Preliminary General Exam

  1. Outline the Preliminary General Examination of the Patient (general headings)
    • 1. Owner's Complaint, History and Anamnesis
    • 2. Signalment
    • 3. Clinical Examination of the Patients
  2. 13 steps that are part of the Clinical Exam of the patient
    • 1. Condition
    • 2. Demeanor
    • 3. External Body Surfaces
    • 4. Mucus membranes
    • 5. Pulse
    • 6.  Respiration
    • 7. Temperature
    • 8. Feces
    • 9. Urine
    • 10. Examine head (eyes, oral cavity, pharynx, ears and nose)
    • 11. Papillary light reflex & consensual light reflex
    • 12. Auscultate the heart and lungs
    • 13. Palpate the superficial lymph nodes
  3. What constitutes the past and present (immediate) history?
    • Past History - past illnesses, vaccination record or previous surgeries like neuters, ORE,· tonsillectomy, etc.
    • Immediate History: questioning the owner about the duration of illness, symptoms observed and the animal's appetite, etc.
  4. List 9 Signalments that should be documented on a patient's records
    • 1. Breed
    • 2. Age
    • 3. Sex
    • 4. Color
    • 5. Markings
    • 6. Brand
    • 7. Name and Number
    • 8. Tattoo Marks
    • 9. Permanent Blemishes or Defects
  5. Differentiate the condition and demeanor of the patient
    • Conditions looks at all parts of the skeleton being covered with flesh giving the body a well-rounded appearance (look at hips and ribs for determining condition)
    • General Demeanor: basically used to identify the animal simply as looking healthy or looking sick (abnormal posture and behaviors like allowing the head or ears to drop)
  6. What are examples of poor condition?
    See the ribs, rough; dry hair coat; alopecia; loss of skin elasticity; broken coccygeal vertebrae; phalanges missing; eye missing
  7. What are factors associated with poor condition?
    • 1. Nutrition
    • 2. Poor living conditions (where they sleep/how often bathed)
  8. In determining the characteristics of deeper, underlying body structures, list 5 ways we describe the structures:
    • a. Doughy:
    • b. Firm:
    • c. Hard:
    • d. Fluctuant:
    • e. Emphysema (has air)
  9. From a regional "hands on approach" one should evaluate the following 6 areas:
    • a. Ears: 
    • b. Eyes: 
    • c. Nose: 
    • d. Lymph Nodes (palpate): 
    • e. Vulva:
    • f. Penis
  10. When examining the visible mucus membranes, what do the following colors mean?
    a. Pink 
    b. Blue
    c. White
    d. Yellow
    e. Dark Red
    • a. Pink - reflect the character of the circulating blood
    • b. Blue - the membranes are said to be cyanotic. This indicates a lack of oxygen in the blood.
    • c. White - decrease in RBCs - possible anemia
    • d. Yellow - southern part of the United State means blood parasites and possible hepatitis. In the north, it means primarily hepatitis as blood parasites are infrequently noted in practice
    • e. Dark Red
  11. A decrease in pink color of the mucous membranes indicates a decrease in ____ and is indicative of _______.
    Common Causes:
    • RBCs; anemia
    • Ancylostoma, anemia, shock, large vessels that have been severed
  12. When speaking of mucous membranes what are they talking about?
    visible mucus membranes around the eyelids, the mouth (lips and cheeks), opening to the penis and vulva-vagina
  13. List 4 common causes of blue colored mucous membranes
    • Heart failure (CHF)
    • pneumonia
    • disease-of the lungs
    • nitrate poisoning
  14. What are some other 3 causes of Yellow colored mucous membranes?
    • Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA)
    • hepatic syndrome
    • blockage of the bile ducts
  15. What 4 things would you look for when inspecting the lips  as part of the oral cavity exam?
    • inflammation ("lip fold pyoderma")
    • tumors
    • papillomas
    • "hair-lip"
  16. What 7 things can make the heart rate go up or down/alter the heart beat?
    • 1. Exercise
    • 2. Excitement
    • 3. Weather
    • 4. Fever
    • 5. Pain
    • 6. Inflammation
    • 7. Local Heart Disease
  17. Where to take the dogs pulse? 
    Femoral artery
  18. What is the normal pulse rate of the:
    Sheep and Goat: 
    • Dog: 60-120 bpm 
    • Cat: 110-130 bpm 
    • Sheep and Goat: 70-80 bpm 
    • Cattle: 40-80 bpm 
    • Horse: 28-40 bpm 
    • Swine: 60-80 bpm 
    • Poultry: 200-400 bpm
  19. What animals have slower pulse rates?
    • Larger animals &older animals have a slower pulse rate than then smaller ones.
    • Males havea slower pulse rate than Females
  20. ________ is the art of listening with the stethoscope to sounds produced by the function of various body organs
  21. Good auscultations should be performed
    • 1. In a quiet room
    • 2. With the bell portion of the stethoscope for low-pitch sound and the diaphragm for high pitch sound 
    • 3. With the earpieces directed anteriorly to align with the ear canal
  22. What are 2 general categories and causes of abnormal lung sounds
    • 1. Crackles (rales) - compare to the crackling sound of cellophane. Due to fluid accumulation in the alveoli.
    • 2. Wheezes (rhonchi): due to airway obstruction
  23. _______ is a fluctuation in the heart rate concurrent with respiration, and increasing heart rate is seen with respiration.
    • Sinus arrhythmia
    • This is a normal finding in the dog.
  24. What are the 2 phases of respiration?
    • Inspiration
    • Expiration
  25. How do you count respiration?
    observe the rise and fall of the chest cavity, each cycle represents one respiratory movement.
  26. List the Respiration Rates:
    Sheep and Goat: 
    • Dog: 10-30 rpm 
    • Cat: 20-30 rpm 
    • Cattle: 10-30 rpm 
    • Horse: 8-15 rpm 
    • Swine: 8-16 rpm 
    • Sheep and Goat: 10-20 rpm 
    • Chicken: 15-30 rpm
  27. Differentiate a productive and non-productive cough
    • Productive cough - secretions, fluid, and mucous may be expelled from the airway,
    • Non-productive coughing - dry, hacking coughing with no material coming out with the cough
  28. What is the 1st noticeable sign of infection?
  29. Where to obtain the temperature in birds?
    Under the wing
  30. List the normal temperatures for the following:
    • Dog: 100 – 102o F 
    • Cat: 100-102o F 
    • Sheep: 102-104o F 
    • Goat: 101-104o F 
    • Cattle: 100-102o F 
    • Horse: 99-101o F 
    • Swine: 100-104o F
  31. List 5 ways normal body temperature may be altered
    • Exercise
    • Season 
    • Pregnancy 
    • Transportation 
    • Excitement
  32. List 2 reasons feces may change color or consistency.
    • 1. Diet: cattle- green grass makes feces forever green and soft. Animals on a diet of hay and concentrates make the feces harder and darker brown.
    • 2. Drugs: Phenothiazine (cattle de-wormer) occasionally leads to a reddish coloration in feces and in urine.
  33. List 2 causes of Blood in the Feces
    • 1. Blood mixes with the feces from the upper part of the digestive tract is usually dark and tarry, i.e. hookworms
    • 2. Blood from the lower part of the, digestive tract is bright redstained i.e. whipworms or colitis
  34. If the urine is darker, the causes could be i.e.
    Red - 
    Blue - 
    Purple -
    • Red - Phenothiazine
    • Blue - Methylene
    • Purple - Diathiazanine Iodide (Dizan)
  35. List the term associated with Urination 
    Excessive Drinking
    Excessive urination 
    Small amounts frequently
    Difficult urination
    Straining during urination
    • Polydipsia
    • Polyuria
    • Pollakiuria
    • Dysuria 
    • Stranguria
  36. _______: pupil constriction is normal
    _______: dilation of the pupil in the presence of light is abnormal
    _______: pupil constriction in the eye with light stimulus will result in pupil constriction in eye with no light stimulus.
    • Miosis
    • Mydriasis
    • Consensual Reflex
  37. Identify the 4 valves and where to place the stethoscope
    • 1. Pulmonary Valve: left side at intercostals space 3
    • 2. Aortic Valve: left side at intercostals space 4
    • 3. Mitral Valve: left side at intercostals space 5
    • 4. Tricuspid Valve: RIGHT side at intercostals space 5
  38. Enlarged lymph nodes may be an indication of what 3 conditions/diseases?
    • the presence of a local or system infection
    • allergy
    • neoplastic disease (cancer)
  39. List 4 common lymph nodes
    • 1. Mandibular
    • 2. Axillary 
    • 3. Inguinal 
    • 4. Popliteal
  40. 3 common venipuncture
    • Feline: 1. External jugular, 2. Cephalic, 3. Femoral
    • Canine: 1. External jugular, 2. Cephalic, 3. Lateral saphenous
  41. List the 4 lobes of the lung
    • apical
    • cardiac
    • diaphragmatic, and
    • intermediate 
  42. Lymph nodes are also known as 
    Peyer's Patches
  43. Coughing at night is suggestive of 
    heart disease
  44. Odor in the urine is indication of 
  45. What makes up the Urogenital System?
    • Reproductive system
    • Urinary system
  46. Wheezing or steror (snoring) is indication of what?
    Airway maybe obstructed
  47. Cardiovascular function can be evaluated by what?
    • Mucous membranes
    • Capillary Refill Time (CRT)
  48. List 4 problems that might occur in the ear
    • otitis
    • Earwax with mites
    • Yeast infection
    • Grass awns
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Preliminary General Exam
Preliminary Exam