Palavras Comuns ti_BBC_001

  1. given {195}
    1; {substantivo} 
    2; {adj.}
    • 1. dado
    • 2. cedido

    • 1. The issue of how they are being treated has given rise to international concern.
    • 2. We all know that if the Council had not given in then Parliament itself would have conceded rather than lose either directive.
  2. The issue of how they are being treated has given rise to international concern.
    A questão do tratamento que lhes é dado suscitou as preocupações internacionais.
  3. We all know that if the Council had not given in then Parliament itself would have conceded rather than lose either directive.
    Sabemos todos que se o Conselho não tem cedido, seria o Parlamento a fazer concessões, de preferência a deitar a perder esta directiva.
  4. to give {195}; {verbo}
  5. Give me all your money
    -me todo o seu dinheiro
  6. I gave her all I could. {to give}
    Eu dei a ela tudo o que eu podia
  7. I have given all my money to charity
    Eu doei todo o meu dinheiro para a caridade
  8. 1. dip; {substantivo}
    2. to dip; {verbo}
    • 1. submerso, banhado, imerso
    • 2. afundar, banhar, imergir
  9. 1. bolster {substantivo}; 
    2. to bolster {verbo};
    • 1. bolster
    • - apoio
    • - almofada
    • - suporte

    • 2. to bolster
    • - reforçar
    • - acolchoar
  10. away {139} {adjetivo}
    • longe;
    • ausente;
    • distante;
    • remoto;
  11. away {139}; {advérbio}
    • embora;
    • para longe;
    • à distância;
    • longe de;
    • contrário;
    • até o fim;
  12. I wont be away for long
    Eu não ficarei fora muito tempo
  13. Throw the book away now
    Jogue o livro fora agora
  14. Dont go away, wait for me
    Não vá embora, espere por mim
  15. although; {137}; {conjunção}
    • embora;
    • apesar de;
    • contudo;
    • conquanto;
  16. I am emphasising this again, although Mr Fabra Vallés has already made the point.
    Posso sublinhá-lo aqui novamente, embora o colega Fabra Vallés já o tenha dito.
  17. Although it was cold, he decided to stay out allday long
    Embora estivesse frio, ele decidiu ficar fora o dia todo
  18. Ill try to finish it today, though I dont think it will be possible
    Eu tentarei terminá-lo hoje, embora eu não ache que seja possível
  19. He said he would come, I dont think he will though.
    Ele disse que viria, entretanto eu não acho que conseguirá.
  20. The planets are given away by tiny dips in light.
    Os planetas distantes são dadas por pequenos quedas na luz.
Card Set
Palavras Comuns ti_BBC_001
Palavras mais comuns baseadas no parágrafo abaixo apresentado pela BBC. The number of observed exoplanets - worlds circling distant stars - has passed 1,000. Of these, 12 could be habitable - orbiting at a distance where it is neither "too hot" nor "too cold" for water to be liquid on the surface. The planets are given away by tiny dip s in light as they pass in front of their stars or through gravitational "tugs" on the star from an orbiting world. These new worlds are listed in the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia. The tally now stands at 1,010 new exoplanets, bolstered by 11 new finds from the UK's Wide Angle Search for Planets (Wasp). Abel Mendez of the Planetary Habitability Laboratory at the University of Puerto Rico, said that although the number has rapidly increased in recent years, due to a lack of funding this figure is much lower than it could be.