- antonym with : - not only... but also
- and
packing food
putting food into boxes
equipped with mean
has , trang bi voi
senior citizens
are people who are 65 years old or older
These robot do not look like people, but they can work just as hard!
robots can do the same work as people
conduct (n.) behavior, comportment
hanh vi - thai do
ex: Good conduct is expected (mong cho) of students in school
conduct(n.) : the process(qua trinh) of doing something
ex: the conduct of diplomacy(ngoai giao)/the conduct of bussiness
conduct(vt.) behave (cu xu)
the students conducted themselves well in class today
conduct(vt.) to do s.t
that store conducts business from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
conduct (v i/t.) to direct an orchestra, band, etc.
he conducts the London Philharmonic Orchestra
assemble (v.) (-bled,-bling,-bles)
(vt.) to put together, make
the workers in that factory assemble trucks
assemble(vi.) to gather(tap hop) come together
The crowd assembled in the meeting hall
recognize (vt.) (-nized,-nizing,-nizes)
to recall, remember s.o or s.t. when one sees or hears that person or thing
I recognized an old friend in a crowd and waved to her
recognize (v.) in a formal meeting, to give s.o a chance to speak
The chairwoman recognized me and I told the committee my opinion.
recognizably (adv.)