Art History images mod 03

  1. Mantiklos Apollo, from Thebes, bronze, 700-680 BC
  2. Kouros 600 BC
  3. Calf Bearer ?Moschophoros? from the Acropolis in Athens 560 BC
  4. Kroisos Kouros, from Anavysos, 530 BC
  5. Kritios Boy, from the Acropolis, 480 BC
  6. Riace Warrior, from the sea of Riace Italy, bronze, 460-450 BC
  7. Charioteer from Delphi bronze, 470 BC
  8. Discus Thrower (Diskobolos) by Myron, 450 BC
  9. Spear Bearer (Doryphoros) by Polykleitos, 450-440 BC
  10. Hermes and Dionysius, from Olympia by Praxiteles, 340 BC
  11. The Scraper (Apoxyomenos) by Lysippos, 330 BC
  12. Lady of Auxerre, Kore, limestone, 650-625 BC
  13. Peplos Kore, from  the Acropolis in  Athens, 530 BC
  14. Kore, from the Acropolis in Athens, 510 BC
  15. Aphrodite of Knidos, by Praxiteles, 350-340 BC
  16. Head of Alexander the Great, third century BC
  17. Epigonos, Dying Gaul, 230-220 BC
  18. Sleeping Satyr (Barberini Faun), 230-200 BC
  19. Sleeping Satyr (Barberini Faun), 230-200 BC
  20. Old Market Woman, 150-100 BC
  21. Athanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes, Laocoön and His Sons, early first century CE
Card Set
Art History images mod 03
image list Art History module 3