Root: cutis
- skin
- Root Pronunciation: cue + tis
- Medical Term: cutitis (skin inflammation)
- Origin: Latin (cutis; skin)
- Everyday Usage: cuticle
Root: dent
- teeth
- Root Pronunciation: dent
- Medical Term: dentiform (toothlike)
- Origin: Latin (dens; tooth)
- Everyday Usage: dentures
Root: derma
- skin
- Root Pronunciation: dur + muh
- Medical Term: dermatology (skin, study of)
- Origin: Greek (derma; skin)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: hapsia
- touch
- Root Pronunciation: hap + see + uh
- Medical Term: parapsia (touch disorder)
- Origin: Greek (haptein; to touch)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: odont
- teeth
- Root Pronunciation: oh + don + t
- Medical Term: odontoprisis (teeth grinding
- Origin: Greek (odous; tooth)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: onco
- tumor
- Root Pronunciation: on + caw
- Medical Term: oncology (tumors, study of)
- Origin: Greek (onkos;bulk, mass)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: onychia
- nail beds
- Root Pronunciation: oh + nick + ee + uh
- Medical Term: onychitis (nail bed, inflammation)
- Origin: Greek (onyx; nail)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: pedicular
- lice
- Root Pronunciation: puh + dick + you + ler
- Medical Term: pediculosis (lice, condition of)
- Origin: Latin (pediculus; little foot)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: prurigo
- itching
- Root Pronunciation: pru + rig + oh (pru as in proof)
- Medical Term: pruritis (itching inflammation)
- Origin: Latin (prurigo)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: psora
- itch
- Root Pronunciation: sore + uh
- Medical Term: psoriasis (itch, condition of)
- Origin: Greek (psoros;itch)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: sarco
- flesh
- Root Pronunciation: s + ark + oh
- Medical Term: sarcolysis (flesh decomposing)
- Origin: Greek (sarx, sark; flesh)
- Everyday Usage: sarcophagus
Root: sclero
- hard
- Root Pronunciation: s + clear +oh
- Medical Term: sclerogenous (hardening tissue)
- Origin: Greek (skleros)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: squama
- scaly
- Root Pronunciation: skwah + ma
- Medical Term: squamous (scalelike)
- Origin: Latin (squama; scale)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: tricho
- hair
- Root Pronunciation: trick + oh
- Medical Term: trichoid (hairlike)
- Origin: Greek (thrix; hair)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: chole
- bile; gallbladder
- Root Pronunciation: coal + lee
- Medical Term: cholecystectomy (gallbladder excision)
- Origin: Greek (chole; bile)
- Everyday Usage: cholera
Root: colon
- large intestine
- Root Pronunciation: coal + on
- Medical Term: colitis (large intestine inflammation)
- Origin: Greek (kolon)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: emesis
- vomiting
- Root Pronunciation: emmy + sis
- Medical Term: emetic (produces vomit)
- Origin: Greek (emein; vomit)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: entero
- intestine
- Root Pronunciation: en + tear + oh
- Medical Term: enteritis (intestinal inflammation)
- Origin: Greek (enteron; intestine)
- Everyday Usage: enter
Root: gastro
- stomach
- Root Pronunciation: gas + tr + oh
- Medical Term: gastritis (stomach inflammation)
- Origin: Greek (gaster; belly)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: glosso
- tongue
- Root Pronunciation: gloss + oh
- Medical Term: glossopathy (tongue disease)
- Origin: Greek (glossa; tongue)
- Everyday Usage: glossary
Root: hepat
- liver
- Root Pronunciation: he + pat
- Medical Term: hepatitis (liver inflammation)
- Origin: Greek (hepatikos; liver)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: ile
- ileum
- Root Pronunciation: ill + lee
- Medical Term: ileitis (ileum inflammation)
- Origin: Latin (ileum)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: laparo
- abdomen
- Root Pronunciation: lap + uh + row
- Medical Term: laparotomy (abdomen incision)
- Origin: Greek (lapara; flank)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: myxo
- mucus
- Root Pronunciation: mix + oh
- Medical Term: myxoma (mucus tumor)
- Origin: Greek (myxa)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: procto
- anus; rectum
- Root Pronunciation: prock + toe
- Medical Term: proctology (study of diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus)
- Origin: Greek (proktos; anus)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: pyloro
- pylorus; gatekeeper
- Root Pronunciation: pie + lore + oh
- Medical Term: pylorostenosis (pyloric narrowing)
- Origin: Greek (pylorus; gatekeeper)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: stoma
- opening; mouth
- Root Pronunciation: stow + muh
- Medical Term: stomatitis (mouth inflammation)
- Origin: Greek (stoma; mouth)
- Everyday Usage: n/a
Root: viscero
- body organs
- Root Pronunciation: v + is + ur + oh
- Medical Term: visceromegaly (enlarged abdominal organs)
- Origin: Latin (viscus; internal organs)
- Everyday Usage: n/a