rites of passage
acknowledge a change in our social status.
rites of intensification
strengthen social bonds and synchronize human life with the cycles of cosmic time
rites of reversal
- allow us to blow off steam
- appreciate normal order
- recognize that the "normal order" is a social construct
structural analysis
the study of binary oppositions in the underlying structure of relations within a myth or other narrative.
- the division of a whole into two equal, complementary parts
- either-or experiences and choices
- positive to negative element
- reversing the order of elements
- changing the gender of the hero
- preserving/repeating elements
family as political mentor
- learn cooperations, negotiation, competition, and create our individuality
- the original act of resistance ("No")
Benefits of Community Gardens
- health gains
- environmental
- cultural opportunities
- community building
- youth engagement
- crime prevention
- urban improvements
- strengthened governance
- strengthened civil society