Status refers to...
a socially defined position in a group or society
Ascribed status
quality that you are born with
Examples of ascribed status include...
race, sex, etc.
Achieved status
quality that you achieve after birth
Examples of achieved status...
education, occupation, etc.
What are the two types of master statuses?
- ascribed status
- achieved status
Race refers to...
a group of people who are believed to be a biological group sharing genetically transmitted traits that are defined as important
Every racial group can be divided into the following...
nationality, language, tribal affiliation, culture, religion, etc.
Examples of race are...
White people; Black people; Asian people; American Indian and Alaskan Native people; Pacific Islander and Hawaiian Native people; and the Some Other Race category
Ethnic group refers to...
a group of people who share a common historical and cultural heritage and sense of group identity and belongingness
Ethnic group is based on...
culture, nationality, language, tribal affiliation, religion, etc.
Examples of ethnic groups are...
Latino people in the USA; Jewish people in the USA; Gullah people in the USA; Geechee people in the USA
Minority group refers to...
a group which has been singled out for differential and unequal treatment
Minority group does not refer to (1)_________ size, but to a group's (2)________ in the (3)______________ system.
- 1. numerical
- 2. position
- 3. stratification
Examples of minorities groups are...
racial minorities in the USA; ethnic minorities in the USA; White women before the 1960s
Racism refers to...
an ideology which holds that certain racial or ethnic groups are biological inferior and that practices involving their domination and exploitation are therefore justified
An example of racism is...
the KKK in the USA has a racist ideology which holds that White people are superior to Black people
Prejudice refers to..
an irrational attitude toward certain people based solely on their membership in a particular group
An example of prejudice is...
a person has a negative attitude towards another person because the other person belongs to a certain racial or ethnic group
Discrimination refers to...
behavior in the form of unequal treatment of a people because they are members of a particular group
An example of discrimination is...
a person treats a person in a negative way because the other person belongs to a certain racial or ethnic group
Institutional Discrimination refers to...
the inequitable treatment of a group resulting from practices or policies that are incorporated into social, political, or economic institutions and that operate independently from the prejudices of individuals
Institutional discrimination involves the (1)__________ exclusion of people from (2)_____ participation in a particular institution because of their (3)_____ membership
- 1. systematic
- 2. equal
- 3. group
Examples of institutional discrimination are...
a person is not able to get a job, contract, or educational slot because of his or her racial or ethnic group
Ethnocentrism refers to...
the tendency to view one’s own group or culture as an in-group that follows the best and only proper way to live
Ethnocentrism also refers to the tendency to judge...
other cultures as inferior to one's own
Ethnocentric people have problems...
respecting other cultures.
Examples of ethnocentrism are...
- people who take the position that their culture is superior to other cultures is ethnocentric;
- people who take the position that their race is superior to other races is a racist (that is, ethnocentrism is based on culture and racism is based on race)
Racial Nationalism refers to...
a social condition wherein a racial group engages in racial solidarity and collective behavior around economic, political, and/or cultural matters
Examples of racial nationalism are...
- one can be a proponent or advocate of racial solidarity and collective behavior around economic matters, but not political and/or cultural matters as was Booker T. Washington;
- one can be an advocate of racial solidarity and collective behavior around economic, political, and cultural matters as was W. E. B. Du Bois
Ethnic nationalism refers to...
a social condition wherein an ethnic group engages in racial solidarity and collective behavior around economic, political, and/or cultural matters
Examples of ethnic nationalism are...
- one can be a proponent or advocate of racial solidarity and collective behavior around economic matters, but not political and/or cultural matters;
- one can be an advocate of racial solidarity and collective behavior around economic, political, and cultural matters
Economic Nationalism refers to...
a social condition of racial or ethnic solidarity around economic matters
Examples of Economic Nationalism are...
- the Asian Business League of San Francisco;
- Jewish Free Loan Association of Los Angeles;
- the Black Chamber of Commerce in Oakland
Political Nationalism refers to...
a social condition of racial or ethnic solidarity around economic matters
Examples of Political Nationalism are...
- the Armenian American Political Action Committee;
- Cuban American National Foundation;
- American Israel Public Affairs Committee;
- Mexican American Political Association;
- Black American Political Association of California
Cultural Nationalism refers to...
a social condition of racial or ethnic solidarity around cultural matters
Examples of cultural nationalism are...
- Columbus Day Celebration, Inc. based in San Francisco;
- Pacific Islanders’ Cultural Association based in San Francisco;
- National Japanese American Historical Society based in San Francisco;
- the San Francisco African American Historical and Cultural Society
Black Nationalism Movement refers to...
a form of racial nationalism found among Black people involving racial solidarity around economic, political, and/or cultural matters
An example of Black Nationalism Movement is...
Alprentice “Bunchy” Carter, a member of the Black Panther Party, was a proponent and an advocate of racial nationalism in that he encouraged Black people to engage in racial solidarity around economic, political, and/or cultural matters
Pan-Asian Movement refers to...
a form of racial nationalism found among Asian people involving racial solidarity around economic, political, and/or cultural matters
An example of Pan-Asian Movement is...
Richard Aoki, a member of the Red Guard, was a proponent and an advocate of racial nationalism in that he encouraged Asian people to engage in racial solidarity around economic, political, and/or cultural matters
La Raza Movement refers to...
a form of ethnic nationalism found among Latino people involving ethnic solidarity around economic, political, and/or cultural matters
An example of La Raza Movement is...
Felipe Luciano, a member of the Young Lords Party, was a proponent and an advocate of ethnic nationalism in that he encouraged Asian people to engage in ethnic solidarity around economic, political, and/or cultural matters
Zionist Movement refers to...
a form of ethnic nationalism found among White people involving ethnic solidarity around economic, political, and/or cultural matters
An example of Zionist Movement is...
Louis D. Brandeis, a member of the Zionist Organization of America, was a proponent and an advocate of ethnic nationalism in that he encouraged White people to engage in ethnic solidarity around economic, political, and/or cultural matters
In-Group refers to...
a group toward which we feel positively and with which we identify, and that produces a “we” feeling
In-Group also refers to a (1)______ group to which an individual (2)____ have a feeling of (3)__________
- 1. social
- 2. does
- 3. allegiance
An in-group is usually a (1)________ group, but not always because it can be a (2)_____ level term, (3)______ level term, or a (4)_____ level term.
- 1. primary
- 2. micro
- 3. middle
- 4. macro
Examples of in-groups are based on...
race, gender, social class, neighborhood, city, state, or country
Out-Group refers to...
a group toward which we do not feel positively and with which we do not identify, and that does not produce a “we” feeling
Out-group also refers to a (1)______ group to which an individual (2)____ ___ have a feeling of (3)__________
- 1. social
- 2. does not
- 3. allegiance
The (1)___-_____ may be in conflict with the (2)__-_____.
Examples of out-groups are...
- the Crips are the in-group and the Bloods are the out-group or vice versa;
- the Nortenos are the in-group and the Serranos are the out-group or vice versa;
- the USA is the out-group and Iraq is the in-group or vice versa
Split Labor Market refers to...
a social condition wherein there are two groups of workers willing to do the same work, but for different wages
In the split labor market, (1)_____-______ laborers have a (2)___________ advantage because (3)_________ prefer to hire them.
- 1. lower-priced
- 2. competitive
- 3. employers
An example of split labor market is...
foreign workers were brought into New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina