What are the 4 major brain regions
- Brainstem
- Cerebrum
- Cerebellum
- Diencephalon
- The forebrain
- Develops into telencephalon and diencephalon
- The midbrain
- ONLY primary vesicle that does not form a new secondary vesicle
- The Hindbrain
- Develops into metencephalon and Myelencephalon
- Secondary vesicle arises from prosencephalon
- Forms into cerebrum and lateral ventricles
- Secondary vesicle
- Turns into pons, cerebellum and 4th ventricle
- Secondary vesicle
- Turns into medulla and 4th ventricle
- Arises from prosencephalon
- Extends from brainstem to cerebrum
- Surrounds third ventricle
- Forms thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus
Two types of Neural tissue
- Brain and spinal cord
- Gray matter - Un-myelinated axons
- White matter - Myelinated axons
Gray matter
- Houses: motor neuron and interneuron cell bodies
- Dendrites
- Telodendria
- Un-myelinated axons
White Matter of Cerebrum
- Contains myelinated axons arranged in tracts
- (Association, commissural, projection)
Cerebral Nuclei
- Cluster of internal gray matter; deep
- Collectively termed Basal ganglia
- Help initiate and terminate body movements
- Suppresses unwanted movements & regulate muscle tone
- Oval shaped clusters of neuron cell bodies
Cluster of neuron cell bodies within PNS
Protections of the brain
- Cranium
- Cranial meninges- C.T. membranes
- CSF- Cushioning, nutritive fluid
- Blood-brain barrier- Protections against blood borne harmful substances
Cranial Meninges
- Connective tissue layers that seperate soft tissue of brain from bones of cranium
- Pia mater
- Arachnoid Mater
- Dura Mater
Dura Mater
- Most external Cranial Meninge
- Two layers: Periosteal(outer); Meningeal (deep)
- Fused, except at dural sinuses - Drain venous blood away from brain
- Forms folds at fissures (dura septa)
Dura Septa
- Three extensions of dura separate parts of the brain
- Flax Cerebri
- Flax Cerebelli
- Tentorium Cerebelli
Flax Cerebri
- Type of dura septa
- Between cerebral hemispheres
Flax Cerebelli
- Type of dura septa
- Between cerebellar hemispheres
Tentorium Cerebelli
- Type of dura septa
- Between Cerebrum and cerebellum
Arachnoid Mater
- Middle meninx
- Deep to subdural space
- Separated from pia mater with arachnoid space
- Fibers called arachnoid trabeculae (Collagen and elastic fibers; attach to pia mater )
- Deep to the trabeculae is the Subarachnoid space
Subdural space
- A potential space between arachnoid mater and overlying dura mater
- If filled with blood of fluid - Subdural hematoma
Pia Mater
- Deepest meninx
- Highly vascular areolar C.T.
- Tightly adhered to surface of the brain
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
- Clear fluid similar to blood plasma
- Formed by choroid plexus
- Transportation, buoyancy and protection
Circulation of CSF
Lateral ventricles > Interventricular froamina > third ventricle > cerebral aqueduct > forth ventricle > central canal
Blood Capillaries (BBB)
- Tight junction between endothelial cells
- Thick, continuous basement membrane
Processes of Astrocytes (BBB)
- Press against capillaries
- Secrete chemicals influencing permeability
Substances the cross the BBB
- Gases, alcohol, anesthetics
- Glucose (via active transport)
Cerebral Hemispheres
- Two halves
- Joined by corpus collosum
- Divided by longitudinal fissure
- Contain Gyri(folds) and Sulci(Grooves)
- Asymetric
Frontal Lobe
- Personality
- Higher thought
- Speech
- Voluntary movement
Parietal Lobe
Cutaneous sensation
- Interpretation of taste
- Emotional memory
Association tracts
Between gyri in same hemisphere
Commissural tracts
Between gyri across hemispheres
Projection tracts
Between cerebrum and lower brain regions
- Contains:
- Pineal gland- Secretes melatonin
- Nuclei- responses to odors
- Paired oval masses of gray matter
- Interthalamic adhesion joins lobes
- Filters out unnecessary incoming sensory information
- Relays sensory information destined for cerebral cortex
- Inferior to thalamus
- Attached to pituitary by infundibulum
- Master control of ANS
- Body temp regulation
- Control of food & water intake
- Emotional control center
- Regulates sleep awake cycle
- Between diencephalon & spinal cord
- Contains sensory & motor tracts
- Includes: Mensencephalon(midbrain), Pons, medulla oblongata
Gnostic area
- Composed of regions of occipital, temporal and parietal lobes
- Integrates sensory, visual, and auditory information
Wernicke Area
- Involved in recognizing, understanding and comprehending spoken or written language
- Must work together with motor speech area
- Nuclei with sensory reflex centers that coordinate movements of head, eyes, and trunk
- Cerebral aqueduct
- Carries sensory & motor info between medulla and midbrain
- Connects midbrain to cerebellum
- Respiratory center
Medulla Oblongata
- Centers for respiration, heart rate, blood vessel diameter
- Vomiting, swallowing, sneezing, coughing, hiccuping
- Connects spinal cord & brain
- Two hemispheres with central vermis
- Outer cortex or gray matter; deep white matter (arbor vitae)
- Transverse fissure w/tentorium cerebelli separates cerebrum & cerebellum
- Governs subconscious aspects of skeletal muscle movements
- Flocculondoular lobes
Flocculonodular lobes
Contribute to equilibrium and balance
- A thin band separating cerebellar hemispheres
- Receives sensory info reporting torso position and balance
Superior vs Inferior Colliculi
- Superior- Helps visually tract objects and control reflexes such as turning head or body
- Inferior- Control reflective turning to auditory stimuli
Reticular Formation
- Net like of gray and white matter in brainstem & lower diencephalon
- includes sensory neurons that project into cerebral cortex
- Helps maintain consciousness
- Helps maintain muscle tone
Limbic System
- Ring of gray metter around upper brainstem and diencephalon
- "Emotional brain" - plays primary role in wide range of emotions
- Contributes to memory
Cranial Nerves
- 12 pairs
- Originate from eyes, nose, inner ear, brain stem & spinal cord
Sensory nerves (3)
- CN I - Olfactory
- CN II - Optic
- CN VIII- Vestibulochlear
Motor Nerves (4)
- CN III - Oculomotor
- CN IV- Trochlear
- CN VI- Abducens
- CN XI- Accessory
Mixed Nerves (4)
- CN V- Trigeminal
- CN VII- Facial
- CN IX- Glossalpharyngeal
- CN X - Vagus
Nerve classification mnemonic
- Oh (olfactoy)
- Once (optic)
- One (Olculomotor)
- Takes (Trochlear)
- The (Trigeminal)
- Anatomy (Abducens)
- Final (Facial)
- Very (Vestibulocohlear)
- Good (Glossalpharyngeal)
- Vacations (Vagus)
- Are (Accessory)
- Heavenly (hypoglossal)
Nerve Function mnemonic
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