Root: adeno
- Gland
- Root Pronunciation: ah +dee+ no
- Medical Term: adenoma (gland tumor)
- Origin: Greek (aden)
- Everyday Usage: adenoids
Root: calculi
- Stone
- Root Pronunciation: cal + cue + lie
- Medical Term: calculosis (stones)
- Origin: Latin (calculi; meaning pebble)
- Everyday Usage: calculator
Root: cele
- Tumor, Cyst; Hernia
- Root Pronunciation: sell
- Medical Term: hydrocele (water cyst, tumor)
- Origin: Greek (kele; tumor, swelling)
- Everyday Usage: celestial (heavenly)
Root: cyto
- Cell
- Root Pronunciation: sigh + toe
- Medical Term: cytology (cells, study of)
- Origin: Greek (kytos; cell)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: glyco
- Sweet, Sugar
- Root Pronunciation: gl + eye + co
- Medical Term: glycosuria (sugar in the urine)
- Origin: Greek (glyks)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: Homeo, Homo
- Similar, Same, Like
- Root Pronunciation: hoe + me + oh
- Medical Term: homeostasis (same environment)
- Origin: Greek (hemores; similar)
- Everyday Usage: homogenize
Root: lingua
- Tongue
- Root Pronunciation: ling + wha
- Medical Term: linguiform (tongue-shaped)
- Origin: Latin (linguae; tonguelike)
- Everyday Usage: linguistic
Root: lip
- Fat
- Root Pronunciation: lip
- Medical Term: lipoma (fat tumor)
- Origin: Greek (lipos; fat)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: lith
- Stone
- Root Pronunciation: lith as in fifth
- Medical Term: lithotripsy (stone dissolve)
- Origin: Greek (lithos; stone)
- Everyday Usage: monolith
Root: madaro
- Falling Hair
- Root Pronunciation: ma + dare + oh
- Medical Term: madarosis (loss of eyelashes or eyebrows)
- Origin: Greek (falling)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: psych
- Mind
- Root Pronunciation: sike
- Medical Term: psycho (mind; study of psychology; mental processes)
- Origin: Greek (psyche; mind)
- Everyday Usage: psycho
Root: pyo
- Pus
- Root Pronunciation: pie + oh
- Medical Term: pyogenic (pus producing)
- Origin: Greek (pyon; pus)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: radi
- Rays
- Root Pronunciation: ray + dee
- Medical Term: radiology (rays, study of)
- Origin: Latin (radius; rays)
- Everyday Usage: radiation
Root: thermic
- Heat
- Root Pronunciation: ther + mick
- Medical Term: thermobiosis (exists at high temperature)
- Origin: Greek (therme; heat)
- Everyday Usage: thermostat
Root: arthro
- Joint
- Root Pronunciation: are + throw
- Medical Term: arthritis (joint inflammation) Origin: Greek (arthron; joint)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: carpo
- Wrist
- Root Pronunciation: car + poe
- Medical Term: carpoptosis (wrist dropping)
- Origin: Greek (karpos; wrist bones)
- Everyday Usage: carpenter
Root: chondro
- Cartilage
- Root Pronunciation: con + droh
- Medical Term: chondromalacia (cartilage, soft)
- Origin: Greek (chondros; cartilage)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: costa
- Rib
- Root Pronunciation: cost + uh
- Medical Term: intercostal (between ribs)
- Origin: Latin (costae; rib)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: cranio
- Skull
- Root Pronunciation: crane +knee + oh
- Medical Term: craniotomy (skull incision)
- Origin: Greek (kranion)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: dactyl
- Finger
- Root Pronunciation: dact + till
- Medical Term: dactylitis (finger inflammation)
- Origin: Greek (daktylos; finger)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: ili
- Hip
- Root Pronunciation: ill + lee
- Medical Term: iliosacral (ilium and sacrum)
- Origin: Latin (ilium; flank)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: manus
- Hand
- Root Pronunciation
: man + us- Medical Term
: manicure (hand care) - Origin: Latin (manus; hand)
- Everyday Usage: manual
Root: myel
- bone marrow
- Root Pronunciation: my + el
- Medical Term: myeloma (marrow tumor)
- Origin: Greek (myelos; marrow)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: myo
- muscle
- Root Pronunciation: my + oh
- Medical Term: myoedema (muscle swelling)
- Origin: Greek (mys; muscle)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: ortho
- straighten
- Root Pronunciation: or + thoh
- Medical Term: orthopedic (concerning deformities)
- Origin: Greek (orthos; straight)
- Everyday Usage: Orthodox
Root: osteo
- bone
- Root Pronunciation: ah + stee + oh
- Medical Term: osteoplast (bone surgery)
- Origin: Greek (osteon; bone)
- Everyday Usage: N/A
Root: pedi
- foot
- Root Pronunciation: pee + dee
- Medical Term: pedicure (foot care)
- Origin: Latin (pes; foot)
- Everyday Usage: pedal
Root: spondyl
- vertebra
- Root Pronunciation: spawn + dill
- Medical Term: spondylitis (vertebrae inflammation)
- Origin: Greek (spondylos; vertebra)
- Everyday Usage: N/A