion: greater tubercle of humerus
action: abduction humerus laterally rotate humerus
Name: supraspinatus
What 4 muscles form the rotator cuff (merging tendons with the glenohumeral joing capsule)?
- -Subscapularis
- -Teres minor
- -Infraspnatus
- -Deltoid
Origin: Acromion, acrominal end of clavicle, spine of scapula
Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity (named for muscle)
action: whole abduct humerus
anterior: flex and medially rotate humerus
posterior: extend and laterally rotate humerus
Name: Deltoid
Origin: short head: coracoid process of sapula
long head: supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
insertion: radial tuberosity, bicipital aponeurosis
action: Flex and supinate antebrachium
Name: Biceps brachii
Origin: Distal, anterior humerus
Insertion: Ulnar tuberosity (coronoid process)
action: Flex antebrachium
Name: Brachialis
origin: lateral supracondylar ridege of humerus
insertion: distolateral radius (styloid process)
action: flex antebrachium
Name: brachio radialis
Origin: long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
lateral head: posterior humerus, superior to radial groove.
medial head: posterior humerus, inferior to radial groove
insertion: olecranon process of ulna
action: extend atebrachium
long head: stedies abducted humerus
Name: Triceps brachii
origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus, crest of ulna.
insertion: anterolateral radius (distal to radial tuberosity)
action: supinate antebrachium
-lateral rotation of radius at radioulnar joint
Name: Supinator
Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus, coronoid process of ulna.
insertion: Mid- lateral radius
action: Pronate antebracium
-medial rotation of radius at radio/ulnar
-weakly flex antebrachium at elbow joint
Name: Pronator Teres
Origin: Distal shaft of ulna
insertion: Distal shaft of radius
Action: pronate antebrachium medial rotation of radius at radioulnar joing.
Name: pronator quadratus
Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus, interosseous membrane, anterior surfaces of proximal radius and ulna.
insertion: carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
action: flex wrist and digits
Name: Flexor group
Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus, interosseous membrane, posterior surfaces of proximal radius and ulna.
Insertion: carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
action: extend wrist and digits
Extensor group
What do we call the wide bands of thickened fascia on the anterior and posterior aspects of the wrist and ankle which retain tendons (preventing bow- stringing)?
- -Flexor retinaculum
- -Extensor retinaculum
What condition results from the compression of the median nerve under the flexor retinacula of the wrist, potentially resulting in pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness of the thumb muscles?
Name: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Origin: iliac fossa
insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
action: flex hip (femur)
Name: iliacus
Origin: trnasverse processes of L1-L5
Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur
action: flex hip (femur)
Psoas Major
The iliacus and psoas major muscles unite as they pass under the inguinal ligament. What name is used to refer to this single muscle (hip flexor) found at the superior aspect of the anterior thigh?
origin: anterior superior iliac spine
insertion: medial to tibial tuberosity
action: flex hip (femur) Flex knee (tibia)
Origin: Anterior iliac crest
insertion: Lateral tibial epicondyle via iliotibial tract
action: abduct femur
Tensor fasciae latae
Origin: iliac crest , dorsal sacrum and coccyx, thoracolumbar fascia, lateral ilium
insertion: gluteal tuberosity (named for muscle) iliotibial tract
action: extend and laterally rotate femur
Gluteus Maximus
Origin: superolateral ilium
insertion: greater trochanter (lateral)
Action: abduct and medially rotate femur
gluteus medius
Origin: inferolateral ilium
insertion: greater trochanter (lateral)
action: abduct and medially rotate femur
Gluteus minimus
Origin: superior ramus of pubis
insertion: pectineal line (named for muscle) of femur
action: abduct, flex and laterally rotate femur
Origin: body and inferior ramus of pubis
insertion: proximal linea aspera
action: adduct, flex, and laterally rotate femur
adductor brevis
Origin: pubis (below crest)
insertion: mid linea aspera
action: adduct, flex and laterally rotate femur
Adductor longus
origin: inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium, ischial tuberosity
insertion: adductor head: linea aspera
hamstring head: adductor tubercle
action: adduct femur
hamstring head: extend femur
adductor magnus
origin: inferior ramus of pubis
insertion: medial to tibial tuberosity
action: adduct, flex, and medially rotate femur
Origin: anteror inferior iliac spin, groove superior to acetabulum
insertion: tibial tuberosity
action: extend knee (tibia)
Rectus femoris
Origin: greater trochanter, linea aspera
insertion: tibial tuberosity
action: extend knee (tibia)
Vastus lateralis
Origin: anterolateral femur, linea aspera
insertion: tibial tuberosity
action: extend knee (tibia)
Vastus intermedius
Origin: medial femur, linea aspera
insertion: tibial tuberosity
action: extend knee (tibia)
Vastus medialis
Origin: long head: Ischial tuberosity
short head: distal linea aspera
insertion: fibular head
action: extend and laterally rotate femur
Biceps femoris
origin: Iscial tuberosity
insertion: medial to tibial tuberosity
action: extend and medially rotate femur
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Posterior to medial tibial condyle
action: extend and medially rotate femur
Origin: lateral epicondyle and surface of tibai, interossesus membrane
insertion: medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal (medial and inferior portions)
action: dorsiflex and invert foot
Tibialis anterior
Origin: Head and proximal shaft of fibula
insertion: medial cuniform and base of 1st metatarsal (inferior portion)
Action: Plantar flex and evert foot
Fibularis longus
Origin: Adjacent to femoral condyles
Insertion: Calcaneus via tendo calcaneus
action: Plantar flex foot
Origin: soleal line (named for muscle) on posterior tibia, posterior fibula
insertion: calcaneus via tendo calcaneus
action: plantar flex foot
Deep fascia separates the limbs into compartments. What happens if trauma results in bleeding (and/ or fluid buidup) into the compartment? Give bothe the general term for blood starvation and the specific term associated with compression fo nerves vessels, and muscles in limb injuries as a result of swelling.
Blood starvation: ischemia
Compression injury: compartment syndrome