Early Childhood 2-6yrs
- • 2 yrs- jump, drunken run (bc top heavy), cant kick ball w/o falling
- • 2 ½ -3 yrs- normal gait- bc growth continues in a continuous way
- • 6yrs- participate in team sport, ride a bike (usually still need training wheels), throw/catch a ball
- • Fine motor development-
- o 2yr old, just starting to dress themselves and start feed themselves
- o 4-5 use blunt knife
- o 6yrs old- can dress self alone, independent eating (greater autonomy)
- • Development not universal – cultural specific (most kids now don’t know how to tie shoes bc all with velcro)
- • Draw or Writing
- o 2 yrs old- scribbles- not a lot of strength- use strength from arm- why break things quickly
- o 3 yrs- can draw circle
- Then face
- Stick body from head, hair, toes, hands
- o 5 yrs- realize body missing
- • IQ tests at this age are not reliable- use to determine developmental delay
- o Don’t really determine IQ until 7-8yrs
- • Child centered vs Teacher Directed (pre-K, K)
- o Child centered
- Children have more choices
- o Teacher Directed
- Child sit in circle and teacher ask what color is this?
- o By 3rd grade- CC kids take on more challenges, join more after school activities
- o TD- just do what was necessary- didn’t want to work beyond themselves
- o Same things in high school
- o Better social skills
- Preoperational (2-7 yrs)
- • Make Believe Play
- • (Socio-dramatic Play)
- 1. Detaches from real life (any object can be made into anything)
- a. Food just for the person pot become bed for stuffed animal
- 2. Less self centered
- a. Originally you just make food for yourself then make food for others then at age 7 the dolls interact with each other, the kid is not part of it anymore
- 3. More complex
- • Kids in this stage
- 1. Egocentrism
- a. They expect that how they see it is how it is, they think of it from their view
- 2. Magical Thinking
- a. Believing in things that are really fake
- b. We believe whatever our culture tells us to believe
- 3. Animistic Thinking
- a. Believing inanimate things have animate properties
- b. Animals, pets, blanket (she, he)
- c. Imaginary friends
- • Conservation
- o Mass, number, volume
- o Centration irreversibility- what you see is where it is
- Think more water in tall glass
- • Active participants- we seek it out
- • Language is key!!
- • Pragmatics- nonverbal cues
- o Everything social learning
- • Private Speech---- have more support than Piaget
- o Kids talk out loud to themselves
- o 2yrs- say thoughts out loud (egocentrism- don’t understand that it is annoying)
- o Part of natural process- they talk like their parents
- o Over time we internalize it
- o Kids w/o learning disability loose speaking out loud at 1st grade
- o Kids w/ learning disability loose it at 3rd grade
- Normal gradual process
- Helps to keep them focused
Freud – Phallic Stage
- • Foundation of moral development
- o Super ego
- What is right or wrong
- • Gender identity
- o 3 yrs- Understand what it means to be a girl or boy in our culture
- o Gender identity does not mean they want to be the other sex- gay men want to be men
- ¬¬____________________
- • Bad from Freud
- o Oedipal Complex
- Thought about sex
- As super ego develops give up wish of marrying mom and separate with mom and bond more with father
- • Develop gender identity with dad
- If not then homosexuality
- o If sympathy or empathy don’t develop here then don’t develop
Erikson- Initiative vs Guilt
- • Initiative- Understanding your ability in the world
- o Kids think they are good at everything
- Every kid should receive a medal
- o When at end of this stage they have to realize that they are not the best at everything
- • Guilt- Not okay to be so exuberant to knock someone off the seesaw bc you want to try it
- • Appropriate guilt stops us from doing something bad
- • Develop too much guilt if cant get out
- o Have to tell them how to fix it after feel guilty
- You apologize
- Emotional Development
- Second/ Higher order/ Self-conscious emotion
- • Only proud if someone is there to see it
- • 3 yrs- internalize pride and run to find/ show mom
- • 2-3yrs- development of empathy, sympathy, guilt
- o Empathy- feel with person
- In preschool kids- if one kid cries, they all cry
- o Sympathy feel for person
- If one kid cries they try to talk them through it
- o Guilt
- Come naturally if get empathy
Want kid to feel guilt but give them a way out -Self-regulation of Emotion
- • 2yrs height of temper tantrums
- • Tantrums decrease bc can express more with language
- • 3-4yr usually only do it in home
- o If at this age in public then need help
- • if didn’t do well you shouldn’t receive award (around 5-6)
- o Kids don’t learn self-regulation
- Kids start questioning
Social Skills
- • Make believe play
- • Parton
- o Play develops in 3 steps
- Solo/ Solitary play (2-3 yrs)
- • “On looker”- notice what the other kid doing- lead to parallel play
- • Unless adult intervention they will only interact by saying I want to play this
- • Will play with separate toys
- • Will not play together
- Parallel Play (4-5 yrs)
- • Playing with the same toys at the same toys but they don’t interact
- o Don’t talk, share
- True Interactive Play (5-6yrs)
- • Sociative play
- o Don’t get together and build the same thing together but talk about the other’s toys
- • Cooperate play (6-7
- o Build something together
- o Discontinuous, one pathway
- o Normal for a 5 yr old where do cooperate play and then want to go back and do solo play
- o If child does not progress then problem
- Stuck in solo play- autism, anxiety,
- • Want early intervention
- Consistently at cooperate play and then go into solo play and stay there
- • Developing anxiety
- Physical problem- hearing problem
- • Friendships
- o Based on activity or something similar they like
- Both like hello kitty
- o Benefit emotionally if have the similar kid with them
- Kid regress or haves solo play if best friend go on vacation
Forming Friendships
- o Crick and Dodge
- Aggression in teenage boys
- • Routed in information processing and preschool play
- 3-4 yr old take an accident event and tell themselves that they did it on purpose
- • Bully then problematic kid