Mechanisms of Tachycardia

  1. VT is what type of Tachycardia
  2. When a cell reaches its threshold before SA node
    enchanced automaticity
  3. Reenterant Tachy makes up what percent?
  4. Enchanced Automaticity can be caused by?
    • electrolyte imbalances
    • ischemia
    • drug toxicity
  5. Triggered Automaticity
    Catecholamine-dependent arrhythmias
  6. Reentry is caused by?
    Scars.......come on rob
  7. 3 pre-exisiting conditions for Reentry
    • 1. two limb conduction pathway
    • 2.unidirectional block
    • 3. triggered event
  8. Defibrillators were designed for ____________
  9. Types of SVT
    • AF
    • AFL
    • Inta-atrial reentry tachy
    • SA node reentry tachy
    • AV nodal reentry tachy (AVNRT)
    • Wollf-Parkinson-White
  10. Macro-reentry
    • Involves a large reentry circuit
    • -can encompass both atria and ventricles
  11. mirco-reentry
    • involves a small reentry circuit
    • -within one chamber
  12. AVNRT
    • AV Node Reentry Tachycardia
    • -reentry circuit is entirely within the AV node
  13. 3 types of AF
    • 1.paroxysmal
    • -resolves without treatment, often asymptomatic
    • 2. Persistent
    • -requires treatment to convert
    • 3. Permanent
  14. How to treat AF
    • drugs
    • cardioversion
    • abaltion
    • devices
  15. 3 types of Ventricular Tachycardia
    • Automatic
    • Triggered Automatic
    • Reentry
  16. Rentry VT
    ICD's were designed to treat this type of VT
  17. What does DFT stand for?
    Defibrillatory Threshold
  18. What happen in VF
    • Rates so high cardiac output drops to zero
    • =death
  19. Ways to treat VT's?
    • drugs
    • ablation
    • device
  20. If you can enduce arrythimias in EP lab it's?
    If you can terminate it with ____ its reentrant
    • Reentrant
    • PES
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Mechanisms of Tachycardia
Thats Tachy