Palavras Comuns ti_001

  1. Seem {199} / to seem. verb.
    • to seem / parecer
    • It seems its going to rain.
  2. [1] It seems its going to rain
    Parece que vai chover
  3. [2] It seemed as if he was going to recover, but he died in the end
    Parecia que ele ia se recuperar, mas no final elemorreu
  4. [3] He seems to be a wealthy person
    Ele parece ser uma pessoa de posses
  5. should {95}
    ter de
  6. to shall {verbo}
  7. You should never have come here
    Você nunca deveria ter vindo aqui
  8. If you want to pass your examination, you should study harder
    Se você quiser passar em seusexames você deveria estudar mais
  9. You should be nice to your mother
    Você deveria ser gentilcom sua mãe
  10. reason {256}; subs.
    • razão
    • Do you have any reason to do that?
  11. Do you have any reason to do that?
    Você tem alguma razão para fazeraquilo?
  12. Be reasonable. This is not going to work.
    Seja razoável. Isto não irá funcionar.
  13. Thats the reason why I love you.
    Esta é a razão pela qual eu te amo.
  14. which {17}; conjunção, pronome
    de qual, qual

    which {conjunção} How much touch you get depends on which mouse you choose.

    which {pronome} It also reflects the direction in which the Constitutional Treaty was taking us.
  15. It also reflects the direction in which the Constitutional Treaty was taking us. {pronome}
    Isto também reflecte a orientação para a qual apontava o Tratado Constitucional.
  16. How much touch you get depends on which mouse you choose. {conjunção}
    A quantidade de toques depende de qual mouse você escolher.
  17. Which car do you prefer?
    Qual carro você prefere?
  18. leave {414}; {substantivo};
    to leave {verbo};

    • 1. autorização, licença; {subs}
    • 2. partir, deixar; {verbo}
  19. Which one do you want?
    Qual você quer?
  20. What time does the train to Paris leave?
    A que horas parte o trem para Paris?
  21. Lynchs Law: When the going gets tough, everyone leaves.
    Lei deLynch: Quando a coisa fica feia, todo mundo parte.
  22. He died and left me all his money.
    Ele morreu e me deixou todo o seu dinheiro.
  23. 1. behind {368}; 
    2. behind {substantivo}; 
    3. behind {adjetivo}; 
    4. behind {advérbio};
    5. behind {preposição};
    • 1. por trás de
    • 2. traseiro {m.}
    • 3. inferior a {adj.}
    • 4. atrás, atrás de, detrás {adv.}
    • 5. trás
  24. The teacher is behing the table
    O professor está atrás da mesa
  25. Whydid you park your car behing the tree?
    Por que você estacionou o seu carro atrás da árvore?
  26. He was quickly left behind.
    Ele foi rapidamente deixado para trás.
  27. And I came to think that behind the violence lay a sinister criminal enterprise. {adv.}
    E comecei a pensar que por detrás da violência havia uma firma criminosa sinistra.
  28. such; 1. ;2.{adj}; 3.{adv.}
    • 1. assim;
    • 2. tal; {adj}
    • 3. tão; {adv}
  29. He is such an interesting person. {adv.}
    Ele é uma pessoa tão interessante.
  30. I have never heard such nonsense.
    Eu nunca ouvi tal absurdo.
Card Set
Palavras Comuns ti_001
Palavras comuns da língua inglesa Baseado em CHILDHOOD AND EARLY EDUCATION It seems proper that I should prefix to the following biographical sketch some mention of the reasons which have made me think it desirable that I should leave behind me such a memorial of so uneventful a life as mine. I do not for a moment imagine that any part of what I have to relate can be interesting to the public as a narrative or as being connected with myself. But I have thought that in an age in which education and its improvement are the subject of more, if not of profounder, study than at any former period of English history, it may be useful that there should be some record of an education which was unusual and remarkable, and which, whatever else it may have done, has proved how much more than is commonly supposed may be taught, and well taught, in those early years which, in the common modes of what is called instruction, are little better than wasted. It has also seemed to me that in an age of transition in opinions, there may be somewhat both of interest and of benefit in noting the successive phases of any mind which was always pressing forward, equally ready to learn and to unlearn either from its own thoughts or from those of others. But a motive which weighs more with me than either of these, is a desire to make acknowledgment of the debts which my intellectual and moral development owes to other persons; some of them of recognised eminence, others less known than they deserve to be, and the one to whom most of all is due, one whom the world had no opportunity of knowing. The reader whom these things do not interest, has only himself to blame if he reads farther, and I do not desire any other indulgence from him than that of bearing in mind that for him these pages were not written.